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EXCLUSIVE: Obama to Declare ‘The Rules Have Changed’ — Full text of speech draft obtained by National Journal — President Obama speaks to both houses of Congress during his first State of the Union address at the U.S. Capitol on January 27, 2010. — Insisting bipartisanship …

The text of the State of the Union Address from a Democratic insider who has violated the White House embargo. — Via the National Journal. — UPDATE 1: … But the challenges were “bigger than party, and bigger than politics” before, when you “move[d] forward” on your own, with only your party.
The Atlantic Online

Text of Obama's State of the Union Address — Here is the text of President Barack Obama's State of the Union Address as prepared for delivery at 9 p.m. ET. — Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow Americans:
The Moderate Voice, Doug Ross and Guardian

National Journal leaks SOTU early — So much for all of the White House's efforts to keep the details of President Barack Obama's second State of the Union address under wraps until delivery. — At 7:14 p.m. - almost two hours before Obama was scheduled to speak in the House chamber …
ABCNEWS, Talking Points Memo and The Note

President Obama to Propose Partial Budget Freeze and Earmark Ban Tonight* — Pursuing a path of deficit reduction and government reform, President Obama will tonight in his State of the Union address call for a ban on earmarks and he will propose a five year budget freeze …
Crooks and Liars, The Note, ABCNEWS, TPMDC, USA Today, The New Republic, Scared Monkeys, The Gateway Pundit, National Review, Weigel, protein wisdom, Firedoglake, FITSNews, Capital Gains and Games blogs, Hot Air, Wonkette, Michelle Malkin, TalkLeft, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Liberal Values, Pajamas Media and Washington Wire

Harry Reid blasts Obama on earmarks — 'I think it's the wrong thing to do. I don't think it's helpful,' said Reid of an earmarks ban. AP Photo — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid blasted President Barack Obama on earmarks in advance of his State of the Union address Tuesday, when he's expected to call for a ban.
The Note, The Gateway Pundit, Fox Nation, FrumForum and TPMDC

Obama: 'our generation's Sputnik moment' — President Obama will seek to rally the nation to a new era of competitiveness in his State of the Union address on Tuesday night, calling on Americans to rise to “our generation's Sputnik moment.” — “Half a century ago, when the Soviets beat us …
PostPartisan, Gallup, Alan Colmes' Liberaland and Shakesville

Where was Obama the centrist in his State of the Union? — If you were expecting a moderate Obama or a bold Obama, you were disappointed, most likely, by Tuesday's State of the Union Address. In a nutshell: Obama proposed a ton of new domestic spending, promised to freeze discretionary spending …
Power Line and GayPatriot

Obama Sees Global Fight for U.S. Jobs
Economix, CNN, Taylor Marsh, Daily Kos, AOL News and Democracy in America

McConnell: Sure I'll Work With Obama, As Long As He 'Is Willing …
TPMDC, Daily Kos, Hullabaloo and Raw Story

Matthews Yells At Tea Party Leader: Why Is ‘Balloon-Head’ Bachmann Speaking For You — Chris Matthews was nearly apoplectic in his questioning of Tