Top Items:

Secret Iraq war logs reveal how US turned blind eye to torture — • Massive leak reveals serial detainee abuse — • 15,000 unknown civilian deaths in war — • Full coverage of the Iraq war logs — A grim picture of the US and Britain's legacy in Iraq has been revealed …

Wikileaks: Secret Iraq War Death Toll Reportedly at Least 100,000 Iraqis Killed — WikiLeaks Dumps 400,000 Classified Military Documents Containing Details of Tortured Iraqis — In what is being described as the largest release of secret U.S. military documents ever …
Gateway Pundit and Alan Colmes' Liberaland, more at Mediagazer »

Wikileaks Iraq: A Quick Summary — The big reveal from the hundreds of thousands of documents posted on Wikileaks today is probably going to be the incredibly awful reports of systematized detainee abuse by Iraqi soldiers and security forces right under the noses of the American-led coalition …
Guardian, Hot Air, Flopping Aces, Emptywheel, The Huffington Post and The Reality-Based Community

The Iraq Archive: The Strands of a War
Guardian, CNN, Outside the Beltway, Politics Daily, Mediaite and Prairie Weather, more at Mediagazer »

Detainees Fared Worse in Iraqi Hands, Logs Say
Firedoglake and Boing Boing

WikiLeaks reveals Iraqi torture, deaths
Los Angeles Times and The Moderate Voice

Wikileaks docs reveal Iraqi abuses
ABCNEWS and Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Leaked Reports Detail Iran's Aid for Iraqi Militias
Danger Room and JammieWearingFool, more at Mediagazer »

Huge Wikileaks release shows US ‘ignored Iraq torture’
Guardian, Washington Post, Danger Room, The Nation, Boston Globe and Raw Story

WikiLeaks Iraq files reveal torture
Discussion:, The Jawa Report and Mother Jones

You're Making a Bad Mistake, Juan Williams — What a week Juan Williams has had! From mild-mannered NPR analyst and Fox News liberal stand-in to multimillionaire full-time Fox News guy, thanks to one dumb comment. Fair warning, Juan: you're about to throw away your entire career. Needlessly.
Political Byline, Wall Street Journal and

The real danger from NPR's firing of Juan Williams
Discussion:, DISSENTING JUSTICE, Hullabaloo, Wonk Room, The Plum Line, NPR, The Huffington Post and Balloon Juice, more at Mediagazer »

The tolerance canard — No question. We're surrendering to religious intolerance.
protein wisdom and Wall Street Journal

Juan Williams calls for the government to defund NPR
Political Byline, Pajamas Media, Patterico's Pontifications, Hot Air and Don Surber

NEWSWEEK Poll: Obama Approval Rating Jumps, Democrats Close ‘Enthusiasm Gap’ — As the president's numbers climb sharply, results suggest that Democrats may be succeeding in firing up their base. — Obama feels the love at a Seattle rally for Sen. Patty Murray.

Barack and Michelle's Mumbai darshan plans — US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle will be extremely busy in Mumbai, upon landing on November 6 for a two day India visit. As the world's most powerful man and his wife zip around the city visiting the 26/11 memorial on Marine Drive …
Don Surber and Liberty Pundits Blog

Stunner. SEIU Offshoot ‘Mi Familia Vota’ Caught With 6,000 Bogus Colorado Voter Registrations — Do you remember when Barack Obama said: — “The SEIU Agenda Is My Agenda”? — Now we know why. — The same SEIU offshoot group that is accused of turning in thousands of bogus voter registrations …

Dispute over New Black Panthers case causes deep divisions — On Election Day 2008, Maruse Heath, the leader of Philadelphia's New Black Panther Party, stood in front of a neighborhood polling place, dressed in a paramilitary uniform. — Within hours, an amateur video showing Heath …
Booman Tribune, All American Blogger and Moe Lane

Washington Post Blockbuster Confirms Worst Fears About Holder …
Hot Air, Pundit & Pundette, Weasel Zippers, Pajamas Media and Verum Serum

Biden to campaign Monday for Rep. Grayson — Vice President Biden will campaign for controversial Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) next week in Florida. — Biden will attend an event on Monday for the first-term Democratic lawmaker, who's made waves during his term in Congress by taking outspoken liberal stances on issues.

Open Mic Catches Alan Colmes Privately Critiquing Sen. Reid Spokesman, Minutes After Defending Him — Ever get the feeling that television pundits are more adept at “playing the part” than sharing their honest thoughts and ideas? Well the following video clip of Alan Colmes vigorous defense …

Nancy Pelosi punishes with cash — Here's how House Democrats have punished colleagues Bobby Bright, Bill Owens and Joe Donnelly for running ads against Speaker Nancy Pelosi: With more than $2 million combined spending to keep them in their seats. — As control of the House hangs in the balance …
Outside the Beltway and Weasel Zippers

Big Problem for Banks: Due Process — Earlier this week, Bank of America, the nation's largest consumer bank, reported its third-quarter earnings. It was a very good quarter; putting aside an accounting charge — a very large, $10.4 billion accounting charge, admittedly — the bank reported $3.1 billion in profits.
The Big Picture

Justice Clarence Thomas' Former Lover Speaks Out on Relationship in TV Interview — Lillian McEwen Says Thomas Had ‘Obsession with Porn,’ Bolsters Anita Hill Testimony — A former girlfriend of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has broken her 19-year silence about a “serious” …
New York Times

Obama blasts GOP for plans to repeal Wall Street reform bill — President Obama hammered Republican lawmakers Saturday for suggesting that they might repeal the financial services reform bill if they gain control of Congress after the midterm elections. — In his weekly radio address …
The Politico

Will the GOP Compromise After the Election? Well, Why Should They? — You can tell the Democrats are in trouble in November because the “Will a GOP Majority Compromise” stories are starting to dribble out. Here's one from The Hill that puts Mike Pence on record as saying not just “No” …
The Hill, The Reaction, The Other McCain, The Political Carnival and American Glob