Top Items:

Bennet wins in Senate race — Appointed U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet will be elected to the U.S. Senate after pulling ahead of challenger Ken Buck this morning. — Long after most Coloradans — including the candidates and their supporters — had gone to bed, returns from Denver …

Welcome, Senate Conservatives — Remember what the voters back home want—less government and more freedom. — Congratulations to all the tea party-backed candidates who overcame a determined, partisan opposition to win their elections. The next campaign begins today.

What comes next in a universe where the government works

Wonkbook: Welcome to gridlocked America
The Maddow Blog, Wall Street Journal and POLISING

What Now? An Epic Election Meets the Future
Mother Jones, The Hill, New York Times and Raw Story

Write-in vote lead has Murkowski smiling — ELECTION COULD MAKE HISTORY: Final counts may be weeks away; parnell, young post strong results. — — Election returns Tuesday night showed Lisa Murkowski with a chance to become only the second candidate to run …
CNN, TPMDC, Associated Press, Daily Kos, Salon, New York Magazine, Wonkette, Hot Air, Liberal Values, The Hill, Outside the Beltway and National Review

Bristol Palin: ‘I did not’ vote — Bristol Palin admitted Tuesday that she failed to vote in this year's mid-term elections. — “I did not send in my absentee ballots to Alaska,” she told “Inside Edition” during an interview set to air Wednesday. — Palin, currently competing on …

In Alaska, ‘Write-In’ Leads
Joe Miller for Senate, Swampland, Ben Smith's Blog and Donklephant

Some Implications — First thoughts. — 1. Nancy Pelosi will presumably step down as Democratic leader in the House. Steny Hoyer could be challenged from the left as he seeks to move up to replace her, and he could lose—partly because the defeat of Democrats in swing districts throughout …
Left Coast Rebel and Ben Smith's Blog

Some random thoughts on the 2010 elections — In my Wednesday Washington Examiner column, which had to be filed before the full returns were available, I tried to set the Republicans' historic gains in the House of Representatives in historic perspective, keeping in mind that the exit polls suggested …
TigerHawk and No Left Turns

Where Do Democrats Go Next? — DEMOCRATS can recover from the disappointments of this election and set the stage for success in 2012. But to do so we must learn from Tuesday's results. — Many of our problems were foreseeable. A public unhappy about the economy will take it out on the party in power …
The Daily Caller, Washington Post, The Moderate Voice, The Huffington Post, TalkLeft, Gawker, NewsReal Blog, JustOneMinute, The Glittering Eye, Daily Kos, TPMCafe, Open Left, The Hill, Talking Points Memo, Zandar Versus The Stupid, Balloon Juice, Riehl World View, The Maddow Blog, Newsweek and Oliver Willis

Obama must slay the job-killing beast
The Hill, GOP 12 and Commentary

Michele Bachman Humiliates Chris Matthews: How's That Leg Tingle Doing Tonight? — Rep. Michele Bachmann went on MSNBC for an interview with Chris Matthews tonight and handled him with dismissive tone the hack deserved. All he wanted to do was bait her with unprofessional journolisty questions …
Michelle Malkin,, The Powers That Be and Atlas Shrugs

Inside White House, calls for shake-up — Some of the calls for a White House shake-up are now coming from inside the building. — Frustrated current and former West Wing staffers, speaking on condition of anonymity, told POLITICO they hoped Tuesday night's humbling losses …
The Huffington Post, Firedoglake, Ballot Box, Wake up America and Hot Air

In 2009 the White House Underestimated the Economic Devastation …
Discussion: and AMERICAblog News

Iowa voters oust justices who made same-sex marriage legal — (CNN) — Voters in Iowa chose to remove three high court justices who helped make Iowa the first Midwestern state to permit same-sex marriage. — The vote marks the first time a member of the Iowa Supreme Court has been rejected …
theblogprof and Shakesville

Iowa Supreme Court Justices issue statement after being ousted — The Iowa Supreme Court justices issued the following statement moments ago:
Firedoglake, The Huffington Post and Poliglot

