Top Items:

Pa. Democrat admits helping Tea Party candidate — A Pennsylvania Democratic House candidate on Tuesday admitted to helping a third candidate get on the ballot in the hopes he would siphon votes away from his Republican opponent. — Bryan Lentz, the Democratic nominee running for the seat …
Discussion:, National Review, Suburban Guerrilla, All American Blogger and JammieWearingFool

Tea Party Express's pricey cruises — When the Tea Party Express helped Joe Miller win a shocking upset in Alaska's GOP Senate primary, it cruised to victory in more ways than one. — For seven weeks this summer, staff members of the political action committee coordinated their efforts …
CNN, Alan Colmes' Liberaland and Anchorage Daily News

A Tea Party of populist posers — On the morning of Oct. 14, a cyber-insurgency caused servers to crash at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. — The culprits, however, weren't attacking the chamber; they were well-meaning citizens who overwhelmed the big-business lobbying group with a sudden wave of online contributions.
Washington Monthly, Confederate Yankee, The ChamberPost, The Huffington Post, and Prairie Weather

NAACP releases report accusing tea party groups of links to bigots — Three months ago in Kansas City, the NAACP first raised charges of racism within the tea party movement. Today a report is being released accusing tea party groups of providing platforms to anti-Semites and other bigots.

‘Obama Has Turned Out to Be an Utter Disaster’
Raw Story, Mediaite, The Politico, Riehl World View, Hot Air and The Daily Caller

THE HILL POLL: Voters are not worried about ‘extreme’ label on candidates
The Politico, The Note and Commentary

Shouts & Murmurs: Three Things to Do When Clarence Thomas's Wife Calls You — Like many Americans, over the past several years I have been the recipient of multiple unwelcome voicemails from the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. These calls have come in the middle of the night …

Virginia Thomas seeks apology from Anita Hill
AMERICAblog News, PostPartisan, Oliver Willis and Suburban Guerrilla

Virginia Thomas Cancels ‘On Point’ Appearance
Politics Daily, Political Punch and Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Justice's Wife Seeks Apology From His Accuser
Right Pundits, Creative Loafing Atlanta, Law Blog, Mediaite and Guardian

Clarence Thomas's Wife Asks Anita Hill for Apology
The Politico, Firedoglake, The Moderate Voice, Washington Post, No More Mister Nice Blog, Crooks and Liars, Time, GetReligion, Law Blog, The Reality-Based Community, News Desk, Wonkette, Comments from Left Field, The Mahablog, Speakeasy,, Guardian, The Reaction, Balloon Juice, Prairie Weather,, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Politics Daily, Whiskey Fire, Weigel, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Riehl World View, New York Magazine, The Political Carnival, Taylor Marsh, boy culture, Outside the Beltway, USA Today, CNN and TBogg

GINNI THOMAS STAYS AWFULLY BUSY.... The bizarre right-wing activism …
National Review, The Awl, News Desk and Suburban Guerrilla

MEMO: Health Insurance, Banking, Oil Industries Met With Koch, Chamber, Glenn Beck To Plot 2010 Election — In 2006, Koch Industries owner Charles Koch revealed to the Wall Street Journal's Stephen Moore that he coordinates the funding of the conservative infrastructure of front groups …
Daily Kos, Ezra Klein, Hullabaloo, Weigel, Crooks and Liars, Raw Story, Yglesias, The Political Carnival, Ben Smith's Blog and Climate Progress

Secretive Republican Donors Are Planning Ahead — A secretive network of Republican donors is heading to the Palm Springs area for a long weekend in January, but it will not be to relax after a hard-fought election — it will be to plan for the next one. — Koch Industries …

Sold-Out Crowd Gives Former President Bush Three Standing Ovations During Speech — Former President George W. Bush pulled back the curtain of the Oval Office and gave East Texans a picture of what his job was like during the high and low points. — With trademark humor and conviction …
Wake up America, Ben Smith's Blog and Weekly Standard

George W. Bush: Bailout call 'wasn't that hard'
The Atlantic Online and Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Making Ignorance Chic — Casanova's rule for seduction was to tell a beautiful woman she was intelligent and an intelligent woman she was beautiful. — The false choice between intellectualism and sexuality in women has persisted through the ages. There was no more poignant victim of it than Marilyn Monroe.
Taylor Marsh, Commentary, AMERICAblog News and National Review

Palin: ‘Queen Bee’ of GOP ‘Mean Girls’ Has Message for Times' Dowd |
Don Surber, Washington Post and Hot Air

TEA PARTY CROWD: Arizona sheriff urges crowd to vote for Angle
The Plum Line and Daily Kos

