Top Items:

Outraged, and Outrageous — Top row from left: RT America; Atlas Shrugs; ABC News; Atlas Shrugs. Second row: Fox News; Canadian Broadcasting Company; Atlas Shrugs; MSNBC. Third row: CNN; Atlas Shrugs (Three photos). Bottom Row: CBS NEWS; CNN; Atlas Shrugs (2 photos).
Hullabaloo, Atlas Shrugs and Little Green Footballs

English Defence League forges links with America's Tea Party — As the far-right group marches in Leicester, details are emerging of growing contacts with extremist US groups in a 'war on Islamification" — The English Defence League, a far-right grouping aimed at combating the …
Little Green Footballs, American Power, Outside the Beltway, Raw Story and Gates of Vienna

Pamela Geller: In Her Own Words
Power Line, Atlas Shrugs and Jihad Watch

I Can Afford Higher Taxes. But They'll Make Me Work Less. — AN important issue dividing the political parties is whether to raise taxes on those earning more than $250,000 a year. Democrats say these taxpayers can afford to chip in a bit more. Republicans say raising taxes …
Mother Jones, Emptywheel, Marginal Revolution, Balloon Juice and Wake up America

Remember cramdown? It was a proposed change to bankruptcy law that would have allowed judges to modify the mortgages on primary homes for people entering bankruptcy. Supporters of the change argued that cramdown would provide an important stick to force lenders into modifying loans …

Government had been warned for months about troubles in mortgage servicer industry — Consumer advocates and lawyers warned federal officials in recent years that the U.S. foreclosure system was designed to seize people's homes as fast as possible, often without regard to the rights of homeowners.
Crooks and Liars

‘SNL’ hits O'Donnell again — WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — “Saturday Night Live” has taken another jab at Christine O'Donnell - and the Delaware Senate candidate says the riff on her recent television campaign ad “was really funny.” — In the ad that debuted this week, O'Donnell tells the camera, “I'm not a witch.”
The Political Carnival, CNN and Gateway Pundit

Beyond the tea party: What Americans really think of government — If there is an overarching theme of election 2010, it is the question of how big the government should be and how far it should reach into people's lives. — Americans have a more negative view of government today than they did a decade ago, or even a few years ago.
No More Mister Nice Blog, Daily Kos and The Political Carnival

Jerry Brown: Mammograms not effective — Smelling blood after a Jerry Brown associate used the word “whore” in connection with Meg Whitman's campaign strategy, Republican sources have provided a 15-year-old video of the Democratic gubernatorial hopeful dismissing mammograms in an old interview.
Left Coast Rebel, The Last Tradition, Ben Smith's Blog, NO QUARTER and American Power

Jerry Brown “There Is No Evidence That Mammograms Are Effective”
GayPatriot and Moe Lane

What we're driving at — Larry and Sergey founded Google because they wanted to help solve really big problems using technology. And one of the big problems we're working on today is car safety and efficiency. Our goal is to help prevent traffic accidents, free up people's …
Digits, TechCrunch and The Awl, more at Techmeme »

Republicans Scrub Nazi-Impersonating House Candidate From Young Guns Website — That didn't take long. — We learned yesterday that the Republican running against Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) has the unique hobby of donning an SS costume to honor fallen Nazis.

Giannoulias, Kirk attack each other's integrity in Sunday morning TV debate — Both Illinois Senate candidates attacked each other's honesty and integrity in a televised debate Sunday in their high-profile race to fill the seat left open by President Barack Obama.
The Politico and CNN

Axelrod Hits Out at Foreign Money in Elections — Dems Ratchet Up Attack on Chamber of Commerce; GOP Strategist Accuses Obama Admin. of Abuse of Power — (CBS) David Axelrod, the White House's Senior Adviser, is ratcheting up the Democrats' attack on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce …
Think Progress and Mediaite

Outflanked on Right, Coulter Seeks New Image — “I WROTE a new speech for the gays and I don't have it memorized yet!” said Ann Coulter, as she ducked into a hallway in the Union Square apartment of the venture capitalist Peter Thiel on a recent Saturday night, flicking a half-empty packet of Habitrol gum between her fingers.
Discussion:, TigerHawk, GayPatriot and Comments from Left Field