Top Items:

DeMint will force readings of START Treaty and omnibus bill — Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) will force readings of both a nuclear arms treaty and $1.1 trillion spending bill that could eat up hours of the remaining lame-duck Congress. — DeMint will invoke a senatorial privilege to ask …
CNN, The Politico, Firedoglake, Associated Press, The Plum Line, The Caucus, Right Turn, Salon, Washington Wire, Washington Monthly, Washington Times, The Page, Hot Air,, The Foundry, Daily Kos, Washington Post, TPMDC, The Note, Eunomia, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, No More Mister Nice Blog, Guardian, Weasel Zippers,, Raw Story, Connecting.the.Dots, The Daily Dish and Wake up America

Reid Responds To Kyl: 'I Don't Need To Hear Sanctimonious Lectures' About Meaning Of X-Mas (VIDEO) — After Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) accused Majority Leader Harry Reid of grinchery for suggesting that the Senate work the week after Christmas, Reid blamed Kyl's party for the delay that may push votes past the holiday.
Crooks and Liars, Gawker and The Atlantic Online

DeMint calls votes before Christmas ‘sacrilegious’ — Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) called Democrats' push to force through an arms control treaty and an omnibus spending bill right before Christmas “sacrilegious,” and warned he'd draw the process out to wage his objections.
Washington Monthly, CNN, Outside the Beltway, Hot Air, Fox Nation, TPMDC and The Reality-Based Community

Jim DeMint backs down on demand to read START
Wall Street Journal, Wonk Room, CNN and

The Christmas Session — Jon Kyl, rather preposterously …
Discussion:, The Caucus, TPMDC, The New Republic, Indecision Forever and A plain blog about politics

FOXLEAKS: Fox boss ordered staff to cast doubt on climate science — In the midst of global climate change talks last December, a top Fox News official sent an email questioning the “veracity of climate change data” and ordering the network's journalists to “refrain from asserting that the planet has warmed …

Fox editor urged climate skepticism
Discussion: blogs, The Daily Caller and Media Matters for America

Fox News Manipulates Climate Coverage
Watts Up With That?, Don Surber, Weasel Zippers and Media Matters for America

Obama tells lawmakers not passing tax deal could end presidency, Dem says — In urging lawmakers to vote for his tax deal, President Obama is using one of his go-to lines from the healthcare debate, according to a Democratic lawmaker. — Obama is telling members of Congress that failure …
Hot Air, Weasel Zippers, Hullabaloo and Mish's Global Economic …

Attention GOP Porkers: Hatch Had His Earmark Requests Stripped From Spending Bill — Republican Senators whose earmark requests pepper the much-maligned omnibus spending bill are having a really hard time explaining how they went from requesting earmarks earlier this year to decrying the legislation... because of all the earmarks.
Mediaite, National Review, Hot Air and The Hill

Video: Obama Slams Earmarks in 2009 Omnibus Bill, Demands Change
Discussion: and Right Turn

Those Pesky GOP Earmarks
TPMDC, Weigel, Open Congress and Washington Monthly

Senate GOP leaders take heat over earmarks
The Note, The Gateway Pundit and ABCNEWS

House approves 'Don't ask' repeal, 250-175 — The House on Wednesday overwhelmingly passed legislation to repeal the ban on openly gay people serving in the military. — Lawmakers approved a standalone repeal bill by a vote of 250-175. Openly gay Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) gaveled the vote closed.

House passes 'don't ask, don't tell' repeal
Reuters, JOSHUAPUNDIT, Balloon Juice, Runnin' Scared and Michelle Malkin

House Approves DADT Repeal, Gohmert Warns Of ‘End Of Existence’
AMERICAblog Gay, Federal Eye and Open Left

Congress' Job Approval Rating Worst in Gallup History — Thirteen percent approve of the way Congress is handling its job — PRINCETON, NJ — Americans' assessment of Congress has hit a new low, with 13% saying they approve of the way Congress is handling its job.

