Top Items:

Senate Dems warn Boehner: Don't bother with healthcare repeal — The 112th Congress doesn't begin until Wednesday, but Senate Democrats are already vowing to block any attempts by the new GOP-led House to repeal the healthcare reform law. — The Senate's top Democrats, led by Majority Leader Harry Reid …

Strict Obstructionist — Mitch McConnell is a master manipulator and strategist— the unheralded architect of the Republican resurgence. Now that his relentless tactics have made his party victorious, he is poised to take down the president and win the Senate majority he covets …

Obama urges House, Senate GOP leaders to put politics aside
CNN and Right Wing News

Republican Congressman: Ban Funding of Obamacare in Every …
Weasel Zippers

House Republicans set Jan. 12 vote on repeal of health-care law
Washington Monthly, Hotline On Call, Big Think and Roll Call

Dems playing rough on health reform?
No More Mister Nice Blog, Wonk Room and Daily Kos

House Republicans schedule vote on healthcare repeal for next week
Prairie Weather, The Politico, Michelle Malkin and Taegan Goddard's …

Obama Said to Consider William Daley for Top White House Post — President Barack Obama is considering naming William Daley, a JPMorgan Chase & Co. executive and former U.S. Commerce secretary, to a high-level White House post, possibly as his chief of staff, people familiar with the matter said.

William Daley at Top of Obama List for White House Chief of Staff … The Obama White House is considering William Daley as the new chief of staff, but no final decisions have been made, and interim chief of staff Peter Rouse still has not finalized whether he wants to stay.
The Confluence

William Daley in running for top White House job
The New Republic, POWIP, Outside the Beltway, CNN and The Hill

Great news: New Obama chief of staff might be ... William Daley
Bloomberg, Oliver Willis and Moe Lane

Obama May Bypass Guantánamo Rules, Aides Say — WASHINGTON — President Obama's legal advisers, confronting the prospect of new restrictions on the transfer of Guantánamo detainees, are debating whether to recommend that he issue a signing statement asserting that his executive powers …
Outside the Beltway, Prairie Weather and TigerHawk

Incoming House GOP chairmen have a long list of issues to investigate — House Republican leaders announced plans Monday for congressional investigations into a wide range of issues, from corruption in Afghanistan to Washington's regulation of private industries, using the power of their new majority …
The BLT, THEROOT.COM and The Page

Administration Prepares to Defy Efforts to Limit Obama's Options for Guantanamo
TPMMuckraker, TalkLeft, Oliver Willis and Emptywheel

Scalia: Women Don't Have Constitutional Protection Against Discrimination — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? … WASHINGTON — The equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution does not protect against discrimination on the basis of gender or sexual orientation, according to Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.
Scholars and Rogues, Hullabaloo and Advocate

THE ORIGINALIST — Last October marked the 24th anniversary of Justice Antonin Scalia's appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court. Well known for his sharp wit as well as his originalist approach to the Constitution, Justice Scalia consistently asks more questions during oral arguments and makes …
Raw Story and Pam's House Blend

14 states may target birthright citizenship
Flopping Aces, Outside the Beltway and Weasel Zippers

National Debt Tops $14 Trillion — The latest posting today of the National Debt shows it has topped $14 trillion for the first time. — The U.S. Treasury website today reported that as of last Friday, the last day of 2010, the National Debt stood at $14,025,215,218,708.52.

Debt-ceiling vote first test for new Republican majority?
The Right Scoop and Right Pundits

Think Again: American Decline — This time it's for real. — “We've Heard All This About American Decline Before.” — This time it's different. — It's certainly true that America has been through cycles of declinism in the past. Campaigning for the presidency in 1960 …

There's One Huge State Budget Crisis That Everyone Is Refusing To Talk About — You know the story and you know the names: states like Illinois, New Jersey, New York, and California are supposed to be in huge financial trouble thanks to bloated governments, business-unfriendly regulations, and strong public sector unions.
The Moderate Voice and Arkansas Blog

Vulture in Saudi Custody Suspected as Mossad Agent — Follow Israel news on and . — Saudi Arabian security forces have captured a vulture that was carrying a global positioning satellite (GPS) transmitter and a ring etched with the words “Tel Aviv University.”
Israel Matzav and Sense of Events

Bill Daley talks West Wing with Rahm - Sperling expected to get Summers' job this week or next - House GOP to vote cuts on Day 2 - Michael Allen to House intel - Embler promoted - Emily Bittner to Man — Good Tuesday morning. CHARLES PETERS, in the new Washington Monthly …

Women or Wine? Monogamy and Alcohol — The headline is the title of an intriguing new working paper [PDF] by two University of Leuven economists Mara Squicciarini and Jo Swinnen. The two note an interesting correlation between societies that practice monogamy and those that drink alcohol.

Nine incoming House Democrats assume place in pecking order: the end — They call themselves “the Mighty Nine.” — Which is half true - there are, in fact, nine of them. — But “mighty” is definitely the wrong word for the nine lonely Democrats who will be sworn in as House members on Wednesday.

Shuler Plans Symbolic Challenge to Pelosi's Leadership — Rep. Heath Shuler plans to vote for himself rather than Rep. Nancy Pelosi during Wednesday's floor vote for Speaker, and he predicted Monday that Democratic colleagues who are similarly displeased with her past leadership as Speaker would back him as well.

Pence for President — If confession is good for the soul, let me pour out my soul for you. As I stood at the beginning of 2008, I find myself in the same position here as we now begin the very real discussions of who should be the candidate for the GOP in 2012.
Hot Air, Conservatives4Palin, Ballot Box, Salon and GOP 12

Surprise: Russian Duma To Codify Missile Defense Language in New START — Many opponents of the New START treaty with Russia argued that a significant disconnect between the two parties over defensive weapons systems should have scotched, or at least delayed, ratification.
Political Punch, Betsy's Page and Hot Air

Obama and Air Force One: It's good to have a 747 — President Obama will spend Monday night flying across the Pacific and United States after his latest vacation, 11 days in Hawaii. It will be his first trip of 2011 aboard Air Force One. — Last year Obama flew in Air Force One 172 times, almost every other day.
Hot Air and Ric's Rulez