Top Items:

Live Blogging the Election Returns — We will be covering tonight's election returns beginning at around 5 p.m. Eastern, an hour before the first polls close in Kentucky and Indiana. — You can follow along here and check out our hour-by-hour, district-by-district guide for watching the returns.

Election Night: Live Blogging the Media Coverage — With issues like health care and the dismal economy on most voters' minds and the emergence of the Tea Party and new political personalities like Carly Fiorina and Christine O'Donnell, tonight's midterm election results are being covered …

THE LATEST: Live Blogging 2010 Elections from the CNN Election Center — The CNN Live Blog will provide THE latest news and analysis from The Best Political Team throughout the night. For more breaking developments check out @cnnpolitics on Twitter. — 7:15 p.m. ET: CNN's Jessica Yellin …
Althouse, The Politico, Blog For Arizona, Politics Daily, New York Magazine and Right Pundits

Victories Suggest Wider Appeal of Tea Party — The Tea Party victories by Rand Paul of Kentucky and Marco Rubio of Florida underscored the extent to which Republicans and Democrats alike may have underestimated the power of the Tea Party, a loosely-affiliated, at times ill-defined …
Outside the Beltway,*, and CNN

Republicans Win Control of House With Historic Gains — GOP Expected to Pick Up 60 to 70 Seats in House, ABC News Projects — ABC News projects Republicans will take control of the House of Representatives picking-up between 60 and 70 seats in a resounding rebuke to President Obama and the Democrats.
The Politico, CNN, This Just In and No Left Turns

Some random thoughts on the 2010 elections

Republicans capture House, gain in Senate
ECHIDNE of the snakes and The Other McCain

The end of an era: ACORN files Chapter 7 bankruptcy — For over 40 years ACORN has fought the good fight. From a few initial neighborhoods in Little Rock, Arkansas, we grew to become a large, active, national organization of low- and moderate-income families, mostly people of color …
Ben Smith's Blog, NewsReal Blog, The Daily Caller, The Nation, CNN, TPMMuckraker, The Hill, Pajamas Media, Ian Welsh and Beltway Confidential

ACORN filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy — The community organization was not able to recover from a scandal over video that purported to show staff helping activists posing as a pimp and prostitute. — Reporting from Washington — ACORN, a national organization whose mission included registering …
Big Government

Prop. 19 headed to defeat, exit polls show — California voters appear to have rejected Prop. 19, an effort to legalize marijuana and allow local governments to tax the sale of the drug. — Prop. 19 received national attention, but relatively little money was spent on the campaign.
Hit & Run, The Daily Dish, National Review, Advocate and Gawker

Exit polls show voters split by age on Prop. 19
Top of the Ticket, Firedoglake and The Reality-Based Community

Rand Paul Wins: What Does It Mean? — Tea party Republican candidate Rand Paul has won the Kentucky US Senate race. Throughout the campaign, Democrat Jack Conway occasionally seemed to come almost within striking distance, but ultimately Conway, the state attorney general …
Discussion:, CNN, New York Magazine and Mother Jones

Bernanke Faces Greater Scrutiny After Republican Election Gains

A Victorious Paul Vows to Stick to Message
The Reaction and Opinions You Should Have

Where Do Democrats Go Next? — DEMOCRATS can recover from the disappointments of this election and set the stage for success in 2012. But to do so we must learn from Tuesday's results. — Many of our problems were foreseeable. A public unhappy about the economy will take it out on the party in power …
The Huffington Post, Talking Points Memo, Ezra Klein, Oliver Willis and The Maddow Blog

A Centrist Democratic Agenda: More Jobs, Less Corruption
The Moderate Voice

Exit Polls: the surprise in Delaware — (CNN) - The thing about Delaware is: it's no Kentucky. — The Tea Party's first Senate loss of the night may be no big surprise - the only question heading into tonight's been how big a victory margin Chris Coons would capture over Christine O'Donnell.