Soros Donates $1 Million to Media Matters — Media Matters, the liberal activist group that wages a rhetorical war against Fox News Channel and others in the conservative press, will announce on Wednesday the receipt of a $1 million donation from the philanthropist George Soros.
Mediaite, ECHIDNE of the snakes, Gateway Pundit, Weasel Zippers and JammieWearingFool

Soros gives $1 million to Media Matters
Big Government, Media Matters for America and The Huffington Post

Maddow Falsely Claims Politician Had Advance Warning of Oklahoma City Bombing — I'm pretty sure that this was an error, not a knowing misstatement—when you're on a daily news cycle, the sad fact is that you probably won't remember everything you've ever said. Nonetheless, this demands a retraction:
Political Byline

Rachel Maddow at Most Shameless: Claims GOP Congressman 'Received …
Outside the Beltway, BLACKFIVE, Weasel Zippers, JammieWearingFool and

Virginia 4th-grade textbook criticized over claims on black Confederate soldiers — A textbook distributed to Virginia fourth-graders says that thousands of African Americans fought for the South during the Civil War — a claim rejected by most historians but often made by groups seeking …
The Atlantic Online, Rough Sketch, Little Green Footballs, Gawker, Lawyers, Guns & Money and Unfogged

You Knew They'd Hit The Wrong Markey Eventually — UPDATE #2: Rep. Ed Markey (the Democrat from Massachusetts — the male Markey) chimes in with his own quote: … UPDATE: We've created this handy-dandy tool that allows you to quickly figure out which Markey you are trying to discuss …
CNN, New York Magazine, TPMDC, Colorado Independent and skippy the bush kangaroo

Christine O'Donnell Stuns Audience With 1st Amendment Gaffe — Just when you thought Christine O'Donnell, the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Delaware, could do nothing further to top herself, she does. — At a Tuesday morning debate with her Democratic rival Chris Coons …
protein wisdom, Patterico's Pontifications, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Mother Jones and Lance Mannion

Pelosi's Favorable Rating as Speaker Drops to 29%, a New Low — Nearly 6 in 10 independents now view her unfavorably — PRINCETON, NJ — Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's favorable rating is down seven percentage points since May to 29%, a new low for her since assuming the top congressional post.
The Hill, USA Today, Ballot Box, Hot Air, Politics Daily, The Politico, Indecision Forever, Weasel Zippers, Wake up America, JammieWearingFool, AmSpecBlog, GayPatriot and HotAirPundit

CORKER: GOP WON'T REPEAL OBAMACARE — Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) recently told a group of high-dollar GOP donors that Senate Republicans would not move to fully repeal President Obama's health care law next year, according to multiple sources who attended the event.
ThinkProgress, blogs, The Daily Caller, AmSpecBlog and Riehl World View

Just Knock It Off — Some of Israel's worst critics are fond of saying that Israel behaves like America's spoiled child. I've always found that analogy excessive. Say what you want about Israel's obstinacy at times, it remains the only country in the United Nations that another U.N. member …
Wonk Room, Commentary, Israel Matzav, Foreign Policy and Israpundit

As G.O.P. Seeks Spending Cuts, Details Are Scarce — WASHINGTON — In Indiana, Representative Mike Pence, the No. 3 House Republican, complains about “runaway federal spending on steroids.” — In Alaska, the Republican candidate for the Senate, Joe Miller, talks about “out of control spending.”

Poll: Joe Sestak overtakes Pat Toomey — New U.S. Senate poll shows Democrat with three-point lead. — WASHINGTON — Joe Sestak has pulled ahead of Pat Toomey after trailing for months in their closely watched Pennsylvania U.S. Senate race, an independent poll confirms.

Ex-Congressman Linked to Chandra Levy Writing Book — In a law office in an upscale section of Los Angeles, an unfinished yet potentially explosive book manuscript by a controversial figure, former U.S. Rep. Gary Condit, sits in a safe. — “I've read it.
Taegan Goddard's … and Washington Post

A Culture of Poverty — In 2008, I was sent out to the Democratic convention to work on a piece for this magazine about Michelle Obama. I had just been hired on as a contributing editor, and was ecstatic. There was a community of young bloggers out there—Chris Bodenner, Alyssa Rosenberg, Dayo Olapade etc.
Ezra Klein

Democrats suffer from Americans' unwillingness to accept economic reality — It's one of the great fallacies in politics: Candidate Jones says X, Y and Z during the campaign. Candidate Jones wins the election. Ergo, the public agrees with X, Y and Z. — Certainly there are times …
The Atlantic Online and Dennis the Peasant

Republicans Kind of Suck ... Which Is Why They Will Win Huge in November — Because in the Democratic land of epic, mega, ultra, apocalyptic levels of sucking, those who kinda suck are king. — This election season has been hard on pundits. The Democrats are going to get massacred in November …
Moe Lane