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VIDEO: House Republicans Explain Why They Won't Give Up Their Own Government-Sponsored Health Care — With the Republican legislative agenda increasingly focused on repealing health care reform, many observers are beginning to question whether GOPers in Congress will personally abide …
Discussion:, Wonk Room, AmSpecBlog and Joe. My. God.

The Worst Case — How health care reform really could get repealed—and why the repercussions would go well beyond health care. — Steven Hyder, 40, runs his own legal practice out of a shared office in downtown Monroe, Michigan, a blue-collar town south of Detroit.
Ben Smith's Blog, The Mahablog, Ezra Klein and Washington Monthly

Health Reform by the Numbers — As Republicans seek to repeal health care reform, they have assaulted “Obamacare” as a job-killing, freedom-crushing behemoth that's pushed the country onto the path to socialism. In order to defend their landmark legislative achievement, Democrats, meanwhile …
The New Republic

BELTWAY CONFIDENTIAL — Before banning ‘crosshairs,’ CNN used it to refer to Palin, Bachmann — CNN's John King is attracting a lot of notice — and some ridicule — in the blogosphere for his on-air apology after a guest used the word “crosshairs” during a report on Chicago politics Tuesday.
theblogprof, blogs, Moe Lane and National Review

CNN Apologizes For Guest Using Term “Crosshairs” — CNN's John King: “Before we go to break, I want to make a quick point. We were having a discussion about the Chicago mayoral race. My friend Andy Shaw used the term ‘in the crosshairs’ in talking about the candidates.

It's come to this: CNN apologizes ... after guest uses “crosshairs” metaphor
Michelle Malkin, The Powers That Be, Instapundit and The Daily Caller

Sheila Jackson Lee Says Repealing ObamaCare Violates Constitution — Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, a Democrat from Texas, said on Tuesday afternoon that repealing the national health care law would violate the Constitution. — Arguing that the Commerce Clause provides the constitutional basis for ObamaCare …
theblogprof, The Foundry, Right Wing News, Weasel Zippers, The Other McCain,, Flopping Aces, Pajamas Media and The Gateway Pundit

The damage has already begun
Wake up America, Power Line and Betsy's Page

Sheila Jackson Lee: Repealing ObamaCare is unconstitutional
TalkLeft, Betsy's Page, Fox Nation and Pajamas Media

Video Captured ‘Calculated’ Gunman in Tucson — TUCSON — The chief investigator for the sheriff's department here has for the first time publicly described the brief and gory video clip from a store security camera that shows a gunman not only shooting Representative Gabrielle Giffords …

Joe Lieberman: Democratic hero? — If you look back over the past two years, perhaps the most consequential decision made by President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was to give Joe Lieberman his chairmanship, even though Lieberman had endorsed John McCain in the 2008 campaign.
TalkLeft, The Plum Line, Weigel, Right Turn, Firedoglake, Lawyers, Guns & Money and Prairie Weather

Harry Reid calls Chinese leader Hu Jintao a ‘dictator’
The Note, Michelle Malkin and The Daily Caller

Why Did Lieberman Off Himself? — The retirement of Joe Lieberman is the culmination of a series of domestic repercussions of the Iraq war. The war estranged Lieberman from his party base, which gave rise to a liberal primary challenge in 2006. National Democrats supported Lieberman …
Eunomia and The Daily Dish

First thoughts: Stating the obvious
AOL News, New York Times, Politics Daily, Associated Press and National Review

New Ala. gov: Just Christians are his family — BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley told a church crowd just moments into his new administration that those who have not accepted Jesus as their savior are not his brothers and sisters, shocking some critics who questioned Tuesday whether he can be fair to non-Christians.
ThinkProgress, Comments from Left Field, Lance Mannion, Booman Tribune and New York Magazine

What Is Orthodox? — I'm a big fan of Matthew Yglesias' blogging …
Yglesias and Ben Smith's Blog

U.S. Rep. David Wu loses staffers, political team amid complaints of public behavior — Since the November election, U.S. Rep. David Wu, D-Ore., has lost at least six staffers plus the leadership of a veteran campaign team that guided him to a seventh term amid complaints about his public behavior.
The Hill, Taegan Goddard's … and JammieWearingFool

