Top Items:
Maggie Haberman / The Politico:
Jerry Brown: Mammograms not effective — Smelling blood after a Jerry Brown associate used the word “whore” in connection with Meg Whitman's campaign strategy, Republican sources have provided a 15-year-old video of the Democratic gubernatorial hopeful dismissing mammograms in an old interview.
The Last Tradition, NO QUARTER, Ben Smith's Blog and American Power

Jerry Brown “There Is No Evidence That Mammograms Are Effective” — California Gubernatorial Candidate Jerry Brown may very well get another endorsement from a major Woman's advocacy group. Yesterday the day after The Los Angeles Times distributed an audio taped conversation between him and an associate …
Moe Lane and GayPatriot
Washington Post:
Beyond the tea party: What Americans really think of government — If there is an overarching theme of election 2010, it is the question of how big the government should be and how far it should reach into people's lives. — Americans have a more negative view of government today than they did a decade ago, or even a few years ago.
No More Mister Nice Blog, Daily Kos, The Political Carnival and Taegan Goddard's …
Sam Youngman / The Hill:
‘Professional left’ says Obama's needling strategy won't work — High-profile liberals say President Obama's attempts to badger Democrats into voting will not work this November. — Jane Hamsher, founder of the blog, told The Hill in an email Friday that the strategy …
The Impolitic, Prairie Weather, The Last Tradition and Weasel Zippers
Mark Townsend / Guardian:
Far-right linked to Tea Party activists — As the far-right group marches in Leicester, details are emerging of growing contacts with extremist US groups in a 'war on Islamification" — The English Defence League, a far-right grouping aimed at combating the “Islamification” of British cities …
Gates of Vienna

Outraged, and Outrageous — Top row from left: RT America; Atlas Shrugs; ABC News; Atlas Shrugs. Second row: Fox News; Canadian Broadcasting Company; Atlas Shrugs; MSNBC. Third row: CNN; Atlas Shrugs (Three photos). Bottom Row: CBS NEWS; CNN; Atlas Shrugs (2 photos).
The Atlantic Online, Atlas Shrugs and Little Green Footballs

‘SNL’ hits O'Donnell again — WILMINGTON, Del. - “Saturday Night Live” took another jab at Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell, making light of her recent television campaign ad. — In the political ad that debuted this week, O'Donnell tells the camera, “I'm not a witch.”
Ann Althouse / Althouse:
Russ Feingold and his GOP challenger Ron Johnson answer a question about how close they are to the beliefs of the Tea Party. — Watch Russ Feingold confidently assert that he represents Tea Party values. Marvel at the importance of reading the Constitution at an early age and carrying it around all the time.
The Other McCain

Outflanked on Right, Coulter Seeks New Image — “I WROTE a new speech for the gays and I don't have it memorized yet!” said Ann Coulter, as she ducked into a hallway in the Union Square apartment of the venture capitalist Peter Thiel on a recent Saturday night, flicking a half-empty packet of Habitrol gum between her fingers.
TigerHawk, Comments from Left Field and GayPatriot

Google Cars Drive Themselves, in Traffic — MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — Anyone driving the twists of Highway 1 between San Francisco and Los Angeles recently may have glimpsed a Toyota Prius with a curious funnel-like cylinder on the roof. Harder to notice was that the person at the wheel was not actually driving.
TechCrunch, Outside the Beltway, PointOfLaw Forum, Fortune, New York Magazine and The Impolitic, more at Techmeme »

Government had been warned for months about troubles in mortgage servicer industry — Consumer advocates and lawyers warned federal officials in recent years that the U.S. foreclosure system was designed to seize people's homes as fast as possible, often without regard to the rights of homeowners.
Crooks and Liars
New York Times:
Lethal Force Under Law — The Obama administration has sharply expanded the shadow war against terrorists, using both the military and the C.I.A. to track down and kill hundreds of them, in a dozen countries, on and off the battlefield. — The drone program has been effective …
Pirate's Cove