Lesson from Christine O'Donnell defeat: where tea party overreached

Toomey captures seat of his old nemesis, Arlen Specter — Pat Toomey has won his race against Rep. Joe Stestak (D) and captured the Senate seat that Sen. Arlen Specter held for 30 years. — The victory is sweet vindication for Toomey who narrowly lost a bitterly contested GOP primary race …

Toomey at Helm of a Republican Wave in Pennsylvania
The Politico

New Black Panther Seen At Polling Place — No Voter Intimidation Reported Tuesday At Poll — PHILADELPHIA - Fox 29 News spotted Tuesday a member of the New Black Panther Party standing outside of a local polling place where voter intimidation was reported two years ago.
TPMMuckraker, Wonkette, Gawker, The Atlantic Online, Weasel Zippers, Michelle Malkin, Daily Kos, Outside the Beltway, HotAirPundit, National Review, Atlas Shrugs and Salon

Write-in vote lead has Murkowski smiling — ELECTION COULD MAKE HISTORY: Final counts may be weeks away; parnell, young post strong results. — — Election returns Tuesday night showed Lisa Murkowski with a chance to become only the second candidate to run …
Hot Air, TPMDC and National Review

Barbara Boxer projected to win a fourth Senate term — U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer is projected to win a fourth term in the U.S. Senate, based on exit poll results. — Boxer defeated former Hewlett-Packard chief executive Carly Fiorina after a bruising multimillion-dollar campaign.
Los Angeles Times, The Moderate Voice and

Jerry Brown projected winner in California governor's race
L.A. NOW, Swampland and The Agonist

The conservative movement is back & growing — We will win around 3 score House races (including several long-time liberal Democrats), several Senate races, a slew of governorships, and this will be spun as a loss. We are fighting the Democrats on their dark blue turf …
The Radio Equalizer

Feingold campaign manager: It ain't over — Feingold's campaign manager George Aldrich told the crowd in Middleton that only 40 percent of the vote has been reported. — “Russ is down by 80,000 votes, but...up to 1.4 million votes haven't been counted,” he told the crowd.

Welcome, Senate Conservatives — Remember what the voters back home want—less government and more freedom. — Congratulations to all the tea party-backed candidates who overcame a determined, partisan opposition to win their elections. The next campaign begins today.
The Politico, National Review, The Plum Line, Daily Kos and CNN

Bush Considered Dropping Cheney From 2004 Ticket — President George W. Bush considered dumping Vice President Dick Cheney from his 2004 reelection ticket to dispel the myths about Mr. Cheney's power in the White House and “demonstrate that I was in charge,” the former president says in a new memoir.
JustOneMinute, Telegraph, The Note, Raw Story and The Hill

Wonkbook: Welcome to gridlocked America — Welcome to gridlocked America: The GOP is on track to win about 65 seats in the House of Representatives, and 47 or 48 in the Senate. This is a huge victory: the Republican House majority will be the largest since 1928.
Wall Street Journal

Democratic Coalition Crumbles, Exit Polls Say — Amid deep pessimism about the economy, the coalition of voters that gave Democrats control of Congress in 2006 appears to have fractured. — Preliminary exit polls showed that the party lost ground to Republicans in Tuesday's midterm elections among women …
CNN, Fox Nation and blogs

Frank easily wins re-election, defeats Bielat — loading video... Requires Adobe Flash Player — NEWTON - Barney Frank, the irascible powerbroker who has survived scandal, repeated redistricting, and the ups and downs of the Democratic Party, today easily beat back his strongest challenge in years.
Washington Wire, TPMDC, Gay Politics, No More Mister Nice Blog, Poliglot and Indecision Forever

The Morning Briefing: The Tsunami — [UPDATE]: The whole of the Maine legislator has flipped to the GOP. Several people I have talked to said such a deep and thorough shift to any one party has not happened in one election in the past 100 years. — This is an unusual Morning Briefing …
Right Wing News, Left Coast Rebel and Maggie's Farm

Michele Bachman Humiliates Chris Matthews: How's That Leg Tingle Doing Tonight? — Rep. Michele Bachmann went on MSNBC for an interview with Chris Matthews tonight and handled him with dismissive tone the hack deserved. All he wanted to do was bait her with unprofessional journolisty questions …
Michelle Malkin, The Powers That Be,, Gateway Pundit and Atlas Shrugs

US to spend $200 mn a day on Obama's Mumbai visit — Mumbai: The US would be spending a whopping $200 million (Rs 900 crore approx) per day on President Barack Obama's visit to the city. — “The huge amount of around $200 million would be spent on security, stay and other aspects of the Presidential visit …
Flopping Aces, Watts Up With That? and Instapundit

Live Blogging the Election Returns — Republicans captured control of the House of Representatives on Tuesday. Following is a live blog from Election Night. — It looks like we're at the point in the evening that we're not going to learn very much more that we don't already know.
Off the Kuff

Redistricting wins for GOP — Republicans made big gains in state legislatures tonight, capturing full control of both legislative chambers — crucial to partisan redistricting — in six states. — Republicans took over control of both houses in Indiana, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Alabama, Michigan and Wisconsin.
The Eye, The Daily Caller and Pam's House Blend