The inhumane conditions of Bradley Manning's detention — (updated below) — Bradley Manning, the 22-year-old U.S. Army Private accused of leaking classified documents to WikiLeaks, has never been convicted of that crime, nor of any other crime. Despite that, he has been detained …

Poll: Obama down but not out — NBC/WSJ survey shows president leading in 2012 match-ups — Below: — Deputy Political Director — After his party's midterm losses and with the unemployment rate still hovering around 10 percent, President Barack Obama might be down.
Wall Street Journal, Politics Daily, Hot Air and

America's Most Walkable Cities — The great economic reset we are in the midst of extends even to Americans' choices of places to live. The popularity of sprawling auto-dependent suburbs is waning. A majority of Americans—six in 10—say they would prefer to live in walkable neighborhoods, in both cities and suburbs, if they could.
Fausta's Blog and Gothamist

MooreandMe: On Progressives, Rape Apologism, and the Little Guy — So, here are some cheerful statistics for you: According to RAINN, about 60% of rapes aren't reported. In those cases, there's about a 51% chance that the 40% of reported rapes will have an arrest made. There's an 80% chance of prosecution.
Feministe, Shakesville, The League of Ordinary … and Guardian

Michael Moore's Comments on Julian Assange Rape Allegations Spark Outrage
Theo Spark and Pat Dollard

Napolitano to Arizona in wake of Border Patrol agent's killing — Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is headed to Arizona on Thursday following a gun battle that killed a Border Patrol agent near the U.S.-Mexico border. — Agent Brian Terry was shot late Tuesday night on the U.S. side …
Cubachi, JammieWearingFool and Liberty Pundits Blog

Exclusive: Twitter Raises $200 Million at $3.7 Billion Valuation; Adds McCue and Rosenblatt to Board — Twitter has completed its latest round of funding-$200 million at a $3.7 billion valuation-with Kleiner Perkins as the lead investor, according to sources familiar with the situation.
Fortune, The Next Web, The Atlantic Online, TechCrunch, Bits and L.A. Times Tech Blog, more at Mediagazer »

Financial Crisis Panel In Turmoil As Republicans Defect; Plan To Blame Government For Crisis — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? … The four Republicans appointed to the commission investigating the root causes of the financial crisis plan to bypass the bipartisan panel and release their own report Wednesday …
Rortybomb, American Prospect, Firedoglake, Hullabaloo, Grasping Reality …, The Informer, TPMDC, ThinkProgress, Open Left, The Huffington Post, PERRspectives, Calculated Risk, Wall Street Journal, Talking Points Memo, The Daily Caller, New York Times, Washington Monthly, Sky Dancing, Paul Krugman, Economist's View, Guardian, Yglesias, The Politico, Ezra Klein and Daily Kos

FL SCHOOL BOARD SHOOTER POSTED SUICIDE NOTE RAILING AGAINST THE RICH, LINKING TO MEDIA MATTERS — Clay Duke, the man who opened fire on a Florida school board Tuesday, posted a “last testament” on Facebook decrying the wealthy and linking to a slew of progressive sites including and

This is What a School-Board-Meeting-Shooter's Facebook Page Looks Like
AOL News, The Blaze and Sister Toldjah

The 40 Best Conservative Blogs For 2010 (Version 4.0) — It's time for me to rank my favorite blogs for the 4th quarter of 2010. — Do keep in mind that as the quarter has progressed, some blogs have, of course, moved up and others have dropped, based on how often I visit them …

Get America Working: We Need a Movement to Solve a Crisis — What's Your Reaction: — It's time, America. Americans need work. Americans need jobs. And right now, our government's main job must be to help create these jobs. The unemployment rate has lingered 9 percent for 19 straight months …
Firedoglake and naked capitalism

Mark Zuckerberg — On the afternoon of Nov. 16, 2010, Mark Zuckerberg was leading a meeting in the Aquarium, one of Facebook's conference rooms, so named because it's in the middle of a huge work space and has glass walls on three sides so everybody can see in.

Iraq: Al Qaeda Planning Holiday Attacks in West — Iraqi Authorities Say Two Captured Insurgents Admit to Planned Suicide Attacks in U.S., Europe during Christmas Season — (AP) Iraqi authorities have obtained confessions from captured insurgents who claim al Qaeda is planning suicide attacks …
Pajamas Media, The Gateway Pundit, Weasel Zippers and The Jawa Report

SPLC Responds to Attack by FRC, Conservative Republicans — This morning, 22 members of Congress and a large number of other conservatives signed on to a public statement attacking the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for listing several anti-gay religious right organizations as hate groups.
Weigel, Little Green Footballs, Good As You, Right Wing Watch and TPMDC

Tea Party leader slams John Boehner for Michele Bachmann snub — A leader of the Tea Party Patriots questioned the judgment of House GOP leadership Wednesday for passing over Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) for a spot on the Ways and Means Committee. — The conflict is evidence …
Washington Post

Julian Assange bail decision made by UK authorities, not Sweden — Swedish prosecutor's office says it has ‘not got a view at all on bail’ and that Britain made decision to oppose it — The decision to have Julian Assange sent to a London jail and kept there was taken by the British authorities …