Top Items:
AKMuckraker / The Mudflats:
Breaking: New Alaska Senate Poll Shows McAdams Surging Past Embattled Joe Miller — A new poll conducted by Hays Research confirms what we already intuitively know. Alaska U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller's candidacy is in big trouble. — The percentage of those who feel either …

Poll: Miller falls to last place — After several rough weeks on the campaign trail, a new poll out of Alaska shows Republican Joe Miller has fallen to last place in the three-way Senate race. — A Hays Research Group poll released Thursday showed write-in candidates …
Power Line, POLISING,, The Eye, RedState, Gawker, Guardian, Outside the Beltway and The Blotter

Tea party antics could end up burning Republicans — The tea party's volatile influence on this election year appears to be doing more harm than good for Republicans' chances in some of the closest races in the nation, in which little-known candidates who upset the establishment with primary wins …
Erika Bolstad / Anchorage Daily News:
High court blocks write-in list decision — After a day's worth of back-and-forth, the Alaska Supreme Court on Wednesday said voters can look at a list of certified write-in candidates when they go to the polls. — The Supreme Court's decision late Wednesday blocked a lower court ruling …
Mary Bruce / ABCNEWS:
Can Sarah Palin's Support Boost Joe Miller to Victory?
Can Sarah Palin's Support Boost Joe Miller to Victory?
The Note and The Politico
Nicole Allan / The Atlantic Online:
Murkowski's Fate Will Be Tied to Court Decisions
Murkowski's Fate Will Be Tied to Court Decisions
Kim Murphy / Los Angeles Times:
Alaska Supreme Court reverses ban on write-in candidate lists [Updated]
Alaska Supreme Court reverses ban on write-in candidate lists [Updated]
Outside the Beltway and The Hill

On the Daily Show, Obama is the last laugh — On Comedy Central, the joke was on President Obama Wednesday night. — The president had come, on the eve of what will almost certainly be the loss of his governing majority, to plead his case before Jon Stewart, gatekeeper of the disillusioned left.
William K. Black / The Huffington Post:
No Mr. President, Larry Summers Did Not Resolve the Financial Crisis …
No Mr. President, Larry Summers Did Not Resolve the Financial Crisis …
Associated Press, The Moderate Voice and Swampland
Yves Smith / naked capitalism:
Obama No Longer Bothering to Lie Credibly: Claims Financial Crisis …
Obama No Longer Bothering to Lie Credibly: Claims Financial Crisis …
Firedoglake and AmSpecBlog
Paul Bedard / US News:
Poll: Most Want Obama Fired In 2012 — Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, rapped by the White House for pledging to make Barack Obama a one-term president, seems to have the support of a majority of Americans. A new poll provided to Whispers says that 56 percent of likely voters want the president fired.
James Pethokoukis, Left Coast Rebel, Wake up America, Hot Air, Weasel Zippers, MyDD and Beltway Confidential

Karl Rove questions Sarah Palin's suitability for president
Politics Daily, Politerati, Associated Press, The Daily Dish, The Note, No More Mister Nice Blog, Outside the Beltway, PostPartisan, Raw Story, CNN, ThinkProgress, GOP 12, Hot Air,,, Mediaite, Tammy Bruce, Marbury, The Moderate Voice, Blog and
Sarah Palin: I will Run for President in 2012 If There's Nobody Else To Do It
Sarah Palin: I will Run for President in 2012 If There's Nobody Else To Do It
CBS News and Alan Colmes' Liberaland
Shelby Steele / Wall Street Journal:
A Referendum on the Redeemer — Barack Obama put the Democrats …
A Referendum on the Redeemer — Barack Obama put the Democrats …
Betsy's Page
Charlie Savage / The Caucus:
Leaked: Obama Mentor's Blunt Advice on Court Choices — In May 2009, after Supreme Court Justice David Souter announced his retirement, Laurence H. Tribe, the prominent Harvard Law professor, wrote a two-page letter to President Obama that bluntly laid out his views about several justices and potential nominees.
National Review
Ed Whelan / National Review:
Tribe to Obama: Sotomayor Is “Not Nearly As Smart As She Seems To Think She Is” — I've obtained a copy of an interesting letter that Harvard law professor Larry Tribe wrote to his protégé, President Barack Obama, in the immediate aftermath of Justice Souter's announcement of his decision to retire from the Court.
Ben Smith's Blog, The Volokh Conspiracy, blogs, Law Blog and Hit & Run
Atrios / Eschaton:
My Day — Have not had chance to read. — THE WHITE HOUSE — Office of the Press Secretary — Internal Transcript October 27, 2010 — ROUNDTABLE INTERVIEW OF THE PRESIDENT — WITH BLOGGERS — Roosevelt Room — 3:14 P.M. EDT
Mother Jones, The Plum Line, The Confluence, The Agonist, First Draft, Washington Monthly and Corrente

GOP Leaders Tell Obama: There Will Be ‘No Compromise’
The Daily Dish, The Hill, Washington Monthly and The Politico
Sam Youngman / The Hill:
Obama tells bloggers he has a lame-duck strategy to end DADT
Obama tells bloggers he has a lame-duck strategy to end DADT
Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog

Revealed: schedule for ‘Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear’ — Comedy Central has provided no details about the Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert ‘Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear.’ But the park service permit lays out the schedule minute-by-minute. — Whew!
No More Mister Nice Blog, Wonkette and Mediaite

Prison Economics Help Drive Ariz. Immigration Law … Last year, two men showed up in Benson, Ariz., a small desert town 60 miles from the Mexico border, offering a deal. — Glenn Nichols, the Benson city manager, remembers the pitch. — “The gentleman that's the main thrust of this thing …

I Had a One-Night Stand With Christine O'Donnell — Three years ago this week, an intoxicated Christine O'Donnell showed up at the apartment of a 25-year-old Philadelphian and ended up spending the night in his bed. Here's his story—and photos—of his escapade with the would-be Delaware senator.
The Huffington Post, Little Green Footballs, Runnin' Scared, Raw Story, Wonkette and HeadCount

ON THE ROAD: Pennsylvania's Race Gets Dirty As Sestak Slings Feces — In his final push against Republican Pat Toomey in the Pennsylvania Senate race, an advertisement from Democratic Rep. Joe Sestak features a bag of feces collected from his family dog. Sestak swings the bag into the trash can …
American Power, Maggie's Notebook and INSTAPUTZ
Jim Hoft / Gateway Pundit:
Sick. Joe Sestak Smears Dog Sh*t on Toomey in Attack Ad (Video)
Sick. Joe Sestak Smears Dog Sh*t on Toomey in Attack Ad (Video)
Hot Air, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and Hit & Run

An Open Letter to Rush Limbaugh and His Listeners — With Notes on the Democrat Civil War Already In Progress … Dear Rush, — It's my great hope that some of your listeners find a way to get this letter to you, or that it makes it to “Snerdley” and finds its way into your hands.
JOSHUAPUNDIT, Wizbang, Moonbattery, Confederate Yankee, theblogprof and Libertarian Leanings

Heath Shuler May Challenge Pelosi for Speaker … Rep. Heath Shuler, a conservative Democrat from North Carolina, said Wednesday that he would run against Nancy Pelosi to be speaker of the House if no other Democrat steps forward — presuming, of course, that his party retains control of the House in the midterm elections.
Rasmussen Reports:
65% Favor Getting Rid of Entire Congress and Starting Over — Let's face it: Most Americans don't have much use for either of the major political parties and think it would be better to dump the entire Congress on Election Day. — A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds …
National Review, YID With LID and Don Surber
Ben Smith / Ben Smith's Blog:
Libertarians unite — Bob Barr today endorsed Russ Feingold on WTDY: — What I look for in Washington are folks in the Senate and the House who put the Constitution first. Not the “R” or the “D”, not partisan politics but the Constitution. And what you have in Russ …
Questions and Observations
Katie Trout /
Civitas Poll: Ellmers Leads Etheridge Heading into Final Weekend — Raleigh, N.C. - Democratic incumbent Congressman Bob Etheridge's electoral future appears to be in jeopardy as he trails Republican challenger Renee Ellmers by 5 percentage points with less than one week until the election.
National Review, Gateway Pundit and AmSpecBlog

Millionaire Targets Kentucky Democrat Who Is Prosecuting Alleged Abuse in His Nursing Home — Terry Forcht Is Banker For American Crossroads, Rove Group Spending Millions To Beat Jack Conway — In the bitter U.S. Senate race in Kentucky, a local millionaire has helped launch a barrage …
SpeakEasy, Salon and Barefoot and Progressive

Rep. Peter DeFazio battles opponent at home, money from the East Coast — WASHINGTON - Less than a week before Election Day, Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore., finds himself in an unexpected place for an unlikely reason: He's in a competitive race with a novice opponent who's been assisted by a torrent …
The Moderate Voice and The League of Ordinary …
Megan McArdle / The Atlantic Online:
Why We Should Eliminate the Corporate Income Tax — The FT has a piece today on the administration's plans to lower the corporate income tax rate in exchange for simplification—getting rid of a bunch of deductions. This is a decent plan—and not just because it's the Full Employment …
Mother Jones

President Obama to visit mosque in Indonesia — President Barack Obama will visit one of the world's largest mosques when he makes good on a long-delayed promise to visit Indonesia, the island nation where he lived briefly as a child. — The president will visit Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta …
Capitol Hill Blue, Gateway Pundit and Gawker

NYPD Issues Threat Note After Va. Arrest — The arrest Wednesday of a Virginia man who thought he was aiding an Al Qaeda attack on the Washington, D.C., transit system is further proof that “radical jihadists” are inside the United States, and it's a reminder to cities around the country …
The Jawa Report and Runnin' Scared
Marc Ambinder / The Atlantic Online:
The Sleeper Race That Matters for 2012 — In an election cycle where so many Democrats are running away from President Obama, Ohio's Democratic Governor Ted Strickland has unflinchingly embraced Obama from the beginning. And the White House and Democratic establishment have gone to the mat for Strickland.
Prairie Weather