Top Items:

Rahm Emanuel booted off ballot in 2-1 Appellate Court decision — Rahm Emanuel was thrown off the ballot for mayor of Chicago today by an appellate court panel, a stunning blow to the fund-raising leader in the race. — An appellate panel ruled 2-1 that Emanuel did not meet the residency standard to run for mayor.
The Caucus, CNN, Hot Air,, Washington Monthly, Ben Smith's Blog, Right Wing News, The Page,, Big Government, Raw Story, Sky Dancing, Talking Points Memo, Publius Forum, The Daily Caller, Runnin' Scared, Blue Crab Boulevard, TPMDC, The Impolitic, Political Byline, Pajamas Media and Wonkette

Court Knocks Emanuel Off Ballot — CHICAGO — With only a month to go until Election Day, more than $10 million in campaign money in the bank and an overwhelming lead in the polls, Rahm Emanuel, the former White House chief of staff, was disqualified on Monday from appearing on this city's ballot for mayor.
CNN, USA Today and Tablet Magazine

Court orders Emanuel off mayoral ballot
Wall Street Journal, Firedoglake, Daily Kos, Law Blog and Booman Tribune

Could Rahm Emanuel Run as a Write-In?
ABCNEWS, Ben Smith's Blog and The Note

Obama won't endorse raising retirement age or reducing Social Security benefits — President Obama has decided not to endorse his deficit commission's recommendation to raise the retirement age, and otherwise reduce Social Security benefits, in Tuesday's State of the Union address …
Hot Air, The Democratic Daily, Daily Kos, The Huffington Post, AMERICAblog News, TPMDC and Economist's View

Top Senate Budget Republican not ruling out government shutdown — Washington (CNN) - Most Republicans demanding to slash federal spending won't entertain the idea of taking a possible standoff with President Obama so far that the government shuts down. — But the top Republican …
The Politico and The Note

President, Rebounding, Gives Opponents Pause
Discussion: US Liberal Politics, Washington Monthly and Prairie Weather

Report: George W. Bush aides violated Hatch Act — During the 2006 midterm elections, White House political aides to President George W. Bush engaged in widespread violations of a federal law which limits partisan political activity by government employees, a long-running federal investigation has found.
USA Today, Raw Story, Outside the Beltway and The Political Carnival

The West Wing, Season II — Almost overnight, Barack Obama overhauled his White House and rewrote much of the script. Now all he needs is a happy ending. — David Axelrod awoke at three in the morning and checked his BlackBerry. It was January 12, a few hours before Barack Obama …
The Wire, The Moderate Voice, Firedoglake, Booman Tribune, Marbury, TPMDC, Ezra Klein, Hot Air and Ben Smith's Blog

White House Says Chinese Folk Song Played During State Dinner …
Speakeasy, Weasel Zippers, Hot Air, HotAirPundit, The Daily Caller and The Gateway Pundit

CNN's Erick Erickson Suggests “Mass Bloodshed” May Be Necessary If Roe Isn't Overturned — CNN's Erick Erickson is also Editor-in-Chief and “Dear Leader” of the conservative blog Red State, so this charming passage posted by “The Directors” is presumably his doing:
alicublog, Sky Dancing and Lawyers, Guns & Money

AZ lawmaker: Roe v. Wade a factor in shootings
No More Mister Nice Blog and TPMDC

Is it OK to abort a viable fetus? An answer to pro-choicers on Kermit Gosnell. — Kermit Gosnell, a Philadelphia abortionist, has been charged with butchering viable babies, causing a woman's death, and endangering other patients. A grand jury report details his alleged crimes.
American Prospect, Lawyers, Guns & Money, American Power, The Awl and The Daily Dish

Kermit Gosnell Drugged, Tied Up Woman Before Forced Abortion
Liberty Pundits Blog and Hot Air

The people who will really decide whether health-care reform succeeds or fails — The New Yorker isn't allowing Atul Gawande's latest article out from behind the paywall, but you can read the abstract here. The basic point is well worth keeping in mind amid all the arguments over the Affordable Care Act …
The Atlantic Online

Reforming the Reform — Last week, the Republican Party proved …
Ezra Klein, The New Republic, Mother Jones, New York Times, National Review, Liberal Values, The Daily Dish, Yglesias and Sadly, No!

