Top Items:
New York Times:
A New Leader for the Democrats — Nancy Pelosi has been an extremely effective speaker of the House for four years, shepherding hundreds of important bills toward passage and withstanding solid Republican opposition. Her work in passing health care reform and strong ethics oversight achieved …
Washington Monthly, Zandar Versus The Stupid, Don Surber, The Impolitic, The Hill, The Moderate Voice, Beltway Confidential, Outside the Beltway, Pajamas Media, No More Mister Nice Blog, Michelle Malkin, Hot Air, Taylor Marsh, Weasel Zippers, Wake up America, AmSpecBlog, FrumForum, Dennis the Peasant and The Reaction
Chad Pergram / Fox News:
FOX Exclusive: Defeated Democrats Pen Letter to Implore Pelosi to step aside — From a House Democratic Source: — FOX has obtained a letter being penned by defeated House Democrats that implores House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to step aside. — The letter is now circulating Capitol Hill …
Fhardingj / CNN:
Anti-Pelosi ads break records
Anti-Pelosi ads break records
The Hill, The Politico, Weasel Zippers, Hot Air, Right Pundits, TPMDC and HotAirPundit
Greg Sargent / The Plum Line:
Minority leader Nancy Pelosi would play rough with GOP
Minority leader Nancy Pelosi would play rough with GOP
Time, A plain blog about politics, No More Mister Nice Blog, Balloon Juice and The Moderate Voice
Jan Griffey / Shelby County Reporter:
Spencer Bachus: Sarah Palin cost GOP control of U.S. Senate — COLUMBIANA — Shelby County's congressman, U.S. Rep. Spencer Bachus, R-Ala., said former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin likely cost the Republican Party control of the U.S. Senate.

Karl Rove's water boy strikes again — Last we heard from former Bush speechwriter-turned-Washington Post line columnist Michael Gerson, he was attacking Tea Party activists and yours truly for criticizing his old boss/mentor Karl Rove's Christine O'Donnell-bashing.
Discussion:, Riehl World View, TPMDC and The Other McCain

Sarah Palin takes us for a ride. — When it was announced, in the spring, that Sarah Palin would be making a reality show about Alaska, the state she grew up in and then, last year, blew off, by resigning the governorship, I'm sure I winced and groaned and rolled my eyes, before hanging my head …
Cubachi, The Atlantic Online and Liberty Pundits Blog
Aharding / CNN:
TRENDING: GOP Rep: ‘Palin cost us control of the Senate’
TRENDING: GOP Rep: ‘Palin cost us control of the Senate’
Beltway Confidential and The Page

President Obama isolated ahead of 2012 — President Barack Obama has performed his act of contrition. Now comes the hard part, according to Democrats around the country: reckoning with the simple fact that he's isolated himself from virtually every group that matters in American politics.

Gibbs threatens to pull Obama from India talks after press dispute
Mediaite, The TrogloPundit, Hot Air,, Grim's Hall and New York Magazine
Carol E. Lee / The Politico:
In India, Gibbs fights for reporters
Adam Serwer / The Plum Line:
Even with tax cuts, GOP appears willing to shoot the hostage
Even with tax cuts, GOP appears willing to shoot the hostage
Washington Post, Zandar Versus The Stupid, Hot Air, Firedoglake and The Washington Independent

Suspended Keith Olbermann Demanded MSNBC Apology, Will Return Tuesday — It might have been Keith Olbermann who got suspended from MSNBC after breaking company rules regarding making contributions to political candidates, but now sources tell me it's Keith himself whose demands have been met …
ABCNEWS, Nice Deb, Big Journalism, Mediaite, Patterico's Pontifications, Mixed Media, Power Line, Hit & Run, TVNewser, Doug Ross, New York Times, Crooks and Liars, Olbermann Watch, The Other McCain, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Donklephant, The Atlantic Online and The Huffington Post, more at Mediagazer »
Michael O'Brien / The Hill:
Sanders wants halt to Comcast-NBC deal after Olbermann suspension — Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said he would look to block a merger between NBC and Comcast, citing the decision last week by MSNBC to suspend liberal anchor Keith Olbermann. — Sanders said Comcast's attempt to acquire NBC …
Patterico's Pontifications, Firedoglake and Pirate's Cove
Bill Carter / Media Decoder:
Olbermann Apologizes to Viewers, But Not to MSNBC — 6:15 p.m. | Update In an aggressive statement questioning the legitimacy of his two-day suspension from MSNBC, Keith Olbermann addressed his viewers Monday night, saying that they were responsible for his scheduled return to the air on Tuesday …
Daily Kos, Mediaite, TPM LiveWire, Salon and Ezra Klein, more at Mediagazer »
Chris Stirewalt / Fox News:
Today's Power Play: GOP Sweetens its Offer to Manchin — ((Get politically powered up each day with exclusive analysis and content with Fox News' AEHQ iPhone app)) — Early Intel — GOP Sweetens its Offer to Manchin — Republicans are making some big promises to try …
Weigel, Hot Air, Gawker, New York Magazine, Wonkette, Outside the Beltway, National Review, Salon, Taegan Goddard's …, Don Surber, Zandar Versus The Stupid and FrumForum
Marc Ambinder / The Atlantic Online:
I Am a Blogger No Longer — This is my final blog post for The Atlantic. Five years ago, as a way to boost the competitive metabolism of The Hotline, Chuck Todd hired me away from ABC News to create “Hotline On Call.” I was to be the first political reporter working for a mainstream news …
Althouse, Runnin' Scared, Dennis the Peasant, The Daily Dish, The New Republic and GOP 12
Hillary Rodham Clinton / US Department of State:
Interview with Hamish and Andy — University of Melbourne — QUESTION: Madam Secretary, thank you so much for joining us. — SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you for having me. — QUESTION: It's very exciting. And we start with a gift. — SECRETARY CLINTON: Oh, excellent.
Washington Wire, Washington Post, Political Punch and

