Top Items:

Dem Senator: Negotiating with Republicans “Almost” like Negotiating with “Terrorists” — ABC News' Jonathan Karl reports: Did Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) just compare Republicans to terrorists? — Well, not really. But he did compare negotiating with Republicans to negotiating with terrorists.
theblogprof, The Politico, CNN, No More Mister Nice Blog,, WyBlog and The Gateway Pundit

Dear Democrats, please, please, please don't eff this up
JOSHUAPUNDIT, Washington Post and Squawk Box

Harkin: If Obama Caves On Taxes, He Better Pray For Palin In 2012
Roll Call, Sky Dancing, USA Today, Daily Kos, Guardian, Washington Post, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, PERRspectives, The Hill, Washington Monthly, Ezra Klein, GOP 12 and FrumForum

Freezing Out Hope
New York Times, McClatchy Washington Bureau, ThinkProgress, Rortybomb,, Left in the West, CANNONFIRE, Crooks and Liars, Taylor Marsh, Commentary, Shot in the Dark, JustOneMinute, Balkinization, AMERICAblog News, The Confluence, Wall Street Journal, Balloon Juice, Washington Post, Left Coast Rebel, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, The New Republic, Brilliant at Breakfast, The Impolitic, Daily Kos, Prairie Weather, Suburban Guerrilla, The Plum Line, Riehl World View, The Atlantic Online and Connecting.the.Dots

Donkey Doozy — The Democratic Party spirals unidirectionally.
Don Surber, Hot Air, Commentary and CBS News

The top ten pundits among Republican activists — 1,152 Republican activists, as identified by YouGov America and polled by, have chosen their favorite pundits. — These pundits, more than any other, will be the talking heads who will influence the choice of the GOP's nominee for 2012.
The Other McCain, Salon, The Enterprise Blog, Lean Left and The Daily Dish

Scott Brown comes out in favor of DADT repeal — This is potentially important. The statement just out from Senator Scott Brown's office: … A few quick points on this. First, it shows beyond doubt — as I thought would happen — that Robert Gates's handling of this whole affair …
Salon, Pam's House Blend, The Angle, New York Magazine, Zandar Versus The Stupid, Daily Kos and AMERICAblog Gay

Can we please have some nuance? — It's being widely reported right …
Gawker and Washington Monthly

Scott Brown backs 'don't ask' repeal measure
Prop 8 Trial Tracker and Runnin' Scared

Scott Brown Announces Support for Repealing “Don't Ask, Don't Tell”
Omaha World-Herald, Hullabaloo and Open Left

Collins says 'Don't ask, don't tell' repeal must wait for tax cuts — Democrats hoping to move forward with legislation other than tax cuts shouldn't look to centrist Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) to break the logjam. — Collins said again on Friday that, while she would vote with Democrats …
The Caucus, Box Turtle Bulletin, The Reality-Based Community and Balloon Juice

Discussion:, Wonk Room, Firedoglake, Hot Air, The Hill and Outside the Beltway

Dem senator compares negotiating with GOP to talks with terrorists
Cubachi, The Politico, Liberty Pundits Blog, Hot Air and ThinkProgress

Hardball — From First Read: … Maybe a reluctance to play hardball is the issue here. But there are at least two other things involved. The first is simply that Republicans believe their own PR more than Democrats do. When Republicans get hysterical about something, it's genuine.
Discussion: and A plain blog about politics

Ron Paul stands up for Julian Assange — Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) is taking a stand as one of Julian Assange's few defenders in Washington, arguing that the WikiLeaks founder should get the same protections as the media. — Attorney General Eric Holder said this week that the Justice Department …
AmSpecBlog and Ben Smith's Blog

After Catfood Commission Fails to Meet Mandate, Dem Senators Rally for Austerity — Fourteen Democratic Senators have asked Harry Reid for action on reining in the budget deficit, on the same day that the Catfood Commission failed to reach the threshold to deliver an official report.
Hullabaloo, Zandar Versus The Stupid, The Hill, The Atlantic Online and Eschaton

CBO: Dream Act would cut 1.4 billion dollars off the federal deficit.
America's Voice Blog and Balloon Juice

Viacom Says YouTube Ruling Will ‘Completely Destroy’ Copyright — Viacom appealed Friday its unsuccessful $1 billion copyright lawsuit against Google's YouTube in a case testing the depths of copyright-infringement protection under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998.

