Top Items:

Reid lost the debate to Angle — Let's get the easy part out of the way first: — Sharron Angle won The Big Debate. — Angle won because she looked relatively credible, appearing not to be the Wicked Witch of the West (Christine O'Donnell is the good witch of the Tea Party) and scoring many more rhetorical points.
The Atlantic Online, Left Coast Rebel, Weasel Zippers, Hot Air, Commentary, Gateway Pundit and The Politico

Nevada Fight Night fizzles — LAS VEGAS - Republican Sharron Angle lashed Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in the only debate of the Nevada Senate race Thursday night, telling the Democrat to “man up” at one point and questioning how he got wealthy during his years in Congress.
The Daily Caller, New York Times, Outside the Beltway, Mediaite and Washington Wire

Why I'm Rooting for Sharron Angle — It's easy for a libertarian to wish for all-around Republican victories in the midterms. What's more delicate is supporting political aberrations like Angle, Paladino, and O'Donnell. By Tunku Varadarajan. — As the midterm elections approach …
Hit & Run, alicublog and Balloon Juice

Angle lands ‘low blow,’ says Reid — Las Vegas, Nevada (CNN) - Both sides landed some punches, but there didn't seem to be a knockout in the high stakes debate between Sen. Harry Reid and Sharron Angle Thursday night. — Still, Reid said at one point Angle had gone too far in attacking his wealth, calling it a “low blow.”
Sweetness & Light and The Politico

Candidates play man-upsmanship — When Sharron Angle asked Harry Reid how he had become so wealthy while serving the public, Reid, a former boxer, accused his Republican challenger of hitting below the belt. — But it was at a different point in last night's Nevada Senate debate that Angle …
Indecision Forever

Harry Reid & Sharron Angle Debate: Nevada Senate Candidates Face Off (VIDEO)
The Caucus, WonkRoom and RedState

Harry Reid - Sharron Angle debate: Topic-by-topic recap
Rough Sketch, Los Angeles Times, Michelle Malkin, Gateway Pundit and Liberty Pundits Blog

The Mortgage Morass — American officials used to lecture other countries about their economic failings and tell them that they needed to emulate the U.S. model. The Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s, in particular, led to a lot of self-satisfied moralizing.

Worries over fast-tracked foreclosures send bank stocks plummeting
The Atlantic Online

Tea Party Set to Win Enough Races for Wide Influence — Enough Tea Party-supported candidates are running strongly in competitive and Republican-leaning Congressional races that the movement stands a good chance of establishing a sizable caucus to push its agenda in the House and the Senate, according to a New York Times analysis.

Christine O'Donnell Tells GOPers: 'I've Got Sean Hannity In My Back Pocket' — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — WASHINGTON — Christine O'Donnell may not be a witch, but she knows how to use scare tactics to raise money, top Republican strategists and officials here tell me.
Washington Monthly, ThinkProgress, Althouse, Jesus' General, The Moderate Voice and News Hounds

Five myths about Sarah Palin
The New Republic, A plain blog about politics and Daily Kos

Palin to once again help kick off Tea Party Express tour
National Review

Monetary Policy Objectives and Tools in a Low-Inflation Environment — The topic of this conference—the formulation and conduct of monetary policy in a low-inflation environment—is timely indeed. From the late 1960s until a decade or so ago, bringing inflation under control was viewed …

Bernanke Signals Intent to Further Spur Economy — BOSTON — The Federal Reserve chairman, Ben S. Bernanke, sent a clear signal on Friday that the central bank was poised to take additional steps to try to fight persistently low inflation and high unemployment.
Pajamas Media, New York Magazine and*

Poll: Joe Manchin ahead by 10 points — Democratic Gov. Joe Manchin has opened up a double-digit lead over Republican John Raese in the West Virginia Senate special election, according to a new independent poll set for release Friday morning. — The Marshall University poll shows Manchin taking 48 percent …
TPMDC, Daily Kos and National Review

