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The Hijacked Commission — Count me among those who always believed that President Obama made a big mistake when he created the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform — a supposedly bipartisan panel charged with coming up with solutions to the nation's long-run fiscal problems.
The Huffington Post, The Atlantic Online, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, The New Republic, TPMDC, New Deal 2.0, Open Left, Grasping Reality …, blogs, FAIR Blog, Capital Gains and Games blogs, The Mahablog, Hullabaloo, Dennis the Peasant, The Hill, Opinionator and The Impolitic

Obama says he's not caving on tax cuts — Seoul, South Korea (CNN) — President Barack Obama declared Friday that his “number one priority” is preserving tax cuts for the middle class, and sharply denied that comments by his senior adviser David Axelrod suggest that his administration …

Deficit Reduction Plan Draws Scorn From Left and Right — WASHINGTON — By putting deep spending cuts and substantial tax increases on the table, President Obama's bipartisan debt-reduction commission has exposed fissures in both parties, underscoring the volatile nature and long odds …
No More Mister Nice Blog, Prairie Weather, Outside the Beltway, Daily Kos and Bark Bark Woof Woof

Liberals plan to push Obama not to compromise with GOP
Taylor Marsh and Daily Kos

Why I'm Running for RNC Chairman — FROM: Saul Anuzis, MI-NCM — RE: Announcement for RNC Chairman — DATE: November 12, 2010 — Congratulations on your success, nationwide and state-by-state.
The Note, Zandar Versus The Stupid, The Hill, CNN, TPMDC, The Tolbert Report, Taegan Goddard's … and AmSpecBlog

Michael Steele draws first challenger in RNC Chair race
The Note, FrumForum and Erick's blog

First Major Challenger To Steele Announces Bid
The Atlantic Online, The Daily Caller, Hot Air, Daily Kos and TPMDC

Daily Beast, Newsweek to Wed! — Some weddings take longer to plan than others. The union of The Daily Beast and Newsweek magazine finally took place with a coffee-mug toast between all parties Tuesday evening, in a conference room atop Beast headquarters, the IAC building on Manhattan's West 18th Street.
The Daily Beast, Associated Press, Politics Daily, Commentary, TechCrunch, Media Decoder, News Desk, Deal Journal, Company Town, The Daily Dish, Gothamist, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, NPR Topics,, Mixed Media, New York Magazine, Fausta's Blog, FrumForum and The Awl, more at Mediagazer »

Observer Exclusive: Newsweek and Daily Beast to Merge — Newsweek and The Daily Beast will announce tomorrow morning that the two publications will merge, a source close to the deal tells The Observer. — It will be a 50-50 merger of the two companies. The editorial staffs will combine under …

Murkowski confident as write-in tally grows — WRITE-INS: Miller camp steps up challenges, threatens new lawsuit. — — The Division of Elections has reviewed write-in ballots for almost half the precincts in Alaska and is counting nearly 98 percent of them for Lisa Murkowski.
Ben Smith's Blog, Ballot Box,, TPMDC, Washington Post, Ace of Spades HQ, Daily Kos, Outside the Beltway, The Politico, USA Today and FiveThirtyEight

Miller challenged in wrong court, state says
The Maddow Blog and Balloon Juice

How strong is Joe Miller's argument against the Leeza Markovsky vote?
Law Blog, Election Law and The Volokh Conspiracy

Cindy McCain does video opposing DADT, accuses ‘our government’ of sending signal that bullying is okay - her hubbie is the lead defender of DADT — John McCain is leading the filibuster against the “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” “repeal” legislation in the Senate (it's not an actual repeal, but we'll leave that for another time).
Ben Smith's Blog, The Moderate Voice, New York Magazine, The Daily Caller, The Washington Note, Raw Story and Althouse

Cindy McCain Speaks Out Against DADT While John McCain Defends It (VIDEO) — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? … Sen. John McCain's wife Cindy appears in a new ad that harshly criticizes the military's “don't ask, don't tell” policy, and government officials and religious leaders generally …
The Maddow Blog, Washington Monthly, SpeakEasy and Swampland

Cindy McCain slams military gay ban as husband fights to uphold it
The Atlantic Online, Washington Post, Salon, TPMMuckraker and Gawker

Pelosi: “We Didn't Lose Because of Me.” — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she has the “overwhelming support” of fellow Democrats in her bid to become minority leader in the next Congress, and says she's not to blame for the Democrats' mid-term debacle. — “We didn't lose the election because of me …
Weasel Zippers

Pelosi won't budge on Bush tax cuts
Guardian, TPMDC, CNN and Booman Tribune

Sources: Pelosi Says Obama Must Be ‘Perfect’ to Win Again
Scared Monkeys, Weasel Zippers, Gateway Pundit, Zandar Versus The Stupid, Hot Air and HotAirPundit

Unexplored Revenues — The flipside of the Simpson-Bowles document's unsound aggregate cap on revenue is that they were very uncreative in their exploration of revenue options. For example, what about a tax on greenhouse gas emissions? The mere fact that the conservative movement …
Mother Jones, The Reality-Based Community and National Review

Fairly Understanding the Simpson-Bowles Social Security Proposal
The Atlantic Online, National Review, Ezra Klein and Hit & Run

Liberals and the Debt Commission
Derek Wallbank, The Reaction, Obsidian Wings, The Atlantic Online and Mother Jones

Traveling in Asia, Obama's Glow Dims — SEOUL, South Korea — Foreign leaders couldn't seem to get enough of President Obama when he arrived on the world stage two years ago. They brought copies of his memoir to global conferences seeking his autograph. They angled for handshakes and …
JustOneMinute, Washington Wire, Wonkette, Swampland and Washington Post

National Greatness Agenda — Elections come and go, but the United States is still careening toward bankruptcy. By 2020, the U.S. will be spending $1 trillion a year just to pay the interest on the national debt. Sometime between now and then the catastrophe will come. — It will come with amazing swiftness.
Eunomia and The Other McCain

Bobby Jindal hammers Barack Obama in new book — NEW ORLEANS — Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal uses a new book to portray President Obama as disconnected from the Gulf oil spill, charging that he was more focused on the political aftermath than the actual impact of the crisis.
Wonkette, MyFox Philadelphia, HotAirPundit, The Page and GOP 12

If U.S. Won't Prosecute Bush, at Least 145 Other Countries Should — “Former President George W. Bush not only admits - he boasts - of having authorized the practice of known as waterboarding. A total of 145 other countries are signatories to the U.N. Convention Against Torture.
Sister Toldjah, PERRspectives and The Moderate Voice

Top Earners May Face Big Hit — Proposed Elimination of Deductions, Investment Breaks Aims to Lift Tax Revenue — A presidential panel's draft overhaul of the tax system could hit higher earners hard, largely by wiping out deductions and investment breaks that tend to especially benefit …
Felix Salmon

Your Child Left Behind — For years, poor performance by students in America relative to those in other countries has been explained away as a consequence of our nationwide diversity. But what if you looked more closely, breaking down our results by state and searching not for an average, but for excellence?
Mother Jones and Joanne Jacobs

I Owe Bruce Bartlett an Apology — Back when Bush 43 was President, I was a huge fan of Bruce Bartlett. I especially loved his book Impostor. But when Bartlett broke with the Republicans back in 2008, it seemed to me that he had gone “from being inside the tent pissing out to being outside the tent pissing in.”
The Other McCain, Riehl World View, The Reality-Based Community, Instapundit and FrumForum