5th Circuit Rules That High School Cheerleader Is Required To Cheer For Her Alleged Rapist — Fifth Circuit Judge Priscilla Owen and former President George W. Bush — The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, one of the most right-wing courts in the country …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, The Other McCain, ECHIDNE of the snakes and Shakesville
Maggie Haberman / The Politico:
Grief counseling after the wipeout — A staffer for a congressional Democrat who came up short on Tuesday reports that a team of about five people stopped by their offices this morning to talk about payroll, benefits, writing a résumé, and so forth, with staffers who are now job hunting.
Hot Air, Gawker, The Sundries Shack and POWIP
Robert Costa / National Review:
Palin to Bernanke: ‘Cease and Desist’ — As President Obama prepares for the G20 summit in South Korea this week, Sarah Palin is challenging the Federal Reserve's monetary policy, which will likely be a key issue at the talks. On Monday, in a keynote address at a trade-association convention in Phoenix …
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
Doing It Again — Eight years ago Ben Bernanke, already …
Doing It Again — Eight years ago Ben Bernanke, already …
Wall Street Journal, Yglesias, Macro and Other Market Musings, Daily Kos and Felix Salmon
Rama Lakshmi / Washington Post:
Obama's speech, his teleprompter, the reaction — He thrilled them by calling for India to have a permanent seat on an expanded U.N. Security Council. He reassured them by demanding that Pakistan bring those responsible for the Mumbai terror attacks to justice. He flattered them by recalling India's
Christian Science Monitor, Hot Air, Fausta's Blog, Weasel Zippers and The Moderate Voice
Veronique de Rugy / National Review:
Is Rand Paul Already Selling Out? — On Saturday, the Wall Street Journal ran this piece on senators-elect Rand Paul and Roy Blunt. The piece is organized to contrast Blunt, who's been around for a long time, with first-timer Paul. One is presented as being comfortable with compromises …
USA Today, Hot Air, ThinkProgress, The Sundries Shack, Raw Story and Salon
Suzy Khimm / Ezra Klein:
What if states ditch Medicaid? — The Medicaid expansion was meant to be one of the hallmark accomplishments of health-care reform. The Affordable Care Act will expand the program rapidly by subsidizing insurance for all Americans up to 133 percent of the poverty line, which will add an estimated 16 million new Medicaid enrollees.
Hit & Run, Guardian, National Review, Off the Kuff and ThinkProgress
Adam Serwer / American Prospect:
Standing For Nothing. — The Wall Street Journal reports Democrats are ready to cave on DADT in the lame duck: … Look, if Democrats can't repeal a policy more than two thirds of the American people, including a majority of conservatives want gone then they can't expect people to vote for them.
Balloon Juice, Advocate, Mother Jones, Law Blog, Pam's House Blend, Outside the Beltway, Wonk Room and Open Left
Jeff Weiner / Orlando Sentinel:
Criminal barbering? Raids at Orange County shops lead to arrests, raise questions — Customers watch a movie and collegiate football game at Strictly Skillz Barbershop in Pine Hills, on Saturday, October 9, 2010. In the African-American community, beauty and barbershops are a cornerstone …
theblogprof, National Review, Hit & Run, The League of Ordinary … and Blog
David Weigel / Weigel:
When in Doubt, Cry “Voter Fraud” — Republican congressional candidate Ed Martin has lost the race for Missouri's 3rd district by 4,418 votes, a close but not razor-thin margin out of the 193,604 votes cast for him and incumbent Rep. Russ Carnahan (D-Mo.). This is not the sort of result candidates usually contest.
Mother Jones

Darrell Issa plans hundreds of hearings — California Rep. Darrell Issa is already eyeing a massive expansion of oversight for next year, including hundreds of hearings; creating new subcommittees; and launching fresh investigations into the bank bailout, the stimulus and, potentially, health care reform.
Ben McGrath / New Yorker:
BLOOMBERG, 2012? — John B. Anderson, the former Republican congressman from Illinois and 1980 Presidential candidate, said that his mind was “in a whirl,” late last week. Anderson, who now lives in Florida, was a Charlie Crist supporter, and, despite his long-standing disaffection toward …
Derek Wallbank

California: The Lindsay Lohan of States — Sacramento is headed for trouble again, and it shouldn't expect a bailout. — Listen up, California. The other 48 states—your cousin New York excluded—are sick of your bratty arrogance. You're the Lindsay Lohan of states …
David Paul Kuhn / Real Clear Politics:
Jim Webb: Why Reagan Dems Still Matter — Jim Webb went to the White House last September. The Virginia senator was meeting with the president to discuss Guantanamo detainees. The conversation soon shifted to healthcare. “I told him this was going to be a disaster,” Webb recalls.
NO QUARTER, Taylor Marsh, AmSpecBlog, Outside the Beltway, Ben Smith's Blog and Real Clear Politics
Ross Douthat / New York Times:
The Unready Republicans — When a political party suffers two consecutive thrashings at the polls, its supporters can usually look forward to a long period of exile — a time to lick wounds, settle scores, feud over policy and gradually map out a road back to relevance. — Not so the Obama-era Republicans.
Bark Bark Woof Woof, Washington Monthly and FrumForum

Professor sheds weight on junk food — (CNN) — Twinkies. Nutty bars. Powdered donuts. — For 10 weeks, Mark Haub, a professor of human nutrition at Kansas State University, ate one of these sugary cakelets every three hours, instead of meals. To add variety in his steady stream …