Durbin: DREAM Act will come to the Senate floor next week — Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) on Friday predicted a Senate vote on the DREAM Act will be held next week. — “Sen. Reid is going to call it,” Durbin told The Hill shortly after the chamber adjourned at 3:30 p.m. Friday.
The Gateway Pundit and White Blog Feed

The sight of women's breasts won't deter Islamists - they're obsessed with sex — Denmark's government is being called upon to employ a lethal new weapon in the fight against Islamist extremism: bare breasts. — No, I'm not making this up - and also deny outrageous suggestions that I'm looking …
Discussion: and The Gateway Pundit

What's in those free-trade agreements—and do they really boost exports? — On its face, trade policy may seem like pretty stodgy stuff, but don't be fooled. Since this administration hopes to reduce the deficit and increase employment by growing our exports, the policies that shape that flow of goods and services play a key role.
Grasping Reality … and Yglesias

Stop START — Nuclear treaty limits America's options for missile defense
Eunomia, The Angle, The Politico, GOP 12, Fox News, The Foundry, Balloon Juice and Congress Blog

Karl Rove Slams Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee Over Bush-Bashing Comments — On Laura Ingraham's radio show, Karl Rove defended the Bushes against a series of comments, including Sarah Palin's reference to the Bushes as “blue-bloods” and Mike Huckabee saying the Bushes “weren't for me.”

President Obama Lands in Afghanistan for Unannounced Visit — Updated President Obama made an unannounced visit to Afghanistan on Friday as he sought to smooth over a troubled relationship with President Hamid Karzai and take stock of a nine-year-old American-led war that he hopes to begin winding down next summer.
The Daily Beast and Daily Kos

The November Employment Report: A Wake-up Call — Awful. That's the best one can say about the November employment report. The headline — that unemployment jumped to 9.8 percent — is not really the bad news. If and when the economy does catch fire, droves of discouraged workers …
Power Line, Mother Jones and Outside the Beltway

Groupon Annual Revenues Actually $2 Billion — According to sources close to the situation, Groupon's actual run rate for this year is clocking in at $2 billion in revenue, rather than the widely quoted $500 million. — Who knew hawking spas treatments and stripper pole lessons could be so lucrative?
VentureBeat, GigaOM, TechCrunch and ReadWriteWeb, more at Techmeme »

Palin book signing a tightly controlled operation — Columbia, South Carolina (CNN) - Members of the media and book-toting Sarah Palin supporters were asked to follow a surprisingly strict set of guidelines Friday as the former Alaska governor appeared in South Carolina on the final stop …
GOP 12

Hold the brownies! Bill could limit bake sales … WASHINGTON (AP) — Don't touch my brownies! — A child nutrition bill on its way to President Barack Obama — and championed by the first lady — gives the government power to limit school bake sales and other fundraisers that health advocates …
Right Wing News, Weasel Zippers, Doug Ross and Joanne Jacobs

The mortgage interest deduction: winners and losers — The debate on tax reform is starting to heat up with various proposals being debated, and many policies are being considered for the chopping block. One of them is the mortgage interest deduction (MID).
Mother Jones

Obama Using Unemployed as an Excuse to Get What He Wanted All Along — It's been clear for some time that President Obama made the political calculation that he does not want any of the Bush tax cuts to expire. He doesn't have to be the guy in 2012 running for President on having “raised taxes during a time of recession.”
Sky Dancing, The Confluence, The Atlantic Online and Mother Jones

UN Climate Summit Leader Prays to Mayan Moon Goddess — Watch out, Al Gore, your moonbat congregation is starting to direct their prayers elsewhere: … It just makes sense: When you're pushing a myth, there's no more appropriate entity to pray to than a mythical goddess. Why be inconsistent?
Oliver Willis

Defiant Helen Thomas defends remarks that led to exit — Striking a defiant tone, journalist Helen Thomas, 90, said today she absolutely stands by her controversial comments about Israel made earlier this year that led to her resignation. But she stoked additional controversy with new remarks …
Hot Air, YID With LID, The Daily Caller, Moe Lane, theblogprof, The New Republic, FrumForum and blogs

Arizona Cuts Financing for Transplant Patients — PHOENIX — Even physicians with decades of experience telling patients that their lives are nearing an end are having difficulty discussing a potentially fatal condition that has arisen in Arizona: Death by budget cut.
Raw Story, The Incidental Economist, Washington Monthly, The Reality-Based Community, Daily Kos and Gawker

Disappointing Job Growth in U.S. as Jobless Rate Hits 9.8% — In a significant setback to the recovery and market expectations, the United States economy added just 39,000 jobs in November, and the unemployment rate rose to 9.8 percent, according to the Department of Labor.
Economix, The Huffington Post, Calculated Risk, The Other McCain, Wall Street Journal, The Moderate Voice, Washington Monthly, McClatchy Washington Bureau, US Liberal Politics, Indecision Forever, Wake up America, protein wisdom, USA Today, New York Magazine, Don Surber, Wonkette, The Gateway Pundit, TalkLeft, Questions and Observations, Balloon Juice and Scared Monkeys

Montana Republican Numbers — On the Montana poll that we released a couple weeks ago we also had some numbers on who Republicans in the state wanted as their candidates for President and Senate in 2012 and we just never got around to releasing them. So here goes:
GOP 12 and