19 days in, GOP leadership takes credit for job growth — It took less than three weeks for the new Republican Congressional leadership to claim credit for an apparent economic upturn. — An aide to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Brian Patrick, emailed reporters this morning:

Domodedovo blast: Explosion rocks Moscow's main airport — Moscow's Domodedovo airport - the busiest in the Russian capital - has been rocked by an explosion that has reportedly killed 31 people. — More than 100 more are thought to have been injured in the blast, which reports suggest may have been the work of a suicide bomber.

Scalia: No plans to attend Obama's State of the Union address — Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia told The Hill on Monday evening that he does not plan on attending the State of the Union address on Tuesday. — The conservative-leaning jurist said that he hasn't “gone to the State …
The Politico and Fox News

‘You lie’ congressman to sit with Dems at State of the Union
The Fix, Weasel Zippers and The Daily Caller

The War on Demand — Something really strange has happened to the debate over economic policy in the face of the Great Recession and its aftermath — or maybe the real point is that events have revealed the true nature of the debate, stripping away some of the illusions.
Modeled Behavior, Grasping Reality … and Yglesias

Please Don't Be Offended — I might be the last person to notice this, but I still sort of wonder what it says about us. I was over at Dave Weigel's place a few minutes ago, and he linked to a Twitter post by Jim Geraghty, who I don't happen to follow. When I clicked the link, it included the following message:
Washington Monthly and FrumForum

Reagan saw that ‘we are all patriots’ — Ronald Wilson Reagan was a believer. As a husband, a father, an entertainer, a governor and a president, he recognized that each of us has the power — as individuals and as a nation — to shape our own destiny. He had faith in the American promise …
Cubachi, Liberty Pundits Blog, CNN, Weasel Zippers, Conservatives4Palin, The Politico, Pajamas Media,, Shakesville and Don Surber

Justice Clarence Thomas Amends 20 Years of Disclosure Forms With Wife's Employers — Virginia Thomas' Place of Employment Had Been Omitted From Justice's Reports — Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas amended 20 years worth of financial disclosure forms today after a liberal watchdog group questioned …
The Politico

Bachmann: America Was Founded On Diversity (VIDEO) — Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) had an interesting take this weekend on America's first European settlers, who she said “had different cultures, different backgrounds, different traditions.” — “How unique in all of the world …
Wonkette, Mediaite, Feministing, The Huffington Post, Pam's House Blend, New York Magazine and Outside the Beltway

Mike Bloomberg Will Save Us from Ourselves If Only We Let Him — He's liberal. He's conservative. He's idealistic. He's pragmatic. He's egalitarian. He's the elite of the elite. He's not running for president. But he just might consider a hostile takeover. — By John H. Richardson

Mortgage Giants Leave Legal Bills to the Taxpayers — Since the government took over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, taxpayers have spent more than $160 million defending the mortgage finance companies and their former top executives in civil lawsuits accusing them of fraud.

Olbermann Split Came After Years of Tension — MSNBC never had any doubt about what it was getting when it made Keith Olbermann the face of the network in 2003: a highly talented broadcaster, a distinctive and outspoken voice and a mercurial personality with a track record of attacking his superiors and making early exits.

Senator Rubio Questions Need for the Senate Tea Party Caucus (VIDEO) — During my recent interview with Senator Marco Rubio, he addressed the growing speculation concerning whether or not he would join the newly formed Senate Tea Party Caucus. Many of Rubio's supporters and Tea Party leaders …
The Politico, The Hill, Cubachi,, The Daily Caller, CNN, Hot Air, Commentary, Hotline On Call, Fox Nation, USA Today, RedState, Liberty Pundits Blog and FrumForum

Where Did the Stimulus Go? — During the recent recession, the U.S. Congress passed two large economic stimulus programs. President Bush's February 2008 program totaled $152 billion. President Obama's bill, enacted a year later, was considerably larger at $862 billion. Neither worked.
Blue Crab Boulevard, Moe Lane and FrumForum