Top Items:
Lydia Saad / Gallup:
Americans Support Two Major Elements of Tax Compromise — Liberal vs. Moderate/Conservative Democrats disagree on extending tax cuts for all — PRINCETON, NJ — Two major elements included in the tax agreement reached Monday between President Barack Obama and Republican leaders in Congress meet with broad public support.
Obama's Deal to Extend High-Earner Tax Cuts Unpopular in Poll — Americans don't approve of keeping the breaks for upper-income taxpayers that are part of the deal President Barack Obama brokered with congressional Republicans, a Bloomberg National Poll shows.
David Leonhardt / New York Times:
For Obama, Tax Deal Is a Back-Door Stimulus — A year ago, President Obama and the Democrats made the mistake of assuming that an economic recovery was under way. This week's deal to extend the Bush tax cuts shows that the White House's top priority is avoiding the same mistake again …
Washington Monthly, Ezra Klein, Washington Post, The Daily Dish, Wall Street Journal, TaxVox, Don Surber, Economix, Rortybomb,, Felix Salmon, CNSNews, Stop The ACLU,*, WyBlog, Center for American Progress, The Big Picture, Left Coast Rebel, Politics Daily, Daily Kos, Associated Press, TPMCafe, Suburban Guerrilla, Liberal Values, ThinkProgress, New York Times and Yglesias
Tim Fernholz / American Prospect:
Four Ways To Make The Tax Deal Better. — Tax deal apologist that I am, it behooves me to offer some constructive criticism, too, along with a reminder that this deal isn't final until the legislative process makes it so: Congressional Democrats, unable to unify around an original proposal, may try and adapt this framework.
A plain blog about politics
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
LOOKING FOR PLAN B.... The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities' Bob Greenstein, who has as much liberal credibility on budget and tax issues as anyone, doesn't seem to like the “disturbing negative” provisions of the tax policy deal struck by the White House and congressional Republicans.
New York Times, Balloon Juice,, The Impolitic, Suburban Guerrilla and The New Republic
Hugh Hewitt / Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog:
DeMint To Oppose “the Deal”
DeMint To Oppose “the Deal”
The Huffington Post, Power Line, The Daily Caller,, Firedoglake, protein wisdom, Weigel, Indecision Forever, The Hill, Daily Kos, Mother Jones, James Pethokoukis, National Review, Online NewsHour, Hot Air, Raw Story, South Capitol Street, Questions and Observations, Althouse, Dennis the Peasant, The Politico, Clusterstock, Cubachi, The Hill and Riehl World View
Biden and G.O.P. Leader Helped Hammer Out Bipartisan Tax Accord
The Hill, The Huffington Post, Suburban Guerrilla, The Note and Towleroad News #gay
Brian Beutler / TPMDC:
Two Major Conservative Obstacles Emerge To Tax Cut Compromise
Two Major Conservative Obstacles Emerge To Tax Cut Compromise
Weigel, Guardian, Washington Monthly, Zandar Versus The Stupid, The Reid Report, Club for Growth, ThinkProgress and Ezra Klein
John Stanton / Roll Call:
DeMint Agrees With Sanders: Tax Cut Deal Should Be Blocked
DeMint Agrees With Sanders: Tax Cut Deal Should Be Blocked
Greg Sargent / The Plum Line:
In blow to DADT repeal, talks with Senator Collins hit wall — Senior Senate Democratic aides are in a panic this morning about the prospects for repeal of don't ask don't tell, because talks with Senator Susan Collins over her procedural demands have hit a wall, with the Democratic leadership dismissing …
Wonk Room, AMERICAblog Gay and Towleroad News #gay
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
COLLINS POSITIONED TO KILL DADT REPEAL.... We talked earlier Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's (D-Nev.) surprise move this morning: he's getting started tonight on the defense authorization act, which includes a provision on repealing “Don't Ask, Don't Tell.”
U.S. Senator Mark Pryor:
Statement by Senator Mark Pryor on Repeal of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy — On many previous occasions, I have said that I would oppose repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell until I had heard from our servicemen and women regarding this policy. I have now carefully reviewed all of the findings …
Advocate, AMERICAblog Gay, Wonk Room, Open Congress, Open Left, AMERICAblog News, Joe. My. God. and Pam's House Blend
Senate Will Consider 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Tonight
The Politico, The Daily Dish, TPMDC, Washington Monthly, Maggie's Farm, Gawker and Arkansas Blog
Loose Change — Inside a shaken White House. — Of all the historical analogies urged on Obama following November's drubbing—Truman in '48, Reagan after '82, Clinton after '94—the one the White House has opted for is easily the most obscure. That would be Patrick in '10—as in Deval Patrick …
The Daily Dish, National Review and Taegan Goddard's …
Michael O'Brien / The Hill:
White House says Democrats partly to blame for tax-cut deal with GOP
White House says Democrats partly to blame for tax-cut deal with GOP
The Politico and Weasel Zippers
Jordan Fabian / The Hill:
Liberal leader suggests GOP House should handle tax cuts, unemployment benefits
Liberal leader suggests GOP House should handle tax cuts, unemployment benefits
Glenn Thrush / The Politico:
For W.H., upside in fighting Hill Dems
For W.H., upside in fighting Hill Dems
Weasel Zippers, Hot Air and The Huffington Post
Ravi Somaiya / New York Times:
Cyberattacks Are Retaliation for Pressure on WikiLeaks — LONDON — A small army of activist hackers orchestrated a broad campaign of cyberattacks on Wednesday in support of the beleaguered antisecrecy organization WikiLeaks, which has drawn governmental criticism from around the globe …
