Top Items:

Republicans Lower Goal for Cuts to Budget — WASHINGTON — Many people knowledgeable about the federal budget said House Republicans could not keep their campaign promise to cut $100 billion from domestic spending in a single year. Now it appears that Republicans agree.

As Boehner Ascends, His Power Comes With Caveats — WASHINGTON — Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio is set to complete a remarkable political revival Wednesday when he becomes the 61st speaker of the House, placing him squarely at the crossroads between the desires of conservative activists …

Anti-Nancy Pelosi vote looms — House Democrats are closely watching who votes against Rep. Nancy Pelosi during the floor session that officially taps the next speaker of the House — a roll call that may show some lingering anti-Pelosi sentiment among a handful of Democrats.
The Note, The Politico, Weasel Zippers and The Caucus

HOUSE REPUBLICANS TO BREAK KEY PROMISE ON DAY 1.... When House Republican leaders unveiled their Pledge to America in September, it included a pretty striking promise to voters — if elected, the GOP majority would “roll back government spending” by “at least $100 billion in the first year alone.”

Speaker Pelosi Leaves With a Whopper — At her final press conference as House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said, “Deficit reduction has been a high priority for us. It is our mantra, pay-as-you-go.” — The numbers tell a different story. — When the Pelosi Democrats took control …
Hot Air, Michelle Malkin, Cold Fury, The Gateway Pundit, TigerHawk, Scared Monkeys, Wake up America, Weasel Zippers and Doug Ross

Boehner, congressional leaders change Twitter titles in web change-of-power — In twin moves reflecting their new roles in the next Congress, Reps. John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) modified their official handles on Twitter. — Pelosi, the outgoing Speaker of the House …

Wily old Dems take on whippersnapper Republicans
Betsy's Page

House Republicans back away from pledge to cut $100 billion from budget
Yglesias and National Review

Pomp, and Little Circumstance
YID With LID, Don Surber, blogs, Pirate's Cove, The Reid Report and Weasel Zippers

After losing House, Democrats will try new strategy: bipartisanship

Happy 112th Congress — Speaker Boehner: 'This is the people's …
Taylor Marsh, The Page, Washington Post and News Desk

‘Speaker’ Pelosi finally gives up title on Twitter
The Daily Caller

Gibbs to Leave as White House Press Secretary — Updated Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary and close confidante to President Obama, said Wednesday that he will step down and become an outside political adviser to the president and his re-election campaign.
Political Punch, USA Today, Washington Monthly, Ballot Box, The Politico, Fox Nation, Swampland, Left Coast Rebel, Mediaite, CANNONFIRE, AOL News, The Fix, The Impolitic, Wonkette, Raw Story, RedState, Emptywheel, Weigel, Hotline On Call, TPMDC, BLACKFIVE, The Daily Caller, AmSpecBlog, New York Magazine, Atlas Shrugs, Gawker and Towleroad News #gay, more at Mediagazer »

Howard Dean endorses Daley for chief of staff, rips White House — Former DNC chairman and Vermont Gov. Howard Dean said Wednesday that William Daley would be a “huge plus” for the Obama administration if he is tapped to be the president's new chief of staff.
Weasel Zippers and TPMDC

Robert Gibbs will leave job as White House press secretary
Discussion:, The Nation, Weasel Zippers and TPMDC

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs to resign
Associated Press and Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Morning Bits — In other words, he drives the left batty.
The Nation, The Daily Beast, Moe Lane and Wall Street Journal

Exclusive: President Michele Bachmann? — Sources: Tea Party Favorite Is Mulling a Presidential Bid in 2012 — Forget the fervent chatter speculating that Tea Party favorite Rep. Michele Bachmann is considering launching a campaign to challenge Sen. Amy Klobuchar for the Minnesota U.S. Senate seat …

Repealing health-care reform would cost hundreds of billions of dollars — and Eric Cantor knows it — House Republicans are in a pickle: One of their new rules says that new legislation must be paid for. But the health-care bill reduces the federal deficit by more than $100 billion over the next 10 years.
Progress Illinois, The Caucus,*, The New Republic, Oliver Willis, Washington Post and TPMDC

GOP congressional leaders are acting a lot like their predecessors
Washington Monthly, Yahoo! News, American Spectator, The Politico, Firedoglake and Prairie Weather

In House, new Republican majority plans to act fast to undo Obama's agenda
The Caucus, Online NewsHour, The Other McCain and The BLT

Tea Party leaders not swayed by Lugar meeting — Washington (CNN) - Hoping to head off a primary challenge from the right, Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Indiana, sat down with Tea Party leaders last month but did little to persuade them of his conservative credentials.
Ballot Box, Taegan Goddard's … and National Review

U.S. Alters Rule on Paying for End-of-Life Planning — WASHINGTON — The Obama administration, reversing course, will revise a Medicare regulation to delete references to end-of-life planning as part of the annual physical examinations covered under the new health care law, administration officials said Tuesday.
Politics Daily, Washington Post, Weasel Zippers, Shakesville, AMERICAblog News, Da Techguy's Blog and THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS

WikiLeaks: ‘Voluptuous’ nurse cable costs diplomat his job — WASHINGTON — In what appears to be the first diplomatic casualty from the latest WikiLeaks revelations, the U.S. ambassador to Libya has returned to Washington and is likely to leave his post, U.S. officials said Tuesday.
The Politico, AOL News, New York Magazine and Guardian

The incumbent's advantage — In theory, I'm the perfect customer for the Nissan Leaf. I don't drive frequently. I don't need a car with much space. I never need to go farther than 100 miles at a time. — But the Nissan Leaf wouldn't work for me at all, as I don't own a garage …

Ten members to watch in the 112th Congress — The 112th Congress officially convenes today with dozens of newly elected members — and newly empowered incumbents — popping up in the halls of Capitol Hill and on a cable television channel near you. — It's virtually impossible to keep track …
Taegan Goddard's …, Ballot Box and The Hill

The Constitution is dead. Long live the Constitution. — Every patriotic fiber of my body tells me that reading the Constitution aloud at the commencement of congressional sessions is a good idea. Heck, a pop quiz might even be in order. It is vital that members of Congress fully immerse themselves …
Cold Fury

Facebook Deal Spurs Inquiry — SEC Launches Review of 1960s-Era Disclosure Regulations for Private Firms — The Securities and Exchange Commission has begun examining whether disclosure rules for privately held firms need to be rewritten as a result of recent deals allowing investors …
Raw Story and Paul Kedrosky's …