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Miller security guards handcuff editor — The editor of the Alaska Dispatch website was arrested by U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller's private security guards Sunday as the editor attempted to interview Miller on camera at the end of a public event in an Anchorage school.
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Alaska Dispatch editor detained at Miller event [updated] — Alaska Dispatch founder and editor Tony Hopfinger was grabbed and handcuffed by a private security detail working for U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller on Sunday while trying to ask the Fairbanks Republican questions following …

Miller blames ‘irrational blogger’ — Miller's statement blames the editor of an Alaska website for last night's incident: — While I've gotten used to the blog Alaska Dispatch's assault on me and my family, I never thought that it would lead to a physical assault.
The Daily Dish, FiveThirtyEight and The Agonist

Miller guard says editor refused to leave private event
The Hill, Politics Daily, BAGnewsNotes, Balloon Juice and Romenesko

Joe Miller's Security Detail vs. The Alaska Dispatch
Riehl World View, National Review and

Paul blasts Conway attack ad — Refuses to shake opponent's hand as he walks off stage — LOUISVILLE — A debate filled with unabashed personal attacks concluded Sunday night with Republican Rand Paul briskly brushing past Democrat Jack Conway, refusing to shake the hand of an opponent …
Ballot Box and Hotline On Call

Rand Paul Debate Closing Statement: “I Will Not Be Shaking His Hand Tonight” (Video)
Bluegrass Politics, Hot Air, RedState, Althouse and The Right Scoop

Claire McCaskill: Jack Conway ad ‘very dangerous’
National Review, RedState and Hot Air

Dems take in twice as much “foreign” money as Republicans — Over the weekend, some Democrats began questioning the White House strategy of demonizing third-party groups for potentially using foreign-raised money in political messaging. Now we know why. Apparently, the shrieking …
The Atlantic Online, Weasel Zippers, YID With LID, Gateway Pundit, National Review, Prairie Weather and CNN

How GOP could win the 10 seats needed to take back Senate — Since 1930, party control of the House has flipped seven times. And each time, Senate control has also switched. — The reason is simple: Wave elections are, well, wave-y. If the voting public wants to send a message to the majority party …
Washington Wire, Scared Monkeys, Outside the Beltway, Don Surber and The Page

The Democrats' brutal weekend
Commentary, Right Wing News and The Hill

Tales of the Tea Party — A month ago, a U.C.L.A. graduate student named Emily Elkins spent hours roaming a Tea Party rally on the Washington Mall, photographing every sign she saw. — Elkins, a former CATO Institute intern, was examining the liberal conceit that Tea Party marches are rife with racism and conspiracy theorizing.
Commentary, FrumForum, Mother Jones, Daily Kos and Shot in the Dark

GOP Hopefuls Narrow Focus
Crooks and Liars and Suburban Guerrilla

Facebook in Privacy Breach — Top-Ranked Applications Transmit Personal IDs, a Journal Investigation Finds — Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg addressed the F8 developer conference this spring. — Many of the most popular applications, or “apps,” on the social-networking site Facebook Inc …

NATO official: Bin Laden, deputy hiding in northwest Pakistan — Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) — Osama bin Laden and his deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri are believed to be hiding close to each other in houses in northwest Pakistan, but are not together, a senior NATO official said.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, This Just In, The Jawa Report, Raw Story, The Page, Barcepundit and New York Magazine

In Climate Denial, Again — Former Vice President Dick Cheney has to be smiling. With one exception, none of the Republicans running for the Senate — including the 20 or so with a serious chance of winning — accept the scientific consensus that humans are largely responsible for global warming.
Grist, Right Wing News, Climate Progress, Ezra Klein, AmSpecBlog and The Washington Independent

Slaphappy in CO-7: Perlmutter Slaps Frazier (Literally-w/video) Over Health Care; Candidates Exchange Verbal Jabs — Democratic Rep. Ed Perlmutter and GOP challenger Ryan Frazier verbally sparred over many issues, from energy and taxes to foreign policy and the national debt.
Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, JammieWearingFool and Gateway Pundit

Obama: Dems are in trouble because Americans aren't thinking clearly — At a Saturday-evening fundraiser held in the home of a wealthy Massachusetts hospital executive, President Obama suggested Democrats are having difficulties in midterm campaigning because Americans simply aren't thinking clearly.

MERS-y, Mercy Me: The Sewer Drain at the Bottom of the Housing Market — If you still think, like Shaun Donovan, that the crisis in the mortgage markets merely concerns foreclosure paperwork, you need to take a look at these two Law Review papers from Professor Christopher Lewis Peterson of the University of Utah (via).
The Huffington Post, naked capitalism and Calculated Risk

Amid Anger at Albany, Poll Shows Support for Cuomo — New York voters are profoundly pessimistic about the state economy, worried that they or someone in their household will be laid off in the coming year, and convinced that Albany is rife with corruption.
Pam's House Blend, City Room, Mediaite, Front Row Washington, Politerati and The Page

New Poll: Van Tran Pulls Even with Loretta Sanchez in CA-47 — In a media exclusive, has obtained a brand new, eye-opening poll from California's 47th Congressional District—conducted by Public Opinion Strategies: … Sanchez has put her foot in her mouth throughout the campaign …
Scared Monkeys

Rare and Foolish — Last month a Chinese trawler operating in Japanese-controlled waters collided with two vessels of Japan's Coast Guard. Japan detained the trawler's captain; China responded by cutting off Japan's access to crucial raw materials. — And there was nowhere else to turn …
JustOneMinute, Free exchange, Ecocentric, naked capitalism,* and FrumForum

Ashcroft case granted — The Supreme Court, finishing its first sitting of the new Term, agreed on Monday to hear a single new case, a plea by former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft for immunity to a lawsuit claiming he misused a federal anti-terrorism law.
Emptywheel, TPMMuckraker and PointOfLaw Forum

Americans prefer tax increases to benefit cuts — In Washington, the fiscal commission — and the elite consensus — favors sharp spending cuts over tax increases as a way to plug the entitlement hole. In the country, the preference is just the opposite: — Interestingly, this holds true for every single age group.
ECHIDNE of the snakes

Islamic court: OK to beat wife if no marks left — Man in United Arab Emirates was initially fined $136 for hitting spouse, daughter — A man can beat his wife and kids as long as he leaves no physical marks, the United Arab Emirates' highest court has found.