Top Items:

U.S. alert focuses on planes, trucks — For more coverage visit CNN affiliates WPVI and WABC. Are you there? Send pictures and video. — (CNN) — Two suspicious packages found abroad that were bound for Jewish organizations in the United States contained a massive amount of explosive material that …
This Just In, Reuters, skippy the bush kangaroo, Associated Press, Danger Room, Weasel Zippers, Harry's Place, The Daily Beast, TPMMuckraker, BLACKFIVE, Runnin' Scared, Erick's blog, Doug Ross, Sister Toldjah, NO QUARTER, Mediaite, Pajamas Media, Gawker, Booman Tribune and The Daily Caller

U.S. Hunts for More Suspicious Packages — WASHINGTON — Two packages containing explosives, shipped from Yemen and addressed to synagogues in Chicago, were intercepted in Britain and Dubai, setting off a broad terrorism scare on Friday that included the scrambling of fighter jets to accompany …
American Power, Telegraph, Atlas Shrugs, Guardian, The Daily Beast, The Reaction, FP Passport, No More Mister Nice Blog, JustOneMinute, TalkLeft and Arkansas Blog

Breaking: Bomb found on Yemen-to-US cargo flight; Update …
CBS News,, Telegraph, The Jawa Report, Michelle Malkin, CNN, Patterico's Pontifications and NY Daily News

Obama: Suspicious packages are a ‘credible terrorist threat’
Associated Press, The Fix and Outside the Beltway

Angle bans TV crews from election eve — Sharron Angle has banned two Las Vegas television stations from attending her election night party as retribution for reporters who tracked her down Friday and asked her questions without prior campaign approval. — Reporters from local NBC …

Sharron Angle Asked Tough Policy Questions — LAS VEGAS — It is going to be a busy final weekend for Sharron Angle and Harry Reid. The Republican candidate has declined all of 8 News NOW's requests for interviews about her positions on the issues. — She is in Las Vegas …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, TPMDC and Daily Kos

Harry Reid: Sharron Angle is “pathological”
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Hot Air, Ben Smith's Blog and GayPatriot

Meek: I Turned Down Crist Cross — Florida independent Senate candidate Charlie Crist personally lobbied Democratic candidate Kendrick Meek to exit the race this week, offering him a cross that had been a gift from his sister, Mr. Meek said Friday. — The gesture occurred Monday as Mr. Crist …
New York Times, The Reid Report, FiveThirtyEight, National Review, Hot Air, Talking Points Memo and Orlando Sentinel

Crist Would Caucus With Democrats, Advisor Says
Naked Politics, Hot Air, Daily Kos, Washington Monthly, TPMDC and The Fix

Rubio uses Meek controversy even as his lead looks insurmountable
The Politico and CNN

Why is Assange still alive? — I'd like to ask a simple question: Why isn't Julian Assange dead? — In case you didn't know, Assange is the Australian computer programmer behind WikiLeaks, a massive — and massively successful — effort to disclose secret or classified information.
Salon, Winds of Change.NET and TalkLeft

Why Hasn't Jonah Goldberg Been Punched in the Face Yet Today? — It's a serious question. Goldberg, the author of Liberal Fascism and in-house funny-guy at the National Review, wrote a column today wondering why the CIA hasn't assassinated Wikileaks founder Julian Assange yet. What are they, lazy?
National Review, Salon, Raw Story, The Moderate Voice and alicublog

Murder he wrote — Jonah Goldberg calls for Julian Assange's murder.
National Review and First Draft

Failing Upward: Breitbart To Be Featured in ABC's 2010 Election Coverage — Media Matters has confirmed that noted propagandist Andrew Breitbart will provide analysis for ABC News during their election night coverage. — After Breitbart's website reported that Breitbart would …
The Reid Report, The Huffington Post, alicublog, TPMDC and AMERICAblog News

Why our elections are a joke …
The Moderate Voice and Talking Points Memo

Woman Receives Death Threats Days After Beck Targets Her On His Show — The League of Women Voters has filed complaints with police in Evanston, IL and the FBI saying that one of their officials has been targeted by death threats relating to a candidatess debate she moderated last week.
Daily Herald and Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog!