The Outlook for November 2nd — Larry J. Sabato, Director, U.Va. Center for Politics — As alert readers of the Crystal Ball will note, we have not changed our projection of +47 Republican net House seats in many weeks. We made this prediction prior to Labor Day, and we were the first to say definitively …
The Daily Dish, MyDD and National Review

NPR Poll Offers Sliver Of Hope For Democrats — With only 18 days left until Election Day, an NPR survey of likely voters in battleground districts found that while the overall field still tilts to the GOP, Democrats are closing the gap in some places. — The good news for Democrats …

An In-Depth Look At Key Congressional Races — NPR Survey
National Review

From a Maine House, a National Foreclosure Freeze — DENMARK, Me. — The house that set off the national furor over faulty foreclosures is blue-gray and weathered. The porch is piled with furniture and knickknacks awaiting the next yard sale. In the driveway is a busted pickup truck.
The Atlantic Online, Developments, Emptywheel and The Big Picture

Obama Performing Well Relative to Congress' Low Ratings — Obama's 26-point average lead in approval is high versus past presidents' margins — PRINCETON, NJ — Since he took office, President Barack Obama's job approval ratings have averaged 26 percentage points higher than Congress' approval ratings …
Taegan Goddard's … and The Daily Dish

FIRST LADY CAMPAIGNS INSIDE POLLING PLACE — First lady Michelle Obama appears to have violated Illinois law — when she engaged in political discussion at a polling place! — The drama began after Mrs. Obama stopped off at the Martin Luther King Center on the south side of Chicago to cast an early vote.
Discussion:, Scared Monkeys, The Sundries Shack, Left Coast Rebel, Chicago Sun Times, JammieWearingFool, No More Mister Nice Blog, Hot Air, Weasel Zippers, Pajamas Media, theblogprof, Pundit & Pundette, RealClearPolitics Video Log, Pat Dollard, JustOneMinute, Gateway Pundit, HillBuzz, TBogg, Wonkette, QC Examiner and New York Magazine

Pentagon to comply with court order to end 'don't ask, don't tell' — The Pentagon announced Thursday that it will comply with a court order to stop enforcing its “don't ask, don't tell” policy barring gays from serving openly in the military, even as the Obama administration asked a federal judge to delay implementation of the ruling.
Washington Monthly, Truthdig, New York Magazine and The League of Ordinary …

Barack Obama sees rise of ‘tribal attitude’ — President Barack Obama thinks that the recession has caused a temporary increase in racial tension by stoking “tribal attitude” among people in economic distress. — During an hour-long town hall with young people simulcast on MTV …
JustOneMinute, Right Wing News and The Hill

Murkowski goes up with Stevens ads — Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski will start airing the long-awaited campaign ad featuring the late Sen. Ted Stevens this week. — In the ad, Stevens, who died in a plane crash earlier this year, tells voters, “We need Lisa,” according to footage of the advertisement obtained exclusively by POLITICO.
Politics Daily

Mitch Daniels open to VAT, oil tax hike — Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels opened the door Thursday to supporting both a value added tax and a tariff on imported oil, bold proposals that could cause trouble for him with conservatives as he flirts with a long-shot bid for the presidency.
The Page and National Review

California NOW President: ‘Meg Whitman Could Be Described As A Political Whore’ — Last week, the National Organization for Women and the PAC of the California NOW chapter took heat for their endorsement of state Attorney General Jerry Brown (D) over Meg Whitman (R) in the gubernatorial race …
Hot Air, SFGate, Weasel Zippers, The Daily Caller, The Informer, Gateway Pundit and New York Magazine

Kilmeade defends O'Reilly's View appearance: “Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslim” — From the October 15 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends: — Please upgrade your flash player. The video for this item requires a newer version of Flash Player.
Washington Monthly, TPM LiveWire and Oliver Willis

Blair in running for bad sex award — Former prime minister's memoir nominated for prize dedicated to clumsy erotic scenes in fiction — Tony Blair has received a double insult from the Literary Review, with the nomination of his bestselling autobiography, A Journey, for its bad sex award.