Top Items:
Rick Sanchez Fired From CNN — CNN released this statement today: — “Rick Sanchez is no longer with the company. We thank Rick for his years of service and we wish him well.” — They will broadcast CNN Newsroom from 3-5pm for the foreseeable future. — Here's more from the story earlier today:
Rick Sanchez Calls Jon Stewart “A Bigot”; Says CNN Is Run By Jews — CNN's Rick Sanchez is not happy with being made fun of constantly on The Daily Show and Colbert Report. It is from this jumping off point that he absolutely unleashed on Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, and at times his own network …
The Hollywood Reporter, Crooks and Liars, ReadWriteWeb, TPM LiveWire, The Reaction, Runnin' Scared, Yahoo! News, theblogprof, Liberal Values, Big Journalism, The Politico, Weekly Standard, PopWatch, All American Blogger,, Don Surber, Outside the Beltway, The Daily Caller, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, American Conservative Values, Left Coast Rebel, Gateway Pundit and Weasel Zippers, more at Techmeme »
Breaking: Rick Sanchez fired from CNN — The formal announcement is shockingly brief — which, actually, speaks volumes. — Monday's “Daily Show” should be a very special episode indeed, my friends. … I assume everyone already knows why, but if you missed Ed's post this morning, read it now.
Patterico's Pontifications, Mediaite, Nice Deb and Pajamas Media
CNN's Rick Sanchez Calls Jon Stewart ‘Bigot’ — Cuban-American anchor Rick Sanchez came on Stand Up! with Pete Dominick today for a loose exchange on current events, media, and journalism. Throughout much of the interview, the discussion touched on race. To our surprise, at various points …
Rick Sanchez: Jon Stewart A ‘Bigot,’ Jews Run CNN & All Media — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — CNN's Rick Sanchez made controversial comments on a Sirius radio show Thursday, calling Jon Stewart a “bigot” and saying that CNN and the other networks are all run by Jewish people.
Lez Get Real, Washington Monthly and Gawker
CNN Fires Sanchez After Critique of Stewart
Moraes on TV and
Sanchez out at CNN — Rick Sanchez lost his job at CNN on Friday …
The Confluence
Rick Sanchez's formula for achieving more balanced media coverage
Balloon Juice, Wonkette, TPM LiveWire, American Power and First Draft
Sanchez: CNN run by the Jews
The Huffington Post and theblogprof
What Rick Sanchez said about CNN and Jews
Towleroad News #gay and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion
Palin jousts with Rouse — (CNN) - Pete Rouse was just installed as White House chief of staff on Friday, but he's already been facing fire from Sarah Palin for over a week. — Now White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs is hitting back, calling the former Alaska governor's accusations “fairly silly.”
Political Punch, The Hill and Outside the Beltway
Rahm Emanuel's White House visitor trail
The Politico, Hillicon Valley and The Washington Independent
Obama huddles with Chicago reporters: Emanuel would be “excellent” mayor
The Capitol Fax Blog,, New York Times and Chicago Sun Times
It's Official: Rahm Emanuel Departs White House; Peter Rouse …
The Daily Caller,, Beltway Confidential, Hot Air and The Fix
Guv signs marijuana decriminalization bill — (10-01) 16:49 PDT Sacramento — Citing the need to reduce spending on prosecution and courts, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a measure that makes marijuana possession an infraction, on par with traffic and littering tickets.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland and Little Green Footballs
California Reduces Its Penalty for Marijuana
The Snitch and Hot Air
California Governor Signs Marijuana Decriminalization Bill
Left Coast Rebel and Dean's World
Christine O'Donnell: After Witchcraft I Tried to Be A Hare Krishna — But Liked Meatballs Too Much (VIDEO) — In 1999 Christine O'Donnell told Bill Maher that she'd briefly tried Buddhism, and that she'd tried to be a Hare Krishna but couldn't take the vegetarianism.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Talking Points Memo and The Political Carnival
Whitman within law, immigration lawyers say — (10-01) 04:00 PDT Washington - — Whether or not Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman received a letter from the Social Security Administration saying her former housekeeper's false documents did not match its records …
Gateway Pundit, CNSNews and The Washington Independent
Fiorina Called For Imprisoning 'Employers Who Knowingly Hired …
CBS News and The Daily Caller
Paladino switches gears and course-corrects (Updated) — Carl Paladino, in interviews with the Buffalo News and NY1, says he wasn't alleging Andrew Cuomo had affairs in his interview with me on Tuesday, and also that he wasn't suggesting that he had evidence to release on the topic.
The Daily Politics, Hot Air, News Hounds, CNN, Mediaite, New York Magazine, The Daily Beast and Capital Tonight
Paladino Concedes: I Got No Proof [VIDEO]
Liberty Pundits Blog and New York Magazine
The Political Wild Card — WILMINGTON — Before she was a Tea Party cause célèbre, liberal laughingstock and perhaps the embodiment of a can-you-top-this-for-bizarre political season, Christine O'Donnell grew up in a “Brady Bunch” household of six kids (three Democrats …
The Caucus and gary scott
U.S. Officials: Bin Laden Believed to Be Involved in European Plot — Senior Al Qaeda leaders, including Usama Bin Laden, are believed to be behind efforts to mount a Mumbai-style attack on Westerners in European cities, a senior U.S. intelligence official told Fox News …
The Long War Journal, Telegraph, Hot Air, Gateway Pundit, NPR, American Power and Theo Spark
Eco-fascism jumps the shark: massive, epic fail! — I predicted this morning that No Pressure - Richard Curtis's spectacularly ill-judged eco-propaganda movie for the 10:10 campaign - would prove a disastrous own goal for the green movement. — But what I could never have imagined …
Al Gore fails to mention President Barack Obama during Democratic rally in Florida — Al Gore failed to mention President Barack Obama at a campaign rally in Florida as Democrats extended their new tactic for next month's elections - ignoring the man who so inspired them in 2008.
Weasel Zippers and theblogprof
Crist tells Dems ‘I can win’ against ‘radical right’ Rubio
Ballot Box and CNN
U.S. Apologizes for Syphilis Program in Guatemala — From 1946 to 1948, American public health doctors deliberately infected nearly 700 Guatemalans — prison inmates, mental patients and soldiers — with venereal diseases in what was meant as an effort to test the effectiveness of penicillin.
Exercise and Weight Loss — Ta-Nehisi Coates writes some about losing weight: … I think that's largely true. The biggest gym-related thing I've done to lose weight is that I did some sessions with a personal trainer who warned me up front that you can't really lose weight in the gym—you need to eat less food.
The Atlantic Online and Eschaton
Insurer Cuts Health Plans as New Law Takes Hold — The Principal Financial Group announced on Thursday that it planned to stop selling health insurance, another sign of upheaval emerging among insurers as the new federal health law starts to take effect. — The company, based in Iowa …
Don Surber, Opinion L.A., Sweetness & Light, Liberty Pundits Blog, Pajamas Media, The Consumerist and National Review
Principal Financial Quits Writing Health-Care Policies
Doug Ross, All American Blogger, AmSpecBlog and Cato @ Liberty
Liberals hope rally rivals Beck's — The rally liberal groups are staging at the National Mall on Saturday hasn't received nearly the media buzz of Glenn Beck's Aug. 28 rally, but organizers insist that their numbers will rival Beck's, which drew tens of thousands - or hundreds of thousands, depending on whose estimates you believe.
Pajamas Media
Hypocritical Liberals Beg Murdoch to Force Amnesty Views on Fox News — When news broke in August that News Corp., the media conglomerate owned by Rupert Murdoch, had donated a million dollars to the Republican Governor's Association, liberals howled that Murdoch's personal political views …
Flopping Aces, Hot Air, Weasel Zippers, Mediaite and Gawker
Lone $4.1 Billion Sale Led to ‘Flash Crash’ in May — It was a stock market mystery that had everyone guessing for months: just what caused that harrowing flash crash last May? — On Friday, after months of investigation and speculation, federal authorities finally provided the answer …
The Consumerist, Gawker, Runnin' Scared, DealBook, Truthdig, Daily Kos and Prairie Weather, more at Techmeme »