Boykin Exposes Obama's Health Care Conspiracy to Build His Brownshirt Army — This is Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin, who was the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence under Donald Rumsfeld until video emerged of him explaining that we were engaged in a spiritual war against Islam …
Hullabaloo and Salon

Was Health Reform a Mistake? Analysis from a Parallel Universe
Wonk Room, AmSpecBlog, Washington Monthly, The Plum Line and The Politico

GOP senator has ‘sure-win list,’ predicts party takes control of Senate — GILBERT, W.Va. — Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) said Friday he's confident Republicans will take back the majority in the Senate and expects West Virginia's contest between Republican John Raese and Gov. Joe Manchin (D) to be the majority-maker for the GOP.
Associated Press, CNN and The Hill

Attack Ads, Circa 1800 — Have this year's negative political ads really “taken dirty to a whole new level, as CNN's Anderson Cooper frets? Is a “return to civility...a relic of a bygone era,” as President Barack Obama laments? — Er, not exactly. — If anonymous political speech …
Gawker, Mediaite, The Atlantic Online and Left Coast Rebel

America's Jobs Losses are Permanent — Now that a few Democrats and the remnants of the AFL-CIO are waking up to the destructive impact of jobs offshoring on the US economy and millions of American lives, globalism's advocates have resurrected Dartmouth economist Matthew Slaughter's discredited finding …
The Moderate Voice

Poll: Murkowski Leads Miller, McAdams — Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) remains ahead of her two rivals in her write-in Senate campaign in Alaska, according to a new poll released today by an in-state Republican pollster. — The poll, conducted by Dittman Research & Communications …
Hot Air and Alaska Dispatch

DSCC going on air in Alaska
Big Government, National Review and Riehl World View

Vote — It's been a bit of mystery to me why there's this narrative about blogreading newsjunkies not being enthusiastic enough to vote. Those people vote. It's somewhat disconnected people who might be a bit too worried about their lack of employment to head out to the polls that Dems should worry about …
Booman Tribune

Why We Published the Christine O'Donnell Story — Yesterday, we published the anonymous account of a young man from Philadelphia who had a naked sleepover with Delaware GOP senatorial candidate Christine O'Donnell three years ago. Some people did not like that! Here's why we'd do it again.
SpeakEasy, NPR Topics, Focal Point and Jezebel, more at Mediagazer »

Fox News Poll: Most Dissatisfied With Washington — With less than a week to go before Election Day, widespread dissatisfaction with the way things are going in the country combined with negative views of the economy and frustration with the government point to major trouble for the incumbent majority Democrats.
Weasel Zippers and Gateway Pundit

Ohio McDonald's employees get voting instructions with their paychecks — If you work for this Canton, Ohio McDonald's franchise, you'd better be voting Republican if you know what's good for you. — Via ThinkProgress: … The “right people” are John Kasich, Rob Portman, and Jim Renacci for this franchisee.

And the FAIR Tax Trap — Democrats turn a conservative fad against GOP candidates. — Public anxiety over rising taxes is helping Republicans in this midterm election—with one exception. Democrats are trying to turn the tables on the GOP over the so-called FAIR Tax …
Cato @ Liberty and National Review

Sources: Fox Management Slanting D.C. Bureau's News Coverage — Pressure on some Fox News reporters in the Washington, D.C., bureau to “slant news” and “distort” coverage has sparked some discontent in the newsroom there, according to sources with knowledge of the situation.

Pelosi, Among Others, Could Exit if Dems Lose House — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrives for a press conference on Capitol Hill to discuss Democratic accomplishments during the past congressional session — As Nancy Pelosi goes, so might a generation of her colleagues.
JammieWearingFool, blogs, Scared Monkeys, Hot Air, The Moderate Voice and Swampland

A Surge in Democratic Spending — Groups aligned with Democratic causes have unleashed a last-minute paroxysm of spending in competitive House races in the final days of the campaign that has them outpacing Republicans, reversing the trend of the past few months, according to an analysis of campaign finance data by The New York Times.

New PACs sprout in final days of 2010 campaign — With just seven days to go in the 2010 campaign, the Federal Election Commission received notice Tuesday of yet another new political committee. — The group is called the Patriot's Fund. Its address is a post-office box in Grand Rapids …

GOP Insurgents May Disrupt Leaders' Plans and Go Rogue — DLHawthorne — I wish ‘gridlock’ was all it is, but I am afraid that the vast majority of people (left, right, and fringe) do not understand that we are rapidly approaching the threshold of political collapse.
Mother Jones