Top Items:

McConnell on Earmarks: The People Have Spoken—I'm Listening — Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell delivered the following remarks on the Senate floor Monday regarding the united Republican Leadership moratorium on earmarks in the 112th Congress:
Ben Smith's Blog, Values Voter News, National Review and Politics Daily

Mitch McConnell reverses; backs earmark ban — Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell declared Monday that he now supports a GOP ban on earmarks, a stunning reversal that puts the Kentucky Republican in line with the tea-party wing of his party and conservative senators who have long sought to kill off pet projects.
CNN, The Page and James Pethokoukis

GOP is urged to avoid social issues — A gay conservative group and some Tea Party leaders are campaigning to keep social issues off the Republican agenda. — In a letter to be released Monday, the group GOProud and leaders from groups like the Tea Party Patriots and the New American Patriots …

Tea party groups push GOP to quit culture wars, focus on deficit — In a letter to Republican leaders, tea party members advise the GOP to avoid culture-war social issues such as gay rights and abortion and to focus on reducing deficit and role of government.
protein wisdom

Mike Lee: GOP should hold open earmark vote
Weekly Standard, Wall Street Journal, CNN, The Hill, Hot Air and Wake up America

Ethics trial ends, Charlie Rangel awaits fate — After his dramatic walkout from a high stake ethics trial, Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) now awaits judgment from the ethics panel that has heard the evidence against him and has ended the public portion of the trial.

Charles Rangel Ethics Trial: Rangel Walks Out (VIDEO)
Crooks and Liars,, Weasel Zippers and

Live-Blogging the Rangel Hearing: Rangel Walks Out
Gothamist, New York Times and The Maddow Blog

More Cameras in the House? — House Republican Leader John Boehner …
MyFox Philadelphia

Safer Social Security — Social Security is not the key fiscal problem facing the nation. Payments to its beneficiaries amount to 5 percent of the economy now; by 2050, they're projected to rise to about 6 percent. Over the same period, federal health care costs will increase six times as much.

The Party of No — By offering up their joint recommendation last week for balancing the budget, the co-chairmen of Barack Obama's fiscal commission didn't solve our deficit problem once and for all, or clear a path through the political thickets facing would-be budget cutters.
The Atlantic Online, The Moderate Voice, Prairie Weather, National Review and The Daily Dish

Westboro protesters face jeers and slashed tires — Related Story: McAlester soldier mourned — McALESTER - Members of a Kansas church that protests at military funerals may have found themselves in the wrong town Saturday. — Shortly after finishing their protest at the funeral of Army …

Open Letter to Ben Bernanke — The following is the text of an open letter to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke signed by several economists, along with investors and political strategists, most of them close to Republicans: — We believe the Federal Reserve's large-scale asset purchase plan …
Paul Krugman, Felix Salmon, Yglesias, Commentary and Blog

Options Showing Quantitative Easing Working Before It Begins
ThinkProgress and Felix Salmon

Vicious Infighting at NBC News — MSNBC's president vowed to fire Keith Olbermann after he threatened to take his case to other networks. Howard Kurtz on the civil war that has NBC brass—and his own staff—fuming. — Keith Olbermann was having dinner with his manager at an Upper East Side restaurant …

Please stop asking Newt Gingrich if he'll run for president — News consumers woke up this morning to yet another round of headlines touting the possibility that Newt Gingrich will run for president in 2012, and that he and his wife, Callista, will make a decision in February or March of next year.
USA Today

Bringing the Pain — Washington pundits love to bash politicians …
Washington Monthly and A plain blog about politics

Meet the Press Netcast
Discussion:*, The Daily Dish and The Tolbert Report

Sen. Schumer wants a federal investigation and ban of reusable grocery bags — How many times have we heard from Al Gore, Hollyweird celebrities, and other environmentalists that the use of reusable bags are not only necessary for the environment, but is also useful for carrying those heavy items …
Beltway Confidential and Liberty Pundits Blog

Virginia Thomas stepping down as head of Liberty Central — Virginia Thomas, political activist and wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, has decided to relinquish control of Liberty Central, the conservative group she founded less than a year ago, so that the organization can escape the …
Politics Daily, The Politico, CNN, TPMMuckraker, PostPartisan, Raw Story, Wonkette, The BLT and The Caucus

Junior Democrats in Senate seek to change the way chamber does business — Senate Democrats are expected to elect the same party veterans as their leaders when they return to work this week, but a new class of junior lawmakers is exerting its influence by challenging the chamber's sacred traditions …
Taylor Marsh, Crooks and Liars and The Page

Sen. Burris says Reid apologized over ethics admonishment
The Politico and Lynn Sweet

'Sarah Palin's Alaska' Breaks TLC Ratings Record — Sarah Palin's documentary / travelogue / reality / biopic shattered TLC ratings records Sunday night. — The debut of Sarah Palin's Alaska delivered a whopping 5 million viewers. — The first episode of the eight-part series was the most-watched program launch in TLC's history.
Cubachi, Patterico's Pontifications, Weasel Zippers, Liberty Pundits Blog, Gawker and PopEater

Sarah Palin's Alaska: Politics Lurk Beneath the Surface in TLC Show
The Awl and Alan Colmes' Liberaland

The World as He Finds It — On Wednesday David Axelrod, President Obama's top political adviser, appeared to signal that the White House was ready to cave on tax cuts — to give in to Republican demands that tax cuts be extended for the wealthy as well as the middle class.
Firedoglake, Wall Street Journal, No More Mister Nice Blog and The Huffington Post

A lame and spineless duck? — The lame-duck session of Congress that kicks off this week will test whether Democrats have spines made of Play-Doh and whether President Obama has decided to pretend that capitulation is conciliation. — Congress faces an enormous amount of unfinished business …
New York Times, New Deal 2.0, JustOneMinute and Mario Piperni dot Com

Foreclosure King Defaults on Rent, $15 Million Loan — For people pushed out of their own homes by the law firm of foreclosure king David J. Stern, consider Monday's news a piece of sweet irony. Stern, the South Florida lawyer who built a business empire in the foreclosure industry …

CNN Poll: Election not a mandate for GOP — Washington (CNN) - Americans approve of the Republican takeover of the House of Representatives in the midterms, but only one in six say the election results were a mandate for the GOP, according to a new national poll.
Taegan Goddard's …, Politics Daily and HotAirPundit

Europe stumbles blindly towards its 1931 moment — It is the European Central Bank that should be printing money on a mass scale to purchase government debt, not the US Federal Reserve. — Unless the ECB takes fast and dramatic action, it risks destroying the currency it is paid to manage …
The Atlantic Online and naked capitalism