Top Items:

Cables Obtained by WikiLeaks Shine Light Into Secret Diplomatic Channels — WASHINGTON — A cache of a quarter-million confidential American diplomatic cables, most of them from the past three years, provides an unprecedented look at backroom bargaining by embassies around the world …
The Mahablog, Spiegel Online, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Wake up America, The Reality-Based Community, The Other McCain, FP Passport, Wall Street Journal, Gawker, Outside the Beltway, ParaPundit,, Boing Boing, CNN, New York Magazine, TechCrunch, Threat Level, NO QUARTER, A Chequer-Board of Nights …, The Agonist, Mediaite, The Daily Caller, Right Wing News, The Wire, TalkLeft, Associated Press, Runnin' Scared, The Daily Dish, Hullabaloo,,, International Business Times, Booman Tribune and BLACKFIVE, more at Techmeme »

A Superpower's View of the World — 251,000 State Department documents, many of them secret embassy reports from around the world, show how the US seeks to safeguard its influence around the world. It is nothing short of a political meltdown for US foreign policy.
Guardian, Danger Room, Weekly Standard, The Daily Beast, Washington Post, The Gateway Pundit and ReadWriteWeb, more at Mediagazer »

US cables leak sparks global diplomatic crisis — • More than 250,000 dispatches reveal US foreign strategies — • Diplomats ordered to spy on allies as well as enemies — • Saudi king urged Washington to bomb Iran — Read the full coverage of the US embassy cables
New York Times, Washington Post, Open Left, Boing Boing, The Lede, Little Green Footballs, The Staggers and Pajamas Media

A Note to Readers: The Decision to Publish Diplomatic Documents — The articles published today and in coming days are based on thousands of United States embassy cables, the daily reports from the field intended for the eyes of senior policy makers in Washington.
Power Line, International Business Times, Guardian, CBC News, Boing Boing, The Gateway Pundit and Balloon Juice, more at Mediagazer »

Saudi Arabia urges US attack on Iran to stop nuclear programme — • Embassy cables show Arab allies want strike against Tehran — • Israel prepared to attack alone to avoid its own 9/11 — • Iranian bomb risks ‘Middle East proliferation, war or both’
Mere Rhetoric, Haaretz, Outside the Beltway, The Atlantic Online, The Daily Dish, Weasel Zippers and Raw Story

Iran Fortifies Its Arsenal With the Aid of North Korea — Secret American intelligence assessments have concluded that Iran has obtained a cache of advanced missiles, based on a Russian design, that are much more powerful than anything Washington has publicly conceded that Tehran has in its arsenal, diplomatic cables show.
The Daily Dish, The Gateway Pundit, Guardian and Liberty Pundits Blog

Around the World, Distress Over Iran — In late May 2009, Israel's defense minister, Ehud Barak, used a visit from a Congressional delegation to send a pointed message to the new American president. — In a secret cable sent back to Washington, the American ambassador to Israel …
The Daily Dish, YID With LID, Guardian, Commentary, The Atlantic Online, Washington Post and Israpundit

WikiLeaks exposé: Barak warned strike on Iran was viable until end of 2010 — Classified cable quotes State Dept. official as saying U.S. dismissed Netanyahu's warnings on Iran nukes as ploy. … A 2009 American government cable released Sunday by the WikiLeaks website quotes Defense …
Israellycool, Guardian, The BRAD BLOG and RubinReports

Wikileaks servers under DOS attack ahead of diplomatic document dump …
BBC, Ben Smith's Blog, The Nation, Associated Press, Fox News, Liberty Pundits Blog, Pundit Press, Instapundit, Pharyngula and Marathon Pundit, more at Techmeme »

More Wikileaks — Newspapers around the world have started publishing …
Discussion:, Telegraph, The League of Ordinary …, Guardian, The Gateway Pundit and TechCrunch, more at Techmeme »

US embassy cables: Saudi king's advice for Barack Obama
Danger Room and Fox Nation

How Twitter Scooped Wikileaks (Updated)
Runnin' Scared, The Wire, Top of the Ticket, Mediaite and Gizmodo, more at Mediagazer »

Text of State Department letter to Wikileaks
Vancouver Sun, Raw Story, Crooks and Liars and The Lede

WikiLeaks U.S. Embassy Cables: New Documents Released
Guardian, Crooks and Liars, News Desk and The Atlantic Online

Text of White House statement on WikiLeaks release
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and CBS News

U.S. documents obtained by WikiLeaks posted despite site problem
Moe Lane, Pajamas Media, Weasel Zippers and This Just In

WikiLeaks hacked hours before expected document release
The Politico, Raw Story, The Gateway Pundit, ABCNEWS and The Atlantic Online

Leslie Nielsen, ‘Airplane!’ and ‘Naked Gun’ star, dies at 84 — Leslie Nielsen, who dazzled with deadpan in The Naked Gun and Airplane!, passed away on Sunday at a hospital near his home in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., where he was being treated for pneumonia, according to the New York Times. He was 84.

Leslie Nielsen, Actor, Dies at 84 — FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — Leslie Nielsen, who went from drama to inspired bumbling as a hapless doctor in “Airplane!” and the accident-prone detective Frank Drebin in “The Naked Gun” comedies, has died. He was 84. — His agent John S. Kelly …
New York Times, Michelle Malkin and The New Republic

The FBI successfully thwarts its own Terrorist plot — (updated below) — The FBI is obviously quite pleased with itself over its arrest of a 19-year-old Somali-American, Mohamed Osman Mohamud, who — with months of encouragement, support and money from the FBI's own undercover agents …

US Diplomats Told to Spy on Other Countries at United Nations — The US State Department gave its diplomats instructions to spy on other countries' representatives at the United Nations, according to a directive signed by Hillary Clinton. Diplomats were told to collect information about e-mail accounts …
Discussion: and Balloon Juice

The Obsession With Liberals' Obsession With Sarah Palin — Charles Krauthammer has lambasted the mainstream (i.e. liberal) media for its obsession with Sarah Palin. — That goes double for liberal entertainers and academics, and triple for the left-blogosphere, which is nuts-in-the-head …
Discussion: blogs, The Reaction, The Other McCain and theblogprof

Presidential historian curses, calls Americans ‘lazy and obese’ — Presidential biographer Edmund Morris delivered one of the more, well, colorful lines on this week's Sunday morning shows. — On CBS's “Face the Nation,” host Bob Schieffer, anchoring an authors roundtable discussion …
Discussion: Blog and Althouse

Neighbors say wannabe Christmas bomber Mohamed Mohamud embraced extremism after parents split — Arsonists set fire Sunday to the Oregon Islamic center that the wannabe Christmas-tree bomber had attended, authorities said. — The fire was reported about 2:25 a.m. at the Salman Alfarisi Islamic Center …
Jihad Watch

A Media False Alarm Over the T.S.A. — If a squadron of mad scientists surrounded by supercomputers gathered in a laboratory to try to conjure a single news topic that would blow up large, they could not touch the T.S.A. pat-down story. — It began with a Drudge Report link to a video …