Top Items:
Foreign Money Flowing Into Campaign? — President Obama, Democrats Say There's Foreign Influence in Election, Scant Evidence to Prove Claims — To many Democrats, the accusation by President Obama and other party leaders that foreign money might be bank rolling some pro-Republican political …
White House ‘out of the fetal position’ — The White House seems to have settled on what one Democratic operative calls “The Spaghetti Strategy,” a throw-anything-against-the-wall approach to attacking a carefully targeted group of Republican heavies ahead of Nov. 2.
National Review and Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog
Bill Clinton blasts Rand Paul, GOP tactics at UK rally for Conway — Former President Bill Clinton campaigned for Attorney General Jack Conway in Lexington on Monday, delivering a hard-nosed repudiation of Republican Rand Paul's “radical ideas” to cut government spending.
Crooks and Liars, Ballot Box, Washington Monthly and Barefoot and Progressive
Los Angeles Times:
Some Democrats uneasy with attacks on Chamber of Commerce
Some Democrats uneasy with attacks on Chamber of Commerce
Firedoglake, Oliver Willis and Don Surber
Jake Tapper / Political Punch:
Axelrod to US Chamber: What Are You Hiding That You Don't Want …
Axelrod to US Chamber: What Are You Hiding That You Don't Want …
theblogprof, The Sundries Shack, National Review, Hot Air, Washington Post and RealClearPolitics Video Log
Obama Loses Support in Poll as Joblessness Prompts Growing U.S. Discontent — Hope has turned to doubt and disenchantment for almost half of President Barack Obama's supporters. — More than 4 of 10 likely voters who say they once considered themselves Obama backers now are either less supportive …
The Moderate Voice, Weasel Zippers, The Page and Prairie Weather
Nearly half of Obama's supporters have now given up on him: poll — Nearly half the people who once considered themselves supporters of President Barack Obama don't anymore. — Other than that, his virtually nonstop cross-country campaigning for embattled Democrats in the Nov. 2 election is working perfectly.
The Hill, Left Coast Rebel, protein wisdom, Scared Monkeys, Gallup and New York Magazine
John McCormick / Bloomberg:
Republicans Prove Unpopular With Voters Against Obama in Poll
Wall Street Pay: A Record $144 Billion — Financial Overhaul Has Affected Structure but Not Level; Revenue-to-Compensation Ratio Stays Flat — Pay on Wall Street is on pace to break a record high for a second consecutive year, according to a study conducted by The Wall Street Journal.
Parker Spitzer, Gawker, Sweetness & Light, Felix Salmon, Raw Story, Clusterstock, New York Magazine and The Impolitic
Offshore Wind Power Line Wins Praise, and Backing — WASHINGTON — Google and a New York financial firm have each agreed to invest heavily in a proposed $5 billion transmission backbone for future offshore wind farms along the Atlantic Seaboard that could ultimately transform the region's electrical map.
NDN blogs, Reuters, CBS New York, JustOneMinute, Sweetness & Light, Grist and The Washington Independent, more at Techmeme »
Rick Needham / The Official Google Blog:
The wind cries transmission
The wind cries transmission
Financial Times, Guardian, TechCrunch, Mashable! and Search Engine Land
Chris Stirewalt / Fox News:
Fox News Polls: GOP Sees Senate Chances Improve — The race for the Senate continues to heat up as Republicans lead for two seats currently held by Democrats — Nevada and Washington — while another Republican has closed into striking distance for an open seat in Connecticut.
Taegan Goddard's …, Commentary, TPMDC and Beltway Confidential
Ken Buck Explained To Alleged Rape Victim Why He Wouldn't Take Her Case (AUDIO) — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — A five-year-old rape case that was never prosecuted is suddenly causing major ripples in the Colorado Senate race and headaches for Republican candidate Ken Buck.
Washington Monthly, Speakeasy, Weigel, Colorado Independent, Daily Kos, Hullabaloo and The Washington Independent
David Catanese / The Politico:
Rape case haunts Buck in Colo.
Rape case haunts Buck in Colo.
The Note and
Offering Donors Secrecy, and Going on Attack — The American Future Fund, a conservative organization based in Iowa, has been one of the more active players in this fall's campaigns, spending millions of dollars on ads attacking Democrats across the country.
For Democrats, Even ‘Safe’ Seats Are Shaky — ST. CLAIRSVILLE, Ohio — Republicans are expanding the battle for the House into districts that Democrats had once considered relatively safe, while Democrats began a strategy of triage on Monday to fortify candidates who they believe stand the best chance of survival.
Discussion:, Wall Street Journal, Don Surber, Sister Toldjah, Moe Lane, Sweetness & Light, Commentary, Taylor Marsh, The Caucus, Hot Air, The Other McCain and The Page
Congressional candidate defends wearing Nazi outfit for re-enactment — (CNN) — A Republican candidate running for U.S. Congress says his past donning of a Nazi outfit was part of a historical lesson — and defended his background in military re-enactments.
