Top Items:

Palin Holds High Ground Over Harsh and Unfair Critics — As I see it, in the current battle for public opinion Sarah Palin has defeated her harsh and unfair critics. — After the January 8 shooting of U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords and the murder of six others in Tucson, Arizona …
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Don Surber, protein wisdom,, No Left Turns, National Review and AmSpecBlog

Moving past right-wing rhetoric — We get it, Sarah Palin. You're not morally culpable for the tragic shooting in Tucson, Ariz. All of us around the “Morning Joe” table agree, even if we were stunned that you would whine about yourself on Facebook as a shattered family prepared to bury their 9-year-old girl.

The Chicken, The Egg, The Media and Sarah Palin — I agree with much of what The Times's Ross Douthat has to say regarding the symbiotic relationship between Sarah Palin and the news media, which has come into even sharper relief after the Tucson tragedy. — But I have one quibble …
The Daily Dish and Prairie Weather

Palin shoots herself in the foot — Sarah Palin might have really squandered an opportunity to improve her image last week. — Despite endless discussion in the wake of the Arizona shootings about whether Palin might bear any responsibility for fostering an atmosphere conducive to such an attack …
The Politico, FrumForum, The Daily Dish, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Daily Caller and Outside the Beltway

Right wing's breathtaking bait and switch on Tucson
Hot Air and The Atlantic Online

Palin Defends Use of ‘Blood Libel’ Phrase
Mediaite, Conservatives4Palin, Jezebel, No More Mister Nice Blog, and The Atlantic Online

Even Republicans say media handled shooting better than Sarah Palin did

Toward a 21st-Century Regulatory System — If the FDA deems saccharin safe enough for coffee, then the EPA should not treat it as hazardous waste. — For two centuries, America's free market has not only been the source of dazzling ideas and path-breaking products, it has also been the greatest force …
Ezra Klein, Center for Progressive Reform, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, TigerHawk, Bloomberg, The Atlantic Online, Cato @ Liberty, Fox Nation, Salon, The Daily Caller, PointOfLaw Forum, AOL News, Conservatives4Palin, Comments from Left Field, White Blog, Grist, The Awl, The Maddow Blog, No More Mister Nice Blog, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Michelle Malkin, Patterico's Pontifications, CNN, Betsy's Page, The Huffington Post, ThinkProgress, CNSNews, The Volokh Conspiracy, The Enterprise Blog, Pajamas Media, Climate Progress, JustOneMinute, Questions and Observations, Clusterstock, Economist's View, Liberty Pundits Blog, Corrente and The Hill

Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review - Executive Order — By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to improve regulation and regulatory review, it is hereby ordered as follows: — Section 1.
Sunlight Foundation Blog, Guardian, Taylor Marsh, The Foundry, Rortybomb, Mandel on Innovation …, The Atlantic Online and Federal Eye

Obama's Bogus Explanation For Troubles: Too Much Regulation
The Note and The Atlantic Online

In Another Proverbial Move to Center, President Obama to Sign …
The Politico, Wall Street Journal and Weasel Zippers

Joe Lieberman to retire in 2012 — Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman (I) will not seek a fifth term in 2012, according two Democratic sources familiar with the decision. — Lieberman's office did not offer any comment on his plans, saying only that he would make an announcement tomorrow in Stamford, Connecticut.
New York Magazine, AOL News, USA Today, Joe. My. God. and FrumForum

Lieberman won't run again, sources say — Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman will announce Wednesday that he will not seek re-election, two knowledgeable sources have confirmed to POLITICO. — The four-term senator's decision comes after months of speculation on the future of the independent Democrat.

Lieberman Will Not Run for Re-election — Senator Joseph I. Lieberman will announce on Wednesday that he will not seek a fifth term, according to a person he told of his decision. — Mr. Lieberman, whose term is up in 2012, chose to retire rather than risk being defeated, said the person, who spoke to the senator on Tuesday.
Firedoglake, Hotline On Call, Swampland, The Caucus, The Moderate Voice, Gothamist and Daily Kos

Lieberman To Reveal 2012 Plans Wednesday In Stamford; Insiders …
Commentary, Rumproast, TPMDC, Outside the Beltway and AmSpecBlog

Bysiewicz declares for U.S. Senate
TPMDC, The Hill, Ballot Box and Hotline On Call

Sargent Shriver, Peace Corps Founder and VP Candidate, Dies — Shriver, 95, Ran on McGovern Ticket in 1972, Founded Peace Corps, Special Olympics — Former Democratic vice presidential candidate and Peace Corps founder Robert Sargent Shriver Jr. died today at age 95, family sources told ABC News.
The Politico, First Draft and FrumForum

