Top Items:
Arizona Republic:
Daniel Hernandez, intern, stays by Gabrielle Giffords' side — UA student pulls her into lap, holds head to stop bleeding — Daniel Hernandez had been U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' intern for five days when she was shot Saturday outside Tucson. — The junior at the University of Arizona …

Giffords Called Responsive After Attack — TUCSON — Representative Gabrielle Giffords, the Arizona Democrat who was gravely wounded in a shooting rampage, remained in critical condition on Sunday but has been able to respond to simple commands, and her doctors described themselves as “cautiously optimistic” about her recovery.
The Huffington Post, TalkLeft, CNN and Gothamist
Arizona shooting suspect may be linked to anti-Semitic group — THE suspect being held over Saturday's shooting of US Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords may have links to anti-Semitic race hate group American Renaissance. — An internal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) …
The Jawa Report, JammieWearingFool, Doug Ross, The Gateway Pundit and Liberal Values
New York Times:
Bloodshed Puts New Focus on Vitriol in Politics — WASHINGTON — The shooting of Representative Gabrielle Giffords and others at a neighborhood meeting in Arizona on Saturday set off what is likely to be a wrenching debate over anger and violence in American politics.
CNN, The Politico, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, The Monkey Cage, Commentary, Reuters, The Gateway Pundit, Boston Herald, Daily Kos, TPMDC, Taylor Marsh,, PostPartisan,, USA Today, The Daily Dish, The Moderate Voice, American Power, Atlas Shrugs, Power Line, Right Wing Nut House, The Huffington Post and Ben Smith's Blog, more at Mediagazer »

Should We Blame Sarah Palin for Gabrielle Giffords' Shooting — Already, people are pointing fingers at Sarah Palin and her “target map” for fostering the tragedy in Arizona—but Howard Kurtz says military terminology has been part of politics for ages. — I hate to say this, but the blame game is already under way.
Keith Olbermann /
Violence and threats have no place in democracy — The political rhetoric of the country must be changed to prevent acts of domestic terrorism — Below: — on - — More from: - TODAY - Nightly News - Meet the Press - Dateline - Morning Joe - Hardball - Countdown - Rachel Maddow - msnbc tv
Crooks and Liars, The Wire and Mediaite
Stephanie Innes / Arizona Daily Star:
Born, died between 2 tragedies — Aspiring politician Christina-Taylor Green was born in the midst of tragedy on Sept. 11, 2001, and died Saturday morning while trying to meet Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. — The strong-willed 9-year-old third-grader had gone to meet Giffords with a neighbor when she was shot.
Crooks and Liars, The Daily Caller, Suburban Guerrilla and AMERICAblog News
Matt Bai / New York Times:
A Turning Point in the Discourse, but in Which Direction?
A Turning Point in the Discourse, but in Which Direction?
Booman Tribune, The Huffington Post, The Politico, Prairie Weather, Guardian, Proof Positive, Ben Smith's Blog and Balloon Juice
Michelle Malkin:
6 innocents: The Arizona murder victims identified
6 innocents: The Arizona murder victims identified
MyFox Phoenix, Scared Monkeys, The Politico, and Fausta's Blog
James King / Valley Fever:
Jared Loughner, Alleged Shooter in Gabrielle Giffords Attack …
Jared Loughner, Alleged Shooter in Gabrielle Giffords Attack …
Crooks and Liars, theblogprof,, AMERICAN DIGEST, USA Today, The Informer, Instapundit and Doug Ross
The Politico:
Violence and politics merge in Arizona
Violence and politics merge in Arizona
Washington Monthly, Chicago Boyz, The Nation and Moe Lane
Evan Harris / ABCNEWS:
Rep. Giffords' Hero Intern: ‘Congresswoman Was Alert’
Rep. Giffords' Hero Intern: ‘Congresswoman Was Alert’
Towleroad News #gay and TPMDC
Paul Krugman:
Assassination Attempt In Arizona
Assassination Attempt In Arizona
Pajamas Media, Outside the Beltway, Left Coast Rebel, Mediaite, Power Line, Washington Post,, Big Government, The Impolitic, Shot in the Dark, Biased BBC, Hullabaloo, Founding Bloggers, The Huffington Post, JustOneMinute, blogs, Publius Forum, News Desk, The Gateway Pundit, Patterico's Pontifications,, The Politico, Corrente, Washington Monthly, Verum Serum, TPMDC, Andrew Bolt, The Democratic Daily, Clusterstock, The Nation and CNN
Gschwarzcnn / CNN:
Giffords had history with Palin, Tea Party
Giffords had history with Palin, Tea Party
Sister Toldjah, The Politico, Blogcritics, Associated Press, Sky Dancing and naked capitalism
Karoli / Crooks and Liars:
Pima Sheriff Clarence Dupnik Calls Out Vitriolic, Hateful Rhetoric
Pima Sheriff Clarence Dupnik Calls Out Vitriolic, Hateful Rhetoric
Discussion:, Firedoglake, Reuters and The Caucus
Maggie Haberman / The Politico:
DHS probing shooter's ties to fanatical group — The feds are reportedly probing whether shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner has ties to an anti-Semitic, anti-government hate group that has ads for tea party organizations on its website. — A Department of Homeland Security memo quoted …
The Atlantic Online, Fox News, Towleroad News #gay, The Gateway Pundit and Balloon Juice
George Packer / News Desk:
It Doesn't Matter Why He Did It — Judging from his Internet postings, Jared Lee Loughner is a delusional young man whose inner political landscape is a swamp of dystopian novels, left- and right-wing tracts, conspiracy theories, and contempt for his fellow human beings.
Washington Monthly, Verum Serum and ANIMAL

Arizona Suspect's Recent Acts Offer Hints of Alienation — WASHINGTON — Jared Lee Loughner had become increasingly erratic in recent months, so much so that others around him began to worry. — He had posted on his Myspace page at some point a photograph of a United States history textbook, on top of which he had placed a handgun.
Politics Daily, FrumForum, CNN, Gothamist, The Other McCain, Guardian, Althouse, Don Surber, Raw Story, Boing Boing, Gawker and Blog, more at Mediagazer »

Alexander Refuses To Condemn Palin's Cross-Hairs Map, Urges Media Not To Talk About It — Yesterday, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) was shot at a campaign event in Tuscon by a deranged gunman who also fired at twenty other people, killing six, including a federal judge and a nine year-old girl.
The Times-Tribune and Ben Smith's Blog
Scott / Power Line:
A disgrace to nuts everwhere — The race is on to place Jared Loughner among conservatives and attribute responsibility for yesterday's murders to the political opponents of President Obama. It is a handy device to stifle resistance to the left. As you might expect — see, e.g. …
McClatchy Washington Bureau, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and blogs

Violence and politics merge in Arizona — The references to the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995 echoed in other ways. That horror, which killed 168 people including many children, helped then-President Bill Clinton stigmatize extreme anti-government rhetoric …
Weigel, The Gateway Pundit, Clusterstock and Instapundit
Bridget Johnson / The Hill:
Report: DHS says shooting suspect ‘possibly linked’ to anti-Semitic group
Report: DHS says shooting suspect ‘possibly linked’ to anti-Semitic group
The Daily Caller

American Thinker, protein wisdom, The Gateway Pundit,, The Atlantic Wire, AmSpecBlog, zero hedge, Washington Post, NO QUARTER, Wake up America, A Chequer-Board of Nights …, Mother Jones, Facebook, The Daily Caller, Moonbattery, blogs, Right Wing News, Doug Ross and Weasel Zippers
Tim Steller / Arizona Daily Star:
Man linked to Giffords shooting called ‘very disturbed’
Man linked to Giffords shooting called ‘very disturbed’
ABCNEWS, Atlas Shrugs, The Mahablog, Crooks and Liars, Big Brass Blog, Scared Monkeys, Associated Press, USA Today, TPMDC, Ben Smith's Blog, AmSpecBlog, Ezra Klein, The Huffington Post, Raw Story, The Wire,, Firedoglake, The Volokh Conspiracy, Telegraph, Confederate Yankee, Chicago News and Weather, The Right Scoop, Left Coast Rebel, TPMMuckraker,, Politics Daily, The Other McCain, GayPatriot, Weasel Zippers, Salon, Israpundit, Clayton Cramer's Blog, JammieWearingFool, The Daily Caller, Speakeasy, Washington Post and Michelle Malkin
Jennifer Rubin / Right Turn:
The Arizona tragedy — The horrific shooting of Rep. Gabrielle …
The Arizona tragedy — The horrific shooting of Rep. Gabrielle …
The Huffington Post, Sadly, No!, The Daily Caller and blogs
Patricia Murphy / Politics Daily:
Suspect in Giffords Shooting Had a History of Troubling Behavior
Suspect in Giffords Shooting Had a History of Troubling Behavior
Arizona Daily Star, The Note, AOL News, GOOD and Publius Forum
Amanda Coyne / Alaska Dispatch:
Palin staffer calls using tragedy to score political points ‘obscene’ — The news was barely out today when social networks were erupting, blaming Sarah Palin and the tea party for inciting the 22-year-old alleged gunman who shot U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, a Democrat from Arizona …
The Huffington Post, Conservatives4Palin, Corrente, Bookworm Room and The Politico
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
A 'SURVEYOR'S SYMBOL'?.... On March 22, the day before the …
A 'SURVEYOR'S SYMBOL'?.... On March 22, the day before the …
Balloon Juice

Palin aide defends imagery targeting Giffords
RedState, ImmigrationProf Blog and AOL News
John Amato / Crooks and Liars:
FOX News cuts away from ‘Giffords vigil’ when Sarah Palin's name is mentioned
FOX News cuts away from ‘Giffords vigil’ when Sarah Palin's name is mentioned
Boing Boing, The BRAD BLOG, The Daily Dish, The Reaction and TBogg
Tammy Bruce:
Special Public Podcast: Intv w Rebecca Mansour
Special Public Podcast: Intv w Rebecca Mansour
The Hill, Weigel, Weasel Zippers, Washington Post, TPMDC and Mediaite

BRACE YOURSELVES: Democrat Fred Phelps and Westboro Hate Group announce plans to picket 9-year-old shooting victim Christina Greene's funeral. A new low for Democrat hate groups. — Posted by kevindujan01 under Fred Phelps, HillBuzz, Kevin DuJan | Tags: Fred Phelps, Fred Phelps Al Gore …
The Jawa Report, The Gateway Pundit and Weasel Zippers
Washington Wire:
Boehner: Public Service Comes with Risk — Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) said Sunday morning that the “inhuman” shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and others outside a Tucson, Ariz., supermarket this weekend “should not and will not deter us from our calling to represent our constituents and fulfill our oaths of office.”
Washington Post
Russell Berman / The Hill:
House postpones healthcare vote after shooting
House postpones healthcare vote after shooting
CNN, FrumForum and Washington Monthly