‘This is a collaborative endeavor’ — Gov. Neil Abercrombie has an agenda, but he can't do it alone — Hawaii's seventh elected governor, Neil Abercrombie, knows he has a tough job. He ran for it, calling the post the cornerstone of a life in politics.
Weasel Zippers and The Powers That Be

Hawaii governor can't find Obama birth certificate
Moonbattery, Classical Values and Vox Popoli

Muslim groups nervous about King hearings — American Muslim leaders, who have struggled to present a clear public voice or organize politically in the decade since Sept. 11, are increasingly apprehensive about the direction Rep. Pete King will take when he convenes hearings next month on the threat posed by radical Islam in America.
Atlas Shrugs, Don Surber, The Moderate Voice and FrumForum

Rep. Peter King's Hearings On Radical Islam To Call On Critic …

CNN Poll: Palin unfavorable rating at all time high — Washington (CNN) - A new national poll indicates that 56 percent of all Americans have an unfavorable view of Sarah Palin, an all-time high for the former Alaska governor. That 56 percent unfavorable figure is up seven points …
Gallup, The Huffington Post, Outside the Beltway, GOP 12, Public Policy Polling and FiveThirtyEight

Parenting by Gays More Common in the South, Census Shows — JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Being gay in this Southern city was once a lonely existence. Most people kept their sexuality to themselves, and they were reminded of the dangers of being openly gay when a gay church was bombed in the 1980s.
Runnin' Scared, RedState, Feministing and Holy Bullies …

Ron Charles reviews ‘O: A Presidential Novel’ — By Anonymous. — Simon & Schuster. 353 pp. $25.99 — Like the people who end up running for president, this anonymous novel about Barack Obama's reelection campaign isn't as good as you hoped or as bad as you feared.
New York Post and National Review

O: A guessing game
New York Magazine and No More Mister Nice Blog

WHY OBAMA IS SCARY SKINNY — The real reason behind PRESIDENT OBAMA's shocking weight loss - he's secretly battling stomach parasites, say sources. — The pencil-thin president caught the parasites on a trip last year to Hawaii, where he and his family also vacationed over Christmas, according to top political insiders.

Steele: “I Know How Caesar Felt” — This past weekend, RNC Chairman Michael Steele lost his bid for reelection. Sitting down with FrumForum as he ponders his next move, perhaps the thing that gets the garrulous Steele most quiet is a mention of his successor, Wisconsin State Republican Chair Reince Priebus.
Ballot Box, CNN, TPMDC and Ben Smith's Blog

Clinton says she won't commit to serving second term at State — Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Wednesday she hasn't committed to serving a second term in the Obama administration and is looking forward to an eventual return to private life. — “That's not something …
CNN, The Politico, Taylor Marsh and Shakesville

In Wreckage of Lost Jobs, Lost Power — Alone among the world's economic powers, the United States is suffering through a deep jobs slump that can't be explained by the rest of the economy's performance. — The gross domestic product here — the total value of all goods and services …
Yglesias, Economix, Felix Salmon, The Huffington Post and Prairie Weather

The new Clintonian Obama is playing offense, and building momentum — Three months after an electoral “shellacking” that threatened to derail his agenda and his reelection, Obama is on a roll. — President Obama — the centrist, Clintonian version — is rolling.
CNN, TalkLeft and Prairie Weather

Dem Rep: Tucson Hero Wants Health Care Bill Kept In Place — As Democrats ramp up their day-long press tour to criticize the House Republican plan to vote on a repeal of the landmark health care reform bill today, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is using this month's tragedy in Tucson to take on the GOP.
Fox Nation and Weasel Zippers

Exclusive: Gabrielle Giffords' Husband Mark Kelly Says She Feared She Would Be Shot — Giffords' Husband Tells Diane Sawyer Representative Job Is ‘Risky’ and Not Sure Wife Should Stay in Congress — For 20 crushing minutes, Mark Kelly thought that his wife Gabrielle Giffords had died.
The Caucus, Guardian and FrumForum

FBI: Spokane bomb is ‘domestic terrorism’ — In an interview on msnbc cable's “The Rachel Maddow Show,” Spokesman-Review reporter Thomas Clouse said confidential sources told him that the device was equipped with a remote control detonator and contained shrapnel.

The White House Looks for Work — Three days before Christmas, President Obama gathered his economic team in the West Wing's Roosevelt Room to review themes for his State of the Union address. The edge-of-the-cliff crisis he inherited had passed, but with more than 14 million Americans still out of work …