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King: WikiLeaks Release ‘Worse Than Military Attack’ — WASHINGTON (AP/1010 WINS/WCBS 880) — Hundreds of thousands of State Department documents leaked Sunday revealed a hidden world of backstage international diplomacy, divulging candid comments from world leaders and detailing occasional …
CBS News, neo-neocon, Cubachi, BBC, Bloomberg, Liberty Pundits Blog, Wake up America, New York Times, The Reaction, The Confluence, Raw Story, Blog, Politics Daily, Guardian, Firedoglake, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Riehl World View, The Mahablog, Balloon Juice, The BRAD BLOG and Hot Air, more at Mediagazer »

John Kampfner: Wikileaks shows up our media for their docility at the feet of authority — Mr Assange is an unconventional figure, a man who lives in the shadows and enjoys doing so — You should never shout “fire” in a crowded theatre. Once you have accepted this old adage, you accept that there are limits to free expression.
Firedoglake, Spiegel Online, Guardian and EU Referendum

Republican wants WikiLeaks labeled as terrorist group — Secretary of State Hillary Clinton should review whether WikiLeaks can be declared a terrorist organization, according to a senior Republican. — Rep. Pete King (R-N.Y.), the incoming chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee …

Bomb, Bomb Iran: The Top 5 Most Shocking Things About The Wikileaks — Yesterday, Wikileaks released a selection of more than 250,000 U.S. diplomatic cables dating from the mid-sixties to the present day — widely presumed to have been provided to them by the currently-incarcerated Private Bradley Manning …

Answers to Readers' Questions About State's Secrets
Ben Smith's Blog, Yahoo! News, Guardian, Senator Joseph Lieberman (CT), The Lede and Balloon Juice

US embassy cables: Verdict on the leaks about the Middle East
Bloomberg, Informed Comment, Alastair Campbell and Telegraph, more at Mediagazer »

Guardian editor says they gave cables to the NY Times
The Atlantic Online, Watts Up With That?, Wall Street Journal, Politics Daily, Guardian, Stephen M. Walt,, Commentary,, McClatchy Washington Bureau, News: News blog,, National Review, CNET News, Outside the Beltway, Balloon Juice, The Nation and, more at Mediagazer »

Wikileaks - Anti-Israel Foreign Policy Experts Got Saudi Arabia …
The Daily Dish, The Atlantic Online, Foreign Policy, American Power, RubinReports, The Jawa Report, Israellycool, Los Angeles Times, Taylor Marsh, The Gateway Pundit, Reuters, Guardian, New York Times, Elder of Ziyon, The Volokh Conspiracy, Daily Pundit, Associated Press, YID With LID, Doug Ross, Haaretz and Danger Room

WIKILEAKS HAMPERS U.S. DIPLOMACY.... American officials were bracing …
The Huffington Post, The Foundry, JustOneMinute, and TBogg

How 250,000 US embassy cables were leaked
The Daily Beast, Runnin' Scared, PERRspectives, Hot Air, Big Government, Commentary, Questions and Observations, Politics Daily, Gizmodo, The Staggers, Washington Post, Swampland, Spiegel Online, Boing Boing, The Huffington Post, Weasel Zippers, The Agonist, News: News blog, Wake up America, Power Line, Crooks and Liars, Pajamas Media, Associated Press, Gawker and The Lede, more at Mediagazer »

Bradley Manning: The prime suspect of giving files to WikiLeaks
CNN, The Confluence, CANNONFIRE, Daily Mail, TalkLeft, Confederate Yankee, Swampland and The Reaction

Congressman wants WikiLeaks listed as terrorist group
The Hill, Toronto Sun, Vox Popoli, The Nation, Booman Tribune and Wonkette

Obama Freezes Pay for Federal Workers for Two Years — WASHINGTON — President Obama announced a two-year pay freeze for civilian federal workers on Monday as he sought to address concerns over sky-high deficit spending and appeal to Republican leaders to find a common approach to restoring the nation's economic and fiscal health.

Fact Sheet: Cutting the Deficit by Freezing Federal Employee Pay — Because of the irresponsibility of the past decade, the President inherited a $1.3 trillion projected deficit upon taking office and an economic crisis that threatened to put the nation into a second Great Depression.