Guardian, Clusterstock, Boing Boing, Gizmodo, The Firewall and Online NewsHour
PayPal VP On Blocking WikiLeaks: State Department Said It Was Illegal
New York Times, Hit & Run, Guardian, The Lede, War in Context, The Nation and Boing Boing, more at Techmeme »
Esther Addley / Guardian:
PayPal admits US pressure over WikiLeaks account freeze
PayPal admits US pressure over WikiLeaks account freeze
Raw Story, JONATHAN TURLEY and Wonkette
Michael Calderone / Yahoo! News:
Sen. Lieberman suggests NY Times violated Espionage Act
Sen. Lieberman suggests NY Times violated Espionage Act
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, PostPartisan, JOSHUAPUNDIT, Daily Mail, Secrecy News and Balloon Juice
Aaron Sorkin / The Huffington Post:
In Her Defense, I'm Sure the Moose Had it Coming — What's Your Reaction: — “Unless you've never worn leather shoes, sat upon a leather chair or eaten meat, save your condemnation.” — You're right, Sarah, we'll all just go f**k ourselves now. — The snotty quote was posted by Sarah Palin on …
Discussion:, Guardian, Outside the Beltway, National Review, The Moderate Voice, The Gateway Pundit and Weasel Zippers
Maureen Dowd / New York Times:
Pass the Caribou Stew — The doomed caribou gazed calmly across the Alaska tundra at Caribou Barbie. — The female caribou could easily have escaped, since it took the Wasilla huntress six shots, two rifles and some help from her dad to bag her prey. (Giving credence to Levi Johnston's contention …
Confederate Yankee,, Right Turn and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion
Shane D'Aprile / Ballot Box:
O'Donnell calls extending jobless benefits a ‘tragedy’ — Christine O'Donnell on Tuesday compared the “tragedy” of extending unemployment benefits to Pearl Harbor and the death of Elizabeth Edwards. — “Today marks a lot of tragedy,” O'Donnell, the Tea Party-backed GOP Senate candidate from Delaware …
Ben Smith's Blog, The Moderate Voice, Prairie Weather,*, TPMDC and Hit & Run
Alex Seitz-Wald / ThinkProgress:
Christine O'Donnell: Extending Unemployment Benefits A ‘Tragedy’ Like Pearl Harbor
Christine O'Donnell: Extending Unemployment Benefits A ‘Tragedy’ Like Pearl Harbor
Wonkette, Political Correction RSS, TPMDC and The Hill
Senate DREAM Act cloture vote today, 4pm Eastern; Update: New House bill introduced — Now is the time to melt those phone lines and make yourselves heard on the multi-billion-dollar DREAM Act illegal alien student bailout. — The Senate is scheduled to take a cloture vote on the DREAM Act at 4pm Eastern today.
Yglesias, American Prospect and Associated Press
Roberto G. Gonzales / The Huffington Post:
We Can Not Afford Not to Pass the DREAM Act: A Plea from Immigration Scholars
We Can Not Afford Not to Pass the DREAM Act: A Plea from Immigration Scholars
ImmigrationProf Blog
Janet Murguía / Congress Blog:
The DREAM Act: A watershed vote Latinos will not forget
The DREAM Act: A watershed vote Latinos will not forget
The Politico
Baltimore terror plot arrest: Man accused of plotting to blow up military recruiting center — A Baltimore man was arrested Wednesday in connection with a plot to blow up an Armed Forces recruiting center in Catonsville, Md., a spokesperson for the U.S. Attorney's Office confirmed.
Politics Daily, CNN, TPMMuckraker and Weasel Zippers
Murmurs of Primary Challenge to Obama — WASHINGTON — President Obama's compromise with Republicans on extending tax cuts for the wealthy, which his self-described progressive critics see as a profound betrayal, is bound to intensify a debate that has been bubbling up on liberal blogs …
Ben Smith / Ben Smith's Blog:
No primary — It's one of President Obama's great strengths heading …
No primary — It's one of President Obama's great strengths heading …
Ben Smith / Ben Smith's Blog:
Is this triangulation? — A White House official emailed yesterday to dispute my labeling President Obama's rebuke to liberal critics yesterday “triangulation.” — Obama, the official noted, was “responding to several very loud voices from the left.” Triangulation, by contrast …
The Plum Line
Sean J. Miller / Ballot Box:
N.Y. Democrat wins reelection, bringing House races to a close — Republican Randy Altschuler conceded to Rep. Tim Bishop (D-N.Y.) on Wednesday, bringing the last undecided House race to a conclusion. — “After consulting with my family and campaign staff, I am ending my campaign …
Alex Isenstadt / The Politico:
Randy Altschuler concedes, ending last contested House race
Randy Altschuler concedes, ending last contested House race
The Other McCain and Left Coast Rebel
“Gore effect” strikes Cancun Climate Conference 3 days in a row — From the “weather is not climate department” - New record low temperatures set in Cancun for three straight days, and more new low temperature records are possible this week. — Dr. Roy Spencer, who is in Cancun representing …
Michelle Malkin and The Gateway Pundit
Exclusive: New GOP Appropriation Chair Secretly Lobbied For Health Reform Money He Called ‘Socialistic’ — After an internal struggle within the House Republican caucus, the GOP Steering Committee voted to select Rep. Hal Rogers (R-KY) as the new Chairman for the Appropriations Committee yesterday.
Booman Tribune and South Capitol Street
Esther Addley / Guardian:
MasterCard hacked in WikiLeaks protest — Operation: Payback hacks into MasterCard site over payment network's decision to cease taking donations to WikiLeaks — The website of MasterCard, the international credit card, has been hacked and partially paralysed by hackers …
Politics Daily, Associated Press, News: News blog and Little Green Footballs, more at Techmeme »