Top Items:

Gibbs to Leave as White House Press Secretary — Updated Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary and close confidante to President Obama, said Wednesday that he will step down and become an outside political adviser to the president and his re-election campaign.
The Atlantic Online, The Note, The Politico, Political Punch, The Huffington Post, USA Today, Pam's House Blend, Mediaite, Sister Toldjah, Washington Monthly, TPMDC, Ballot Box, ABCNEWS, Washington Post, Fox Nation, Swampland, The Impolitic, Raw Story, Left Coast Rebel, The Fix, Hotline On Call, AOL News, Wonkette, RedState, CANNONFIRE, Emptywheel, Weigel, The Daily Caller, New York Magazine, BLACKFIVE, AmSpecBlog, Atlas Shrugs, Gawker and Towleroad News #gay, more at Mediagazer »

Howard Dean endorses Daley for chief of staff, rips White House — Former DNC chairman and Vermont Gov. Howard Dean said Wednesday that William Daley would be a “huge plus” for the Obama administration if he is tapped to be the president's new chief of staff.
The Politico, Weasel Zippers and TPMDC

Robert Gibbs will leave job as White House press secretary
Discussion:, The Nation, Weasel Zippers, Mediaite, TPMDC and The Politico

19 Democrats vote against Nancy Pelosi — Nearly 20 Democrats abandoned their party's pick for speaker of the House, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), a sign of their concerns about supporting the unpopular former speaker and of the difficulty she will have in marshaling her forces …
Michelle Malkin, The Note, CNN, Big Government, Wake up America and Weasel Zippers

19 Democrats Oppose Pelosi's Bid for Speaker
Towleroad News #gay

House elects Boehner as speaker
The Daily Caller and Truthdig

Boehner, congressional leaders change Twitter titles in web change-of-power

In House, new Republican majority plans to act fast to undo Obama's agenda
The Caucus, Mother Jones, The Incidental Economist, Hot Air, Online NewsHour, The Other McCain and The BLT

John Boehner Poised to be Speaker With His Entire Extended Family Watching
CNN, The Caucus and Online NewsHour

Speaker Pelosi Leaves With a Whopper
Hot Air, theblogprof, Cold Fury, Michelle Malkin, Wake up America, TigerHawk, Scared Monkeys, The Gateway Pundit, Weasel Zippers and Doug Ross

Wily old Dems take on whippersnapper Republicans — Curious fact, unearthed by Gerald Seib of the Wall Street Journal. The average age of Republican House members in the new Congress convening today is 54.9, younger than the Republicans' average age in the previous Congress, 56.5.
Betsy's Page

Pomp, and Little Circumstance — A theatrical production of unusual pomposity will open on Wednesday when Republicans assume control of the House for the 112th Congress. A rule will be passed requiring that every bill cite its basis in the Constitution. A bill will be introduced to repeal the health care law.
Power Line, Yahoo! News, The Politico, YID With LID, blogs, Pirate's Cove, The Reid Report, Weasel Zippers and Don Surber

Republicans Lower Goal for Cuts to Budget
CNN, The Politico, Washington Post, ThinkProgress, Wall Street Journal, Rasmussen Reports, Reuters, Bankrupting America, George's Bottom Line, Hit & Run, The Hill, The New Republic, The Daily Caller, AOL News, New York Magazine, The Other McCain, The Hill,*, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Outside the Beltway and TPMDC

GOP Budget Chairman Paul Ryan: “I Can't Tell You The Answer” …
The New Republic, Daily Kos and Eschaton

House Republicans back away from pledge to cut $100 billion from budget
Firedoglake,, Yglesias and National Review

Exclusive: President Michele Bachmann? — Sources: Tea Party Favorite Is Mulling a Presidential Bid in 2012 — Forget the fervent chatter speculating that Tea Party favorite Rep. Michele Bachmann is considering launching a campaign to challenge Sen. Amy Klobuchar for the Minnesota U.S. Senate seat …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, The Politico, Politics Daily, TPMDC, The Atlantic Online, SpyTalk, No More Mister Nice Blog, CNN, Hot Air, Salon, The Plum Line, New York Magazine, Comments from Left Field, The Note, Washington Monthly, ThinkProgress, Towleroad News #gay, neo-neocon, Conservatives4Palin, Wonkette, Indecision Forever, National Review, Outside the Beltway, GOP 12 and Joe. My. God.

