Top Items:
Ed Morrissey / Hot Air:
Wikileaks documents show WMDs found in Iraq — In this case, the surprise isn't the data but the source. Wikileaks' new release from purloined files of the Department of Defense may help remind people that, contrary to popular opinion and media memes, the US did find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and in significant quantities.
Pajamas Media, blogs, NO QUARTER, Outside the Beltway and The Daily Dish
Glenn Reynolds / Instapundit:
I SAID BEFORE THAT WIKILEAKS' JULIAN ASSANGE WAS CLEARLY A TOOL, BUT WHOSE? Well, so far the two biggest scoops from the latest document dump are that the infamous Lancet study was bogus, and that WMDs were found in Iraq in quantity. Neither of these stories is actually news to people …
Right Pundits, Flopping Aces, Chicago Boyz, TigerHawk and Andrew Bolt
Fred Kaplan / Slate:
WikiLeaks' Iraq War Scoops
WikiLeaks' Iraq War Scoops
Obsidian Wings, The Firewall, Jay Currie,, Guardian and Tim Blair
Gauging the scope of the tea party movement in America — In an unruly, unpredictable and chaotic election year, no group has asserted its presence and demanded to be heard more forcefully than the tea party. The grass-roots movement that was spawned with a rant has gone on to upend …
Raw Story, Washington Monthly, Prairie Weather, Booman Tribune and Blue Virginia
Lefty academics convene in Berkeley to try to make sense of the Tea Party movement. — BERKELEY, Calif.—On the night before we are scheduled to address this conference, the Tea Party experts are treated to a meal at the Faculty Club. It sounds fancy, and it is, with the feel and décor of a Sundance ski lodge.
Don Surber, GayPatriot and Althouse
Charles Murray / Washington Post:
The tea party warns of a New Elite. They're right. — The tea party appears to be of one mind on at least one thing: America has been taken over by a New Elite. — “On one side, we have the elites,” Fox News host Glenn Beck explained last month, “and the other side, we have the regular people.”
Yglesias, Daniel W. Drezner and EconLog
“Heckler” Disrupts Florida U.S. Senate Debate — Tampa, Florida- The three candidates for the open U.S. Senate seat in Florida squared off again in another debate hosted by CNN and the St. Petersburg Times this Sunday morning. The audience was not lulled to sleep, as there were an abundance …
Hot Air, Moe Lane and JammieWearingFool
Kevin Bogardus / The Hill:
Crist, Meek try to paint Rubio as too extreme in Sunday Senate debate
Crist, Meek try to paint Rubio as too extreme in Sunday Senate debate
CNN and The Politico
Joshua Miller / ABCNEWS:
Top Democrat Says His Party Will Not Lose the House — DNC Chair Tim Kaine Says Country Trending in Democratic Direction — Does Tim Kaine, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, know something all the pundits, pollsters and political prognosticators don't?
Crooks and Liars, Raw Story, The Reaction and Scared Monkeys
Jerry Brown's lead doubles in a month; little change in Senate race — Meg Whitman's handling of housekeeper scandal and record-breaking spending have cost her support among women, Latinos and independents. Barbara Boxer maintains an 8-point lead over Carly Fiorina.
The Caucus, Calitics, The Political Carnival, American Power, Gretawire, L.A. NOW, The Moderate Voice, Oliver Willis, Ballot Box, Mediaite, The Hill and FiveThirtyEight
Frank Rich / New York Times:
What Happened to Change We Can Believe In? — PRESIDENT Obama, the Rodney Dangerfield of 2010, gets no respect for averting another Great Depression, for saving 3.3 million jobs with stimulus spending, or for salvaging GM and Chrysler from the junkyard. And none of these good deeds …
The Other McCain, Pajamas Media, The Moderate Voice, Mediaite, Raw Story, Prairie Weather, and AMERICAblog News
Boot the Blue Dogs — IN 2008, Barack Obama's presidential campaign seemed to rewrite all the rules in electoral politics and herald a new progressive era in America. Democrats assembled a huge Congressional majority and, in the euphoria that followed the historic election, were poised to enact sweeping change.
Hullabaloo, Questions and Observations and Crooks and Liars
House Democrats Hold Protest at Allen West's HQ (VIDEO) — Earlier today, the congressional campaigns of Ron Klein, Alcee Hastings, and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz joined forces together to protest Lt. Colonel Allen West at his Deerfield Beach, Florida headquarters.
Cubachi, Liberty Pundits Blog, Weasel Zippers and Gateway Pundit
Josh Gerstein / The Politico:
Hume: Race had role in NPR firing Williams — Fox News commentator Brit Hume asserts that race played a role in National Public Radio's decision to fire Juan Williams last week after he made a comment on a Fox show about being concerned when he saw airline passengers in “Muslim garb.”
Washington Monthly