Obama to freeze federal wages for 2 years — NEW YORK ( — President Obama will announce a two-year freeze in the wages of federal employees Monday, with the intention of saving $60 billion over the next 10 years. — Obama was scheduled to announce the proposal later Monday.
Wake up America, Outside the Beltway, AMERICAblog News, AmSpecBlog, and The Agonist

First priority? Control federal spending — Today is my first day in the U.S. Senate. With this honor comes a tremendous responsibility to accomplish much for our nation. — My top priority is turning our economy around. In Congress, we had a vigorous debate about the trillion-dollar stimulus.
Washington Wire and CNN

Mark Kirk: Extending Jobless Benefits Is ‘Misguided,’ …
Washington Monthly, New York Times and Prairie Weather

American exceptionalism: an old idea and a new political battle — Is this a great country or what? — “American exceptionalism” is a phrase that, until recently, was rarely heard outside the confines of think tanks, opinion journals and university history departments.
The Plum Line, Achenblog, Pirate's Cove and The New Republic

The Partisan Mind — Imagine, for a moment, that George W. Bush …
Salon, The Atlantic Online and Brilliant at Breakfast

Blasts target Iranian nuclear scientists — One professor dies, another is injured on their morning commutes. The attacks prompt a stern warning by the head of IranÂ's atomic energy agency. — Reporting from Beirut — Two separate explosions killed a nuclear scientist and injured another …
JustOneMinute, The Daily Dish, Outside the Beltway, and Sister Toldjah

EXPLOSIONS IN TEHRAN - Nuclear Scientists Targeted, One Dead
Discussion:, Moe Lane and Daily Pundit

The Spanish Prisoner — The best thing about the Irish right now is that there are so few of them. By itself, Ireland can't do all that much damage to Europe's prospects. The same can be said of Greece and of Portugal, which is widely regarded as the next potential domino. — But then there's Spain.
A Fistful Of Euros, TalkLeft, Yglesias, Daily Kos, Zandar Versus The Stupid and Prairie Weather

PRECEDENT AND PROLOGUE — Momentous Supreme Court cases tend to move quickly into the slipstream of the Court's history. In the first ten years after Brown v. Board of Education, the 1954 decision that ended the doctrine of separate but equal in public education, the Justices cited the case more than twenty-five times.
Lawyers, Guns & Money and Prairie Weather

Picasso's electrician reveals artist's ‘treasure trove’ — The works include a portrait of the late artist's first wife, Olga — A retired electrician in southern France who worked for Pablo Picasso says he has hundreds of previously unknown works by the artist.
Top World Stories, Runnin' Scared, This Just In, Marginal Revolution and Gawker

Leslie Nielsen, Actor, Dies at 84 — Leslie Nielsen, the Canadian-born actor who in middle age tossed aside three decades of credibility in dramatic and romantic roles to make a new, far more successful career as a comic actor in films like “Airplane!” and the “Naked Gun” series, died on Sunday in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. He was 84.
Hollywood Reporter, Left Coast Rebel, Associated Press, skippy the bush kangaroo, TBogg, Scared Monkeys, Gawker, Balloon Juice and Boing Boing

What happens when Medicare controls costs too well — There's one school of thought that says Congress is incapable of controlling costs in Medicare, and then there's, well, this: … One of the dirty little secrets of the health-care system is that Medicare has done a much better job controlling costs …
Yglesias, Grasping Reality … and Overcoming Bias

Liberal Groups to Propose Routes to Smaller Deficit — WASHINGTON — As President Obama's fiscal commission faces a deadline this week for agreement on a plan to shrink the mounting national debt, liberal organizations will unveil debt-reduction proposals of their own in the next two days …

Democrats warm to tax-cut compromise — A faction of congressional Democrats is making a push to persuade President Obama to consider a compromise on tax policy that would leave only the nation's 315,000 richest households facing higher taxes in January. — Over the past few days …
Washington Monthly, National Review, RedState and The Hill

‘The criminalization of politics’ — THERE IS LITTLE DOUBT that former House majority leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) schemed to get around a Texas law prohibiting corporate contributions to political campaigns. Mr. DeLay's state political action committee accepted $190,000 in (legal) corporate contributions.
National Review

Cancun climate change summit: scientists call for rationing in developed world — Global warming is now such a serious threat to mankind that climate change experts are calling for Second World War-style rationing in rich countries to bring down carbon emissions.
Discussion:,, Weasel Zippers,, EU Referendum and Guardian

Are We Entering Another Phase of Financial Crisis? — As Spain starts looking rocky, Tyler Cowen writes: … Arnold Kling follows up with four questions: … I don't know the answer to any of them, but of the four, I think the last is the most interesting; Europe cannot let its banks fail …

Rep. Waters wants ethics trial now — Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) is calling on the ethics committee to hold her public ethics trial before the end of the year. — “I am here because I am disappointed that the committee has chosen not to hold my hearing,” she said.
CNN, The Politico, The Page and Sunlight Foundation