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Welcome to the anti-stimulus — The good news: The private sector gained 64,000 jobs in September. The bad news? The public sector lost 159,000. And they weren't all census jobs, either. Local governments fired 76,000 workers. In other words, this is the first jobs report in recent months that isn't driven by census layoffs.

Cuts in Government Led U.S. Economy to Lose 95,000 Jobs — The economy shed 95,000 nonfarm jobs in September, the Labor Department reported Friday, with most of the decline the result of the layoffs by local governments and of temporary decennial Census workers.
Calculated Risk, Hot Air, Associated Press, Washington Monthly, Michelle Malkin, Economix, The New Republic, The Caucus, NRSC, Seeing the Forest, ReadWriteWeb, Outside the Beltway, The Sundries Shack, New York Magazine, Daily Kos, Prairie Weather, Jay Bookman, Taylor Marsh, The Awl, No More Mister Nice Blog and Commentary

Time's running out for job growth — There's absolutely nothing to get excited about in the September payrolls report. America has substantially fewer jobs than it did a month ago, in what is meant to be a growing economy. Even the uptick in private-sector employment (+64,000) …

Biggest Local Cuts in 30 Years
The New Republic, Washington Monthly, PostPartisan and The Maddow Blog

An associate of Jerry Brown calls Meg Whitman a “whore” over pension reform (AUDIO) — In a private conversation that was inadvertently taped by a voicemail machine (audio below), an associate of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown can be heard referring to his Republican opponent Meg Whitman as a …
The Politico,, Front Row Washington, Opinion L.A., Fox News, Big Journalism, Mediaite, GayPatriot, Political Punch, theblogprof, Radio Vice Online, Verum Serum, Hot Air, Scared Monkeys, The Page, POWIP, Weasel Zippers, Liberty Pundits Blog, Politics Daily, Left Coast Rebel, MyFox DC, Ben Smith's Blog, Calbuzz, Riehl World View, Marooned In Marin, sara in italy, National Review and HotAirPundit

California governor candidates spar over ‘whore’ remark
Left Coast Rebel, New York Magazine and American Power

Emily's List president: Brown should apologize for staffer's ‘whore’ quip
The Atlantic Online

Caught Spying on Student, FBI Demands GPS Tracker Back — A California student got a visit from the FBI this week after he found a secret GPS tracking device on his car, and a friend posted photos of it online. The post prompted wide speculation about whether the device was real …
The Moderate Voice, The Jawa Report, Raw Story, TPMMuckraker,, Engadget, and Balloon Juice, more at Techmeme »

CNN Poll: Was Bush better president than Obama? — (CNN) - Americans are divided over whether President Barack Obama or his predecessor has performed better in the White House, according to a new national poll. — And a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Friday also indicates …
The Moderate Voice, Hot Air, POWIP, Weasel Zippers and

GLENN BECK REVEALS HE'LL UNDERGO MEDICAL TESTS FOR COMBINATION OF CONDITIONS — This morning on his radio program, Glenn Beck discussed in more detail some of the physical challenges he's been facing. Glenn told his audience that he will be taking several days off next week to undergo tests at a hospital “out west.”
Wonkette, Mediaite, five feet of fury. and New York Magazine

A Florida Double Crist? — Kendrick Meek might drop out of the Florida senate race and thereby pave the path to victory for Charlie Crist. — TAMPA — Republican leaders in the Sunshine State are fretting that a deal may be in the works to get Democratic nominee Kendrick Meek …

Reid gets top GOP endorsements — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid racked up the endorsements of two high-profile Nevada Republicans Thursday and Friday, a sign that the state's GOP establishment remains at a distance from Republican Sharron Angle. — Dema Guinn, Nevada's former first lady …
The Moderate Voice

Leading Nevada Republican endorses Harry Reid
Liberty Pundits Blog, Riehl World View and The Note

The End of the Tunnel — The Erie Canal. Hoover Dam. The Interstate Highway System. Visionary public projects are part of the American tradition, and have been a major driver of our economic development. — And right now, by any rational calculation, would be an especially good time to improve the nation's infrastructure.

Nobel Peace Prize Given to Jailed Chinese Dissident — BEIJING — Liu Xiaobo, an impassioned literary critic, political essayist and democracy advocate repeatedly jailed by the Chinese government for his activism, has won the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of “his long and non-violent struggle …

‘This is the biggest fraud in the history of the capital markets’ — Janet Tavakoli is the founder and president of Tavakoli Structured Finance Inc. She sounded some of the earliest warnings on the structured finance market, leading the University of Chicago to profile her as a …

Donilon to Replace Jones as National Security Adviser — President Obama will announce on Friday that Gen. James Jones, the national security adviser, is resigning and will be replaced by Thomas E. Donilon, the principal deputy national security adviser, senior administration officials said.
Taegan Goddard's …, Swampland, No More Mister Nice Blog, Michelle Malkin and New York Magazine

Joe Miller Received Medicaid Benefits He Thinks Are Unconstitutional — Alaska GOP Senate candidate Joe Miller has repeatedly claimed that federal health care benefits violate the Constitution. It turns out, however, that “Mr. Noun, Verb, and Unconstitutional” doesn't actually think that the Constitution applies to himself.
Anchorage Daily News, The Huffington Post, Daily Kos, TPMDC and skippy the bush kangaroo

Healthcare Friday: Tea Party candidate benefited from 'unconsti …
Think Progress, The Volokh Conspiracy and Anchorage Daily News

Paladino Meltdown Watch. — Faced with a political race that didn't involve proving he hated Muslims more than the other candidate, Republican gubernatorial nominee Carl Paladino's candidacy has struggled to gain ground on Democrat Andrew Cuomo. An initial Quinnipiac poll showed Paladino …
No More Mister Nice Blog, NY Daily News and TPMDC

Paladino: Andrew Cuomo's ‘prowess is legendary’
New York Times, The Moderate Voice and City Room

Sarah Palin in West Palm Beach: “I'll run for president if the American people want me to!” — Former vice-presidential hopeful and governor of Alaska Sarah Palin told a small studio audience during the taping of a webcast Wednesday in West Palm Beach that she would run for president in 2012 if …
PostPartisan,, The Political Carnival and GOP 12

How Dumb Can They Get? — The people who run the New York Times, along with columnists like Paul Krugman and Maureen Dowd, are so ill-informed and out of touch that their efforts to tell the rest of us what to think grow more pitiful every day. This is from today's NYT Corrections Section.
Vox Popoli

Duke Winces as a Private Joke Slips Out of Control — DURHAM, N.C. — For nearly two weeks, many here on the Duke University campus had been aware of a certain senior “thesis” that a recent graduate wrote, apparently as a private joke, about her sexual exploits with 13 student-athletes.
Althouse, Telegraph, PrawfsBlawg and The Stir

Why Barack Obama is an anti-colonialist — If you want to understand what is going on in the White House today, you have to begin with Barack Obama. No, not that Barack Obama. I mean Barack Obama Sr., the president's father. Obama gets his identity and his ideology from his father.

Foreclosure Fraud For Dummies, 1: The Chains and the Stakes — The current wave of foreclosure fraud and the consequences for the economy are difficult to follow. As such, I'm going to write a few posts to simplify what is going on so you can follow stories as they unfold.
The Washington Independent,* and Ezra Klein

A different way to make a big difference in 2010 — As the election approaches, the buzz in Democratic activist circles is the need for GOTV. If we can turn out the vote, and get the composition of the electorate back to what it was in 2008, then Democrats will win.
Pajamas Media, The Jawa Report, YID With LID and

Marijuana Placeholder Post — Murphy's Law of Blogging: Hit the road for a couple days to do some “real” reporting and suddenly bloggable topics will sprout like mushrooms in your absence. A brief placeholder, then, on several marijuana-themed stories I'll weigh in on. — “It's Democrats' Secret Weapon!”:

Fox 5 reporter Charles Leaf accused of sexually assaulting 4-year-old girl — Charles Leaf mug shot. — Leaf is being held in the Bergen County Jail on $250,000 bail and will be arraigned on Nov. 4 in Wyckoff Municipal Court. — Leaf, 41, faces charges of aggravated sexual assault …
Mediaite, Little Green Footballs and Raw Story

The IRS and the latest licensing outrage — Who would you rather prepare your taxes? A professional tax return preparer with over a dozen years experience in preparing tax returns for taxpayers without incident. Or me, an attorney who has never so much as taken a law school class …

The Colbert Democrats — A president's first midterm election is inevitably a referendum on his two years in office. The bad news for Democrats is that President Obama's “reelect” number is 38 percent — precisely Bill Clinton's in October 1994, the eve of the wave election …
GayPatriot,, Shopfloor and Betsy's Page

GUESS WHO'S VOTING?.... The other day, I had an idea for a short election-related video, so I jotted down a few notes. Of course, I don't know anything about turning back-of-the-napkin ideas into a finished product, so I took the concept to my friend Bill Simmon, a skilled filmmaker …

Flawed Foreclosure Documents Thwart Home Sales — OCALA, Fla. — Amanda Ducksworth was supposed to move in to her new home this week, a three-bedroom steal here in central Florida with a horse farm across the road. Instead, she is camped out with her 7-year-old son at her boss's house.
KCRG-TV, The Other McCain, Firedoglake,, Clusterstock and Calculated Risk

The Cap-and-Trade Crackup — A Virginia Democrat with a ‘safe’ seat angers constituents with his anti-coal vote. — Even as Speaker Nancy Pelosi twisted arms for the final votes to pass her climate bill in June 2009, Democrats feared they might be “BTU'd.”
Power Line and Shopfloor