R. Sargent Shriver dies; public servant founded Peace Corps
Politics Daily, Peace Corps and New York Magazine

R. Sargent Shriver, Peace Corps Leader, Dies at 95
The Moderate Voice and Gothamist

The Good Works of Sargent Shriver
A plain blog about politics

Government finds up to half of Americans under 65 have preexisting conditions — As many as 129 million Americans under age 65 have medical problems that are red flags for health insurers, according to an analysis that marks the government's first attempt to quantify the number of people …

How The Health Care Repeal Push Marks The End Of The Universal Health Care Consensus
AmSpecBlog, Washington Monthly, Daily Kos, Ezra Klein, Hullabaloo and Talking Points Memo

CNN poll: Half favor repealing health care law
The Politico, Washington Monthly, The Note, National Review and The Plum Line

McClatchy Washington Bureau and Associated Press

Why Does Roger Ailes Hate America? — An exclusive and unbiased investigation into the highly paid operative of a foreign-born tycoon, a man who reengineered political and media culture and fomented a revolt that threatens the very stability of our country — Today, here at Esquire …
Ben Smith's Blog, Gawker, Runnin' Scared, Mediaite, New York Magazine, The Wire, and Suburban Guerrilla, more at Mediagazer »

Bill Frist: Health Care Is ‘Law Of The Land,’ GOP Should Drop Repeal And Build On It … WASHINGTON — As congressional Republicans ready themselves for a largely symbolic effort to repeal President Obama's health care reform law, at least one former GOP leader is urging them to drop the charade and build on the legislation instead.

Gov.-elect Robert Bentley intends to be governor over all, but says only Christians are his ‘brothers and sisters’ — MONTGOMERY — Gov.-elect Robert Bentley in a speech at a Baptist church this afternoon said he plans to be the governor of all Alabamians and be color-blind …

Colorblind, among Christians
Breaking News …, Yglesias, The Birmingham and Guardian

Kent Conrad to retire in 2012 — North Dakota Democratic Sen. Kent Conrad is retiring. Photo by Melina Mara/The Washington Post — North Dakota Democratic Sen. Kent Conrad announced today that he will not seek reelection, creating a potentially prime pickup opportunity for Republicans in a GOP-leaning state.

The vindication of Dick Cheney — (updated below) — In the early months of Obama's presidency, the American Right did to him what they do to every Democratic politician: they accused him of being soft on defense (specifically “soft on Terror") and leaving the nation weak and vulnerable to attack.
The Politico, Right Turn, Cubachi, Hot Air, Commentary, Harry's Place, and Moe Lane

Oh, Let's Not Say “Right” And “Wrong”
Discussion:, Moe Lane, Washington Wire and TPMMuckraker

Newt Gingrich to Sarah Palin: ‘Slow Down’ — Former speaker of the House and potential 2012 presidential contender had some words of advice for Sarah Palin on “GMA” this morning. — “I think that she has got to slow down and be more careful and think through what she's saying and how she's saying it,” Newt Gingrich told me.
ThinkProgress, USA Today, Salon, Political Punch, Washington Wire, Outside the Beltway and TPMDC

Newt Piles On: Palin Should ‘Be More Careful,’ 'Think Through What She's Saying'

Comcast-NBC Deal Wins Federal Approval — Updated The proposed combination of Comcast and NBC Universal was approved by the Federal Communications Commission and the Justice Department on Tuesday, smoothing the way for the deal to close by the end of January. — As expected, the approvals came with significant conditions attached.
Post Tech, Hot Air, Engadget, The Wire, TechCrunch, The Huffington Post, AOL News, ReadWriteWeb, Daily Kos and Booman Tribune, more at Mediagazer »

Boehner Favorability Jumps; Obama Back Above 50% — Ratings for Palin lowest since 2008 GOP convention — PRINCETON, NJ — Americans' opinions of House Speaker John Boehner have improved considerably since last fall, rising a total of 15 percentage points, including eight points since immediately after the midterm elections.
The Politico and The Hill

Study: Many college students not learning to think critically — NEW YORK — An unprecedented study that followed several thousand undergraduates through four years of college found that large numbers didn't learn the critical thinking, complex reasoning and written communication skills …
Booman Tribune, The Sundries Shack, Outside the Beltway, Achenblog, JammieWearingFool and Althouse

Seymour Hersh unleashed — DOHA, Qatar—David Remnick, call your office. — In a speech billed as a discussion of the Bush and Obama eras, New Yorker journalist Seymour Hersh delivered a rambling, conspiracy-laden diatribe here Monday expressing his disappointment with President Barack Obama …
Commentary, blogs, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Weasel Zippers, POWIP and National Review