Tea Party leaders not swayed by Lugar meeting — Washington (CNN) - Hoping to head off a primary challenge from the right, Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Indiana, sat down with Tea Party leaders last month but did little to persuade them of his conservative credentials.
Ballot Box and National Review

Hoyer: Tea Party People Come From Unhappy Families
Right Pundits and National Review

Howard Dean on Tea Party: ‘Last Gasp of the 55-Year-Old Generation’
Nice Deb, Weasel Zippers and Fox Nation

U.S. Alters Rule on Paying for End-of-Life Planning — WASHINGTON — The Obama administration, reversing course, will revise a Medicare regulation to delete references to end-of-life planning as part of the annual physical examinations covered under the new health care law, administration officials said Tuesday.

Biting the Bullet on Majority Rule — Ruth Marcus says filibuster reformers should watch what we wish for: … This is the most frequent objection I hear to Senator Udall's proposal, but I don't think it makes sense. The 113th Senate will change the rules to adopt a majority voting procedure …

Ben Nelson on filibuster: ‘The last thing we need to do is start changing rules’
Washington Monthly, Firedoglake, Omaha World-Herald and Grist

Be careful what you wish for on filibusters, Democrats
National Review, The Daily Caller, RedState, Right Turn, Daily Kos, Swampland and The Plum Line

Repealing health-care reform would cost hundreds of billions of dollars — and Eric Cantor knows it — House Republicans are in a pickle: One of their new rules says that new legislation must be paid for. But the health-care bill reduces the federal deficit by more than $100 billion over the next 10 years.

WikiLeaks: ‘Voluptuous’ nurse cable costs diplomat his job — WASHINGTON — In what appears to be the first diplomatic casualty from the latest WikiLeaks revelations, the U.S. ambassador to Libya has returned to Washington and is likely to leave his post, U.S. officials said Tuesday.
The Politico, AOL News, New York Magazine and Guardian

GOP Rep. Mulvaney, Against Raising Debt Ceiling, Admits He Doesn't ‘Know’ What Will Happen If It Isn't Raised — In recent weeks, a number of high-profile Republicans have stated their intention to vote against any increase to the U.S. debt limit. From Sen. Mike Lee (UT) to Rep. Michelle Bachmann …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland and Weekly Standard

Flip Flop Alert: Harry Reid on raising the debt ceiling in 2006 [VIDEO]
Hot Air, Wake up America and National Review

Post-Midterm Approval Ratings Don't Predict Re-Election Chances — Barack Obama got some good news to start his new year: his Gallup approval rating ticked up to 50 percent yesterday, against 42 percent disapproval. That's the first time it has been at the 50 percent threshold since early June.
Outside the Beltway, Prairie Weather, The Fix and Gallup

KFC employee screams insults at customer — A worker at a KFC restaurant in Sydney has been suspended after he was filmed screaming vicious insults and threatening to attack a customer. — The violent outburst happened at a Halal-friendly KFC in Punchbowl on December 26 …
Andrew Bolt, The Jawa Report and Tim Blair

The Constitution is dead. Long live the Constitution. — Every patriotic fiber of my body tells me that reading the Constitution aloud at the commencement of congressional sessions is a good idea. Heck, a pop quiz might even be in order. It is vital that members of Congress fully immerse themselves …
Cold Fury

Fiscal Shock — I see that the Washington Post editorial board is shocked, shocked to discover that the incoming Republicans aren't serious about deficit reduction. Who could have suspected? — I was going to be snarky all the way here, but actually let's be serious …
The Huffington Post and Suburban Guerrilla

‘Earmarks’ to nowhere: States losing billions — WASHINGTON — Almost 13 years ago, Rep. David McIntosh, R-Ind., directed $375,000 in federal funding “to improve State Road 31” in Columbus, Ind., a city at the edge of his district. — The McIntosh “earmark” seemed routine at the time …
Americans for Prosperity, The Politico, and Bankrupting America

Donald Trump For President 2012? A Conversation With The Donald. — Rumors have been circling the Web buzzing that real estate billionaire Donald Trump will run for U.S. President on the Republican ticket in 2012. I spoke with The Apprentice star this morning to find out what he'd do as the United States' 45th President.

Q.&A. With Gov. Mitch Daniels — Following are excerpts of my recent interview with Mitch Daniels, the Republican governor of Indiana: — Q. ... what is it that government essentially does too much of now? What's the common theme here of things that you can get government to stop doing without adversely affecting people's lives?
The Fix, New York Times, National Review, The Incidental Economist, Hit & Run, The Caucus and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion