Top Items:

NPR Ends Analyst's Contract After Comments on Muslims — NPR has terminated its contract with Juan Williams, one of its senior news analysts, after he made comments about Muslims on the Fox News Channel. — NPR said in a statement that it gave Mr. Williams notice of his termination on Wednesday night.
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NPR Ends Williams' Contract After Muslim Remarks — NPR News has terminated the contract of longtime news analyst Juan Williams after remarks he made on the Fox News Channel about Muslims. — Williams appeared on “The O'Reilly Factor,” Monday and host Bill O'Reilly asked him to comment …
The Huffington Post, Washington Wire, Mediaite, The Jawa Report, The Daily Caller, Pajamas Media, The Awl, National Review, Speakeasy, Betsy's Page, The Page, Bearing Drift, TPM LiveWire, FishbowlDC,, Blog, TalkLeft, NPR Topics, Raw Story, Creative Minority Report and Romenesko, more at Mediagazer »

Firing offense: NPR axes Juan Williams for opinions on Muslims & post-9/11 travel — Un-freaking-believable. — Cable news blogger Johnny Dollar red-flagged NPR media correspondent David Folkenflik's Twitter feed, which announced tonight that liberal NPR analyst/Fox News contributor Juan Williams' contract …

Huckabee calls on Congress to cut NPR funding — “NPR has discredited itself as a forum for free speech and a protection of the First Amendment rights of all and has solidified itself as the purveyor of politically correct pabulum and protector of views that lean left,” Huckabee said in a statement provided to CNN.

NPR fires Juan Williams over anti-Muslim remarks — Veteran journalist Juan Williams was fired from his job as senior news analyst for National Public Radio late Wednesday because of comments he made about Muslims and terrorism on “The O'Reilly Factor” on Fox News Channel.

NPR fires Juan Williams for anti-Muslim bigotry — (updated below) — On Monday, I documented the glaring double standard in our political discourse generally and in the world of journalism specifically, whereby anti-Muslim bigotry is widely tolerated, while those perceived as expressing similar …
NPR, The Daily Dish, TalkLeft, Verum Serum and Pajamas Media

Screw Free Speech, NPR Fires Juan Williams for Muslim Remarks — NPR terminated its contract this evening with Juan Williams, who worked with them as a senior political analyst, after Williams appeared on Bill O'Reilly and spoke of a “Muslim dilemma:” … A taxpaying-funded organization fired someone over their free speech?

Statement On NPR Firing Juan Williams — NPR has fired Juan Williams as a result of comments he recently made on The Bill O'Reilly show. The comments were his personal admission that while he is certainly not a bigot, he said he was nervous when someone in Muslim garb and spouting Muslim doctrine got …
Washington Post and The Daily Caller

National Politically-correct Radio
Media Decoder, Commentary, blogs and News Hounds, more at Mediagazer »

Should Juan Williams have been fired?
Provocations, BLACKFIVE, Eschaton and Media Matters for America

Opinion: Juan Williams, NPR and the Death of Liberalism
protein wisdom and five feet of fury.

NPR fires Juan Williams over comments about Muslims flying
Top of the Ticket, GayPatriot, Fausta's Blog and Rasmussen Reports

Juan Williams Fired by NPR For No Particular Reason (UPDATED)
The Daily Dish

On Juan Williams — Since my ThinkProgress colleagues are sort of …
WAMU 88.5 and The New Republic

Sarah Palin is wreaking havoc on the campaign trail, GOP sources say — According to a source familiar with the situation, she backed out of planned interviews with conservative talk-show hosts Sean Hannity and Mark Levin the morning she was scheduled to talk to them.
RedState and Publius Forum

Hurricane Sarah — The election is two weeks away, but the campaign trail reviews of Sarah Palin are already in, and they aren't pretty. — According to multiple Republican campaign sources, the former Alaska governor wreaks havoc on campaign logistics and planning.

Ted Olson: ‘It Would Be Appropriate’ For Administration Not To Appeal DADT Injunction — Last night, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals temporarily granted the government's request to stay a federal district court's injunction of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, potentially allowing the Pentagon …
Poliglot, New York Magazine, Balloon Juice, Wonk Room and Althouse

Valerie Jarrett: Those Who Oppose Appealing DADT Injunction …
AMERICAblog Gay, Advocate, Associated Press and Towleroad News #gay

How to Really End 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'
Opinionator, ABCNEWS, Towleroad News #gay, Salon, DISSENTING JUSTICE, Open Congress, Wonk Room, New York Magazine, Newsweek and The Politico

DADT Conflict Explained: Why Obama Administration Lawyers Fight …
Washington Monthly, ABCNEWS, boy culture, The Moderate Voice, CBS News and Associated Press

Obama's Approval Rating at New Low in Most Recent Quarter — His favorable rating and re-elect figures are also at new lows — PRINCETON, NJ — Barack Obama averaged 44.7% job approval during the seventh quarter of his presidency. His average approval rating has declined each quarter since …
Politics Daily, CNN, Commentary, Top of the Ticket and Taegan Goddard's …

ABC News Exclusive: Christine O'Donnell Stands Her Ground on First Amendment Statement, Blames Media for Distortions — The Delaware Senate Hopeful Regrets Her 'I'm Not a Witch' Ad, Says She'll Win in November — In an exclusive and far-ranging interview with ABC News …
The Hill, The Politico, Sweetness & Light, National Review, Talking Points Memo, New York Magazine, Guardian, Mediaite, TPMDC, Gawker, The Anchoress and George's Bottom Line

Coons Shifts on Tax Cuts for Wealthy: Extend Them All
Da Techguy's Blog

Sestak Closes Gap In Pennsylvania Senate Race, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; But Voters Want Their Senator To Oppose Obama — The race for Pennsylvania's U.S. Senate seat is now a statistical dead heat with Republican Pat Toomey getting 48 percent of likely voters to 46 percent …
Gateway Pundit, The Note, Hot Air, Hotline On Call, National Review, George's Bottom Line and TPMDC

California Senate race a dead heat in GOP poll
National Review, GayPatriot, Bluegrass Politics, Women and Politics, SFGate and Hullabaloo

Climate Change Doubt Is Tea Party Article of Faith — JASPER, Ind. — At a candidate forum here last week, Representative Baron P. Hill, a threatened Democratic incumbent in a largely conservative southern Indiana district, was endeavoring to explain his unpopular vote for the House cap-and-trade energy bill.

Niche Lawyers Spawned Housing Fracas — The paperwork mess muddying home foreclosures erupted last month. But the legal strategy behind it traces to a lawyer's gambit in 2006 that has helped keep one couple in their home six years beyond their last mortgage payment.
Law Blog, The Big Picture and Matt Weidner Blog

Wall Street Journal Runs Inaccurate Piece on Antiforclosure Laywers

Cafe owner ordered to remove extractor fan because neighbour claimed ‘smell of frying bacon offends Muslims’ — A hard-working cafe owner has been ordered to tear down an extractor fan - because the smell of her frying bacon ‘offends’ Muslims. — Planning bosses acted against Beverley Akciecek …
The Jawa Report, Liberty Pundits Blog and Atlas Shrugs

It's not Ginni Thomas who deserves an apology — As a wife, I understand where Ginni Thomas is coming from. — In particular, as the wife of a husband who endured a far less bruising confirmation process and is now, as chairman of the Federal Trade Commission, far less the target of criticism, I feel her anger.

Google 2.4% Rate Shows How $60 Billion Lost to Tax Loopholes — Google Inc. cut its taxes by $3.1 billion in the last three years using a technique that moves most of its foreign profits through Ireland and the Netherlands to Bermuda. — Google's income shifting — involving strategies known …
Michelle Malkin, New York Magazine, Wonk Room, The Agonist, Real Time Economics and Pajamas Media

Coalition Forces Routing Taliban in Key Afghan Region — ARGHANDAB, Afghanistan — American and Afghan forces have been routing the Taliban in much of Kandahar Province in recent weeks, forcing many hardened fighters, faced with the buildup of American forces, to flee strongholds they have held for years …
Commentary,,, Danger Room,,, Mother Jones, Foreign Policy and GayPatriot

Romney, top aides to lunch with K St. today — Mitt Romney and two of his senior aides are holding a small lunch in Washington today to brief GOP lobbyists and potential 2012 supporters on what the former governor and his PAC have done for candidates this cycle.

ObamaCare's Incentive to Drop Insurance — My state of Tennessee could reduce costs by over $146 million using the legislated mechanics of health reform to transfer coverage to the federal government. — One of the principles of game theory is that you should view the game through your opponent's eyes, not just your own.

Who are you calling stupid? — The 2010 election has devolved in its closing days into a battle - familiar in American history and high school alike - over who's stupid, and who's a snob. — Republican candidates have served up their share of bloopers — humanoid mice, sunspots causing climate change …
Pirate's Cove