Top Items:
Sewell Chan / The Caucus:
Soros: I Can't Stop a Republican ‘Avalanche’ — George Soros, the billionaire financier who was an energetic Democratic donor in the last several election cycles but is sitting this one out, is not feeling optimistic about Democratic prospects. — “I made an exception getting involved in 2004 …
Mark Halperin / Time:
Why Obama Is in the Jaws of Political Death — Barack Obama is being politically crushed in a vise. From above, by elite opinion about his competence. From below, by mass anger and anxiety over unemployment. And it is too late for him to do anything about this predicament until after November's elections.
Hot Air, Pajamas Media, The Last Tradition, Questions and Observations, Liberty Pundits Blog,, Taylor Marsh, Weasel Zippers, JustOneMinute, Wake up America, Pundit & Pundette, National Review, Beltway Confidential, The Political Carnival, Commentary and Biased BBC
The President's Nun: Obamacare Scranton Scandal Explodes — Can you say “October Surprise”? — A mushrooming political battle over ObamaCare involving the White House, two incumbent Pennsylvania congressmen, three Catholic hospitals and a nun has just exploded in, of all places, Scranton, Pennsylvania.
Riehl World View, BackyardConservative, Verum Serum and Liberty Pundits Blog
Jake Tapper / Political Punch:
Axelrod to US Chamber: What Are You Hiding That You Don't Want …
Axelrod to US Chamber: What Are You Hiding That You Don't Want …
ABCNEWS, Hot Air, The Sundries Shack and RealClearPolitics Video Log
3 Share Nobel Economics Prize for Labor Analysis — The 2010 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science was awarded on Monday to Peter A. Diamond, Dale T. Mortensen and Christopher A. Pissarides for their work on markets where buyers and sellers have difficulty finding each other …
Paul Krugman, Economix, The Caucus, Guardian, Marginal Revolution, Open Left, Truth on the Market, The New Republic, Mediaite, Gawker, Real Time Economics, Grasping Reality …, Washington Monthly, Capital Gains and Games blogs, FT Alphaville, Matthew Yglesias, Calculated Risk and The Page
Ezra Klein:
Peter Diamond wins the Nobel Prize, continues being blocked by the Senate
Peter Diamond wins the Nobel Prize, continues being blocked by the Senate
The Huffington Post, Political Economy,, Marginal Revolution, Money & Company and Jay Bookman
Michael O'Brien / The Hill:
Stalled Obama nominee wins share of Nobel Prize in economics
Stalled Obama nominee wins share of Nobel Prize in economics
Think Progress, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Daily Kos and The Washington Independent
North Carolina Muslim Admits Working with al Qaeda: “Proud to be an American Traitor” [Full text] — I think we can quit with the speculation about where he went and why — Update by Rusty: The full text of Khan's story can be found at the end of this post. — I'm reading the magazine now and will continue to update.
Liveshots and doubleplusundead
Dina Temple-Raston / NPR:
Handful Of Americans Play Key Roles In Terrorism Threat
Handful Of Americans Play Key Roles In Terrorism Threat
The Jawa Report
Dave Itzkoff / ArtsBeat:
‘The Simpsons’ Explains Its Button-Pushing Banksy Opening — How did “The Simpsons” manage to track down Banksy, the pseudonymous British artist, and get him to create the powerful opening-credit sequence from Sunday's episode, which seems to reveal the torturous sweatshop responsible for the show's creation?
Lean Left, TV Squad, TechCrunch, Underwire, Gothamist, Hot Air, The Huffington Post and BlogPost, more at Mediagazer »
“Progressive Hunter” — Jailhouse Confession: How the right-wing media and Glenn Beck's chalkboard drove Byron Williams to plot assassination … Byron Williams' alleged domestic terror plot began in Groveland, a tiny Gold Rush town nestled high in the Sierras, three hours east of San Francisco.
Washington Monthly, Eschaton, Corrente, TPMMuckraker, Hit & Run, Crooks and Liars, Salon, Daily Kos, Raw Story, Little Green Footballs and Prairie Weather
Alexander Mooney / CNN:
Trending: ‘Exuberant’ author aims for President, meets Secret Service — (CNN) - The Secret Service is now shedding some more light on the circumstances surrounding a man who threw a book at President Obama at an event in Pennsylvania Sunday. And they're not throwing the book at him.
Rough Sketch, Weigel, RedState, New York Magazine and Gateway Pundit
More Great Candidates to Support This Year — I've just finished up another great week of travel across our country. From Florida to California, the feeling is unmistakable. A commonsense grassroots movement is determined to get our country back to its founding principles and constitutional roots.
Politics Daily, Ballot Box, The Note, Michelle Malkin and The Other McCain
Frank Newport / Gallup:
Republicans Maintain Strength Among Likely Voters — Race generally stable; independents remain key benefit for GOP — PRINCETON, NJ — Republicans maintain a substantial advantage over Democrats among likely voters in Gallup's generic ballot for Congress — in both lower- and higher-turnout scenarios …
Taegan Goddard's …
Michael O'Brien / The Hill:
Gallup poll shows GOP isn't losing steam with likely voters
White Men With Guns—Reconstruction Redux — I saw it. But I couldn't believe it. — There I was, in a fast food drive through, behind a man whose back window decal, in small white letters, sent me a message that sent a chill down my spine—just as he'd hoped it would, no doubt. It said:
Confederate Yankee, AMERICAblog News, Angry Bear and The Reaction
Buck's refusal to prosecute 2005 rape case reverberates in U.S. Senate race — Critics: Weld DA's treatment of alleged victim ‘shows his general view of women’ — When Weld County District Attorney Ken Buck refused to prosecute a rape case five years ago, he probably had no idea …
Daily Kos, Hullabaloo, Colorado Independent, and The Washington Independent
Source: Brown's wife called Whitman a ‘whore’ — gubernatorial race, meg whitman, jerry brown, politics — Fox News is claiming it has sources whom have identified the person in Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown's campaign who called Republican challenger Meg Whitman a “whore.”
Left Coast Rebel, New York Magazine and The Last Tradition
Michael O'Brien / The Hill:
Manchin: If healthcare reform can't be fixed, ‘repeal the whole thing’ — West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin (D), who is in a tough fight for a Senate seat, said Monday he'd support repealing the healthcare reform law if it can't be fixed. — Manchin, who's been falling behind in his race …
CNN, The Politico, Think Progress, FiveThirtyEight, The New Republic, NRSC, No More Mister Nice Blog, Weasel Zippers and Wake up America
Michael O'Brien / The Hill:
Struggling Dem Senate candidate distances himself from Obama
Struggling Dem Senate candidate distances himself from Obama
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
Hey, Small Spender — Here's the narrative you hear everywhere: President Obama has presided over a huge expansion of government, but unemployment has remained high. And this proves that government spending can't create jobs. — Here's what you need to know: The whole story is a myth.
The TrogloPundit, Grasping Reality …, Washington Monthly, Salon, Swampland, Sister Toldjah, Clusterstock, Daily Kos and Prairie Weather
Democrats Are Conflicted Over Black Vote, Obama — ST. LOUIS—Democrats say it is critical that they turn out African American voters this November. But for Robin Carnahan, the party's nominee for Senate in Missouri, that is proving to be a tricky proposition.
Washington Wire and protein wisdom
Column: An ugly word for an ugly economy — You may not know the term “hysteresis.” It's the “lagging of an effect behind its cause,” and it's an ugly word that sounds like a foot fungus. It's also an ugly thing to have happen to your economy. And it may be what's happening to ours.
Grasping Reality …, The Washington Independent and Eschaton
Jeffrey M. Jones / Gallup:
Americans' Image of “Federal Government” Mostly Negative — More than 7 in 10 describe government in negative terms — PRINCETON, NJ — More than 7 in 10 Americans use a word or phrase that is clearly negative when providing a top-of-mind reaction to the federal government.
CNSNews, Modeled Behavior and Questions and Observations
Fiorina, Whitman down tequila shots — California's top Republican candidates, Senate hopeful Carly Fiorina and gubernatorial hopeful Meg Whitman, took a timeout from taking shots at their opponents over weekend to take shots of tequila. — Appearing at the Hispanic 100 Lifetime Achievement …
CNN, Rough Sketch, The Daily Caller and New York Magazine
‘Hick’ Ad Actor: 'Don't Tase Me, Bro' — ABC News' Rick Klein reports: — The Republican attack ad that sought out the “ ‘hicky’ blue collar look” for actors to play “real” West Virginians has placed a spotlight on a common practice the campaign advertising world - or, at least …
The Plum Line, TRAIL BLAZERS and Swampland
Former VP Dick Cheney appears gaunt at California event months after heart procedure — WASHINGTON - Former Vice President Dick Cheney appeared gaunt and frail as he defended Bush administration terror policies before a sellout California crowd over the weekend.
JammieWearingFool and Right Wing News
Foreign Contributions: Investigating Obama — It took years, but there is something I finally agree with Barack Obama and Al Franken on. Obama and his propaganda machine in the mainstream media, not to mention his party of corruption, are calling for an investigation of “foreign money” in campaigns.
HillBuzz, YID With LID, Atlas Shrugs, Michelle Malkin and The Last Tradition
Adam Serwer / American Prospect:
The Enforcement Paradox — With their failure to enact immigration reform, Democrats risk turning their “emerging majority” into a permanent swing vote. — In 1997, GOP messaging strategist Frank Luntz issued a warning: If Republicans failed to appeal to Hispanic voters, “they could be lost to us for a generation.”
Speakeasy and Democracy in America