Top Items:

One dead after suicide bombing in Stockholm — Double click on a word to get a translation — Two nearly simultaneous explosions rocked central Stockholm on Saturday evening, killing one person and injuring two others in what is believed to be a suicide attack.
Associated Press and The Gateway Pundit

Explosions in Stockholm: Suicide Bomber Threatened Swedes, “Pig” Mohammad Cartoonist — Two explosions rocked the downtown shopping district in Stockholm this evening as holiday shoppers crowded the chainstore-clogged area around Drottninggatan. According to early Swedish media reports …
Moe Lane

Stockholm blasts kill one and injure two — Hector Eguia captured the second explosion on this video — One person has been killed and two others injured as two explosions rocked the centre of the Swedish capital, Stockholm, police say. — A car blew up near the busy shopping street of Drottninggatan …
TalkLeft, Hot Air, 1 The Long War Journal and Reuters

Suspected bomber dies in Stockholm blasts — Two people are injured in the two explosions in the Swedish capital and the apparent bomber is found fatally injured on the sidewalk nearby. An e-mail to news media threatens to take revenge for Sweden's ‘war against Islam.’
Weasel Zippers, Guardian and Big Peace

Westboro picketers outnumbered at Elizabeth Edwards funeral — Members of the controversial Westboro Baptist Church picketed the funeral of Elizabeth Edwards Saturday. But they were vastly outnumbered by a “human buffer” singing Christmas carols. — Members of the controversial Westboro …
HotAirPundit and The Reaction

Edwards Eulogized as Defender of Her Family — RALEIGH, N.C. — In the moments before the funeral for Elizabeth Edwards began here Saturday afternoon, women from the Edenton Street United Methodist Church removed a spray of white lilies and yellow roses from her coffin.
New York Times, ThinkProgress and American Power

Family, friends mourn Elizabeth Edwards at funeral
ABCNEWS, and Politics Daily

Mark Madoff, oldest son of Bernie Madoff, hangs himself with dog leash in SoHo apartment — Mark Madoff was found dead in his SoHo apartment Saturday morning. He apparently killed himself with his son in the next room, sources say. — The eldest son of disgraced Ponzi schemer Bernard …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Clusterstock and Joe. My. God.

Life After Madoff's ‘Big Lie’ — Two years ago, Bernard Madoff told his two sons that his multi-billion-dollar investment business was “one big lie,” according to authorities. — That dramatic confession, and Mr. Madoff's arrest the next day, unleashed one of the biggest fraud investigations in history.
Discussion:, Clusterstock, Associated Press, Right Wing News and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

The Fed? Ron Paul's Not a Fan. — Ben S. Bernanke, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, has been attacked for failing to foresee the financial crisis, for bailing out Wall Street, and, most recently, for injecting an additional $600 billion into the banking system to give the slow recovery a boost.
The Moderate Voice, Mish's Global Economic … and Fromtheold

Baby Jesus ousted from St. George Ferry Terminal — STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — The Christ is out of Christmas at the St. George Ferry Terminal. — In what Catholics see as political correctness run amok, the city Department of Transportation (DOT) has removed a Nativity scene from the terminal …
Firedoglake, The Gateway Pundit and Don Surber

In Tapes, Nixon Rails About Jews and Blacks — YORBA LINDA, Calif. — Richard M. Nixon made disparaging remarks about Jews, blacks, Italian-Americans and Irish-Americans in a series of extended conversations with top aides and his personal secretary, recorded in the Oval Office 16 months before he resigned as president.

Henry Kissinger to Soviet Jewry: Drop Dead
Prairie Weather, Washington Wire and Outside the Beltway

A Columbia professor is arrested for incest — but isn't there a constitutional right to incest between consenting adults? — Here's the news about the professor, David Epstein, who is accused of having a sexual relationship with his 24-year-old daughter. Now, let's read Justice Scalia's …
The Other McCain, theblogprof, JustOneMinute, American Power, Moonbattery and Above the Law

This exists: Vladimir Putin sings Fats Domino's “Blueberry Hill” — Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin not only wants to conquer the elements of mother nature, free speech, and democracy, he also fancies himself as a singer. — What's next for the Russian bear? — Mickey Rourke also makes a cameo in this video.
Liberty Pundits Blog and Outside the Beltway

Push for Stricter Abortion Limits Is Expected in House — WASHINGTON — A leading Congressional opponent of abortion rights, who is in line to take charge of an influential House panel, plans to press for much stricter limits on the procedure. — The selection of the lawmaker …
Hullabaloo and Outside the Beltway

DADT Repeal: Do Not Blame Obama — I've had many criticisms of the Obama administration's tardy and milque-toast efforts on civil rights for gays and lesbians. But at this point, the peril facing repeal of the military's gay ban is not the administration's fault.
Balloon Juice and TPMDC

UN climate change talks in Cancun agree a deal — Under the deal some countries will escape the extension of emission cuts under the Kyoto Protocol — UN talks in Cancun have reached a deal to curb climate change, including a fund to help developing countries.
Firedoglake and Biased BBC

Cancun ends with modest climate deal
Climate Progress and Watts Up With That?

Invaders from Mars — “Voting doesn't change anything — the politicians always win.” 'Twas not always so, but I'm hearing variations on that theme a lot these days, and not just in the UK. — Why do we feel so politically powerless? Why is the world so obviously going to hell in a handbasket?
Cafe Hayek, Prairie Weather and

Envoy in Critical Condition After Surgery to Repair Heart — WASHINGTON — Richard C. Holbrooke, the Obama administration's special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, is in critical condition at a Washington hospital after emergency surgery to repair a tear in his aorta, the State Department said in a statement on Saturday.

Diplomat Holbrooke in critical condition
The Washington Note and