Live Blogging the Election Returns — We will be covering tonight's election returns beginning at around 5 p.m. Eastern, an hour before the first polls close in Kentucky and Indiana. — You can follow along here and check out our hour-by-hour, district-by-district guide for watching the returns.
The Huffington Post, Tuned In, The New Republic, Seattle Times, Media Decoder, The Mahablog, Mediaite, The Volokh Conspiracy, Prairie Weather, Marbury, Mother Jones, Daily Kos, Weasel Zippers, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Raw Story, CNN, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Reaction, The Nation and New York Magazine, more at Mediagazer »

GOP likely to urge Obama officials not to shred documents — Republicans are likely to urge the Obama administration not to shred documents as they transition to the House majority. — Before the election, GOP officials on Capitol Hill privately discussed the issue but refrained from publicly tackling it …
The Politico and New York Times

The Morning Briefing: The Tsunami — [UPDATE]: The whole of the Maine legislator has flipped to the GOP. Several people I have talked to said such a deep and thorough shift to any one party has not happened in one election in the past 100 years. — This is an unusual Morning Briefing …

Pelosi to discuss her future in interview with ABC's Diane Sawyer — Outgoing Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) will sit for an interview Wednesday with ABC News as House Democrats wait for a decision on her future in Congress. — The decimated Democratic caucus is “in a holding pattern,” …
The Note and JammieWearingFool

Prank! GOP leaves a gift at Democratic HQ — In 1992, a life sized donkey was placed at the front door of the Republican National Committee offices. It was a fitting prank in a year when Democrats took the White House and retained majorities in the House and Senate. — Last night, Republicans got payback.
Outside the Beltway and RedState

Democrats lost big because young voters stayed home — I basically agree with Kevin Drum's take on the overall election results: Most of the losses were predicted by structural factors, but not all of them. Democrats lost at least 15 more seats than the basic model would've predicted …
The Daily Dish and Washington Monthly

Blue Dog Coalition Crushed By GOP Wave Election — What's Your Reaction: … WASHINGTON — Tuesday was a tough night for Democrats, as they watched Republicans win enough seats to take back the House in the next Congress and began to ponder life under a likely House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio).
Salon, Paul Krugman, Los Angeles Times, The Nation, ThinkProgress, Oliver Willis and*

A Lost Generation — Obama deserved to lose—but the country doesn't deserve the consequences. — Asked on Monday to assess the significance of the coming Democratic defeat, Tim Kaine, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, tried to portray this election as fairly typical.
The Daily Dish and Pacific Views

Morning Jay: Special “The Morning After” Edition — Last night, the Republicans made history in the House of Representatives. As of this writing, the GOP has been declared the winner in or is winning in 243 House districts. If this number holds, it would exceed any Republican majority since 1946.
Grim's Hall

Boehner pledges repeal of Obama health care law

Barack Obama sex doll for sale in China — Americans may have fallen out of love with Barack Obama, but the president of the United States is still an object of affection for the Chinese, who have remodelled him as a blow-up sex doll. — A doll wearing a dark blue suit and red tie …
Moonbattery,, Weasel Zippers, Left Coast Rebel and JammieWearingFool

The Changing Electorate — One reason it's difficult to read midterm elections as reflecting shifts in the “national mood” is that the actual set of voting people is quite different. According to exit polls, for example, the relative proportion of youth voters and senior voters shifted quite dramatically:
Indecision Forever, The Daily Dish and The New Republic

Bush NBC Interview: Being Called A Racist By Kanye West The Worst Moment Of My Presidency — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? … The first excerpts of former President George W. Bush's interview with NBC New's Matt Lauer were released on Tuesday night. And what stands among the noteworthy bits …
The Atlantic Online and Raw Story

Take Your Olive Branch and Shove It, Democrats — Here's my post-election column. I'll continue to update the results post here as we wait on key AK, WA, CO, AZ, and Florida returns. — The grass-roots conservative midterm message: No surrender, no compromise, no capitulation. — Share you thoughts!