Top Items:

Special Underwear Makes Your Privates Invisible to TSA Scanners — Citizens, take heart: Even as our country falls under the total domination of our new TSA overlords, capitalism continues unabated. A Colorado man has developed undergarments with special body scanner-blocking fig leafs to hide your privates.
Balloon Juice, Outside the Beltway and Israel Matzav

There Will Be Blood — Former Senator Alan Simpson is a Very Serious Person. He must be — after all, President Obama appointed him as co-chairman of a special commission on deficit reduction. — So here's what the very serious Mr. Simpson said on Friday: “I can't wait for the blood bath in April. ...
Washington Post, Booman Tribune, Prairie Weather, Daily Kos and Firedoglake

Huckabee in Iowa: Palin potentially “a force” in 2012 — Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, one of three 2012 GOP presidential prospects in Iowa this month, said Sunday the next one on the schedule, Sarah Palin, would be a strong contender, should she decide to run.
Ballot Box and The Politico

Sarah Palin drops 2012 presidency hint with staff visit to Iowa — Palin scouts for office space in early voting state, suggesting next week's visit will be ‘more than just a book signing’ — Sarah Palin has dropped another hint of her intention to run for the White House in 2012 …
Raw Story

Buffett Tells ABC Rich Americans Should Be Paying ‘A Lot’ More in Taxes — Billionaire Warren Buffett said that rich people should pay more in taxes and that Bush-era tax cuts for top earners should be allowed to expire at the end of December. — “If anything, taxes for the lower …
Right Wing News, HazZzMat, Blog and Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Warren Buffett: Read My Lips, Raise My Taxes — Billionaire Buffett tells Amanpour Bush-era Tax Cuts for Rich Should Expire — In an exclusive interview on “This Week,” Warren Buffett, Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, told Christiane Amanpour that the rich should be paying more taxes …
Crooks and Liars, The Consumerist and European Tribune

Jindal blasts Obama administration, calls TSA searches excessive — Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal (R) blasted the Obama administration's handling suspected terrorist and called the Transportation Security Administration's controversial search procedures excessive during NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday.

Obama Politically Tone Deaf On TSA Outrage
The Atlantic Online and CNN

TSA head: ‘Not going to change’
Reuters, Hot Air, Commentary, Mediaite, I Will Opt Out Of TSA Scan and Right Klik

View from Mideast: Obama's a problem — JERUSALEM — Vowing to change a region that has resisted the best efforts of presidents and prime ministers past, Barack Obama dove head first into the Middle East peace process on his second day in office. — He was supposed to be different.
Left Coast Rebel

'Don't ask, don't tell' study to be released day earlier than planned — Signaling the growing seriousness of the Obama administration's commitment this year to ending the military's ban on gays serving openly in the armed forces, the Defense Department said Sunday that it will release …
Washington Monthly, The Page and Federal Eye

Deposition: Countrywide Never Sent Mortgage Notes to Trust; Mortgage-Backed Securities in Question — Christine at Foreclosure Industry gives her 10 reasons why the MERS problem cannot be fixed by legislation, and it's a pretty good list. I would add that it's simply not the only problem …
FORECLOSURE FRAUD, Rortybomb and naked capitalism

The Impact Today and Tomorrow of Chalmers Johnson — Next week, Foreign Policy magazine and its editor-in-chief Susan Glasser will be releasing its 2nd annual roster of the world's greatest thinkers and doers in foreign policy. I have seen the list — and it's impressively creative and eclectic.
American Power, Eunomia, The Atlantic Online and The Monkey Cage

Hillary Clinton Says She Won't Run Again for Elective Office — Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said today she won't run again for elective office, ruling out a future presidential bid. — “I am very happy doing what I'm doing and I am not in any way interested in or pursuing anything …
Raw Story

Clinton: I'd Avoid Airport Pat-Down if Possible
Politics Daily, CBS New York and Scared Monkeys

For NBC Sale, Tensions Rise in Washington — Comcast is still in negotiations with the government over its proposed takeover of NBC Universal, but that did not stop the cable company from announcing a new management slate for the entertainment giant last week.

The GOP's lame-duck hardball — Washington began last week to come to grips with the new order of things, a regime in which Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell holds as much sway as the president of the United States. — With the additional leverage that six more Republican senators …
DownWithTyranny!, HazZzMat and Hullabaloo

Nuking the White House
Connecting.the.Dots, Eunomia, Commentary and Vox Popoli

TSA airport screeners gone wild in San Diego- again — In what can only be described as TSA handlers gone wild, the San Diego Harbor Police arrested an area resident for refusal to complete the screening/security process yesterday. This is the same airport that created the TSA security catch phrase “don't touch my junk.”

More TSA “love” ...
Examiner, New York Times, Firedoglake, The Other McCain, The Sundries Shack, The Gateway Pundit and theblogprof