Think Progress, Speakeasy, Wizbang and Zandar Versus The Stupid
Richard Gabai / Rich Iott for Congress:
Below is a statement from Richard Gabai, a friend of Rich Iott and his family
Below is a statement from Richard Gabai, a friend of Rich Iott and his family
Daily Kos and Conservative …
The irrelevance of the liberal ‘brand’ — There is perhaps no surer signal that Democrats are about to suffer a terrific defeat than to see liberals begin discussing how to define, redefine, or otherwise burnish their “brand.” So far as I'm concerned, this falls firmly in the “doesn't matter” category of American politics.
A plain blog about politics, Oliver Willis, Weasel Zippers and The New Republic
Laura Rozen / The Politico:
Researcher: Suicide terrorism linked to military occupation — Robert Pape, a University of Chicago political science professor and former Air Force lecturer, will present findings on Capitol Hill Tuesday that argue that the majority of suicide terrorism around the world since 1980 has had a common cause: military occupation.
Israel Matzav and Salon
Scott / Power Line:
The Stanford Daily's Two Minute Hate — Victor Davis Hanson recently noted some of the ironies and absurdities of the regime of affirmative action enforced in American institutions of higher learning. The rationale of the affirmative action regime is of course “diversity.” Regarding this rationale, Hanson wrote:
Stanford Daily, F i a t Lux and Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog
Chris Ciarlo / KTVN-TV:
Woman Says She Worked for Sandoval Illegally — Ana Padilla used to be go by her middle name, Maritza. She told us that was when she first came to the United States illegally. — “I come from Guatemala City in 1986,” said Padilla. — She told us after working in the States for about ten years …
Unrepentant, Paladino Calls Gay Parades ‘Disgusting’ — Despite an uproar over his remarks about gays, Carl P. Paladino appeared on national television on Monday and expressed revulsion at gay pride parades. — Mr. Paladino restated his criticism of Andrew M. Cuomo, his Democratic opponent …
CBS New York, NY Daily News, GayPatriot and Alan Colmes' Liberaland
Dan Klein / Tablet Magazine:
Jews in the Senior Chamber — Democratic politicians are bracing for big losses three weeks from today. According to election-predicting honcho Nate Silver (to whom many apologies), eight senators are likely to turnover their seats. According to The Scroll, three are Members of the Tribe …
Ben Smith's Blog and Commentary
Glen Bolger / Public Opinion Strategies:
The Myth of the Democrat Surge — At the entrance to the Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort in South Carolina is a sign that reads, “The noise you hear is the sound of freedom.” Well, the noise you hear right now is the sound of Democrats whistling past the graveyard, with various claims …
Ballot Box
Miller vows silence on background until election — Republican Senate nominee Joe Miller said this afternoon that he will not be answering any more questions about his personal background for the remainder of the campaign. — “We've drawn a line in the sand.
Washington Monthly, Wonkette, Zandar Versus The Stupid, Swampland and New York Magazine
Oil moratorium could be lifted soon — Washington (CNN) - White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs just wrapped up his morning gaggle with reporters on Tuesday where he announced that the administration is close to lifting the moratorium on off shore oil drilling.
Democrats fear wipeout for women — While conservatives are already celebrating the “Year of the Republican Woman,” thanks to a record number of GOP female candidates for Congress, Democrats fear the opposite trend: the year of the women's wipeout. — Three Democratic women first elected …
The Other McCain and Althouse
The race that says it all — OSHKOSH, WI. — Until last fall, Ron Johnson was just an intensely private guy with a good business and a nice house on Lake Winnebago. He kept a stack of Wall Street Journals next to his bed, folded just right so he wouldn't forget to read columnist Dan Henninger on this or Paul Gigot on that.
The Caucus, Althouse and Wall Street Journal
USS Cole: ‘Rock solid’ evidence, no retaliation — Newly declassified documents show the frustrations of top White House counterterrorism officials over the U.S. failure to respond to al-Qaida's October 2000 bombing of the USS Cole despite evidence that Osama bin Laden was reading poetry …
This ain't Hell …
Staten Island man Juan Rodriguez may not get ‘reward’ for streaking in front of President Obama — The Staten Island knucklehead who streaked in front of President Obama in a wacky $1 million dare may be getting a raw deal. — British billionaire Alki David was balking Monday at paying Juan Rodriguez …
New York Magazine
North Carolina Muslim Admits Working with al Qaeda: “Proud to be an American Traitor” [Full text] — I think we can quit with the speculation about where he went and why — Update by Rusty: The full text of Khan's story can be found at the end of this post. — I'm reading the magazine now and will continue to update.
Liveshots, Flopping Aces, BackyardConservative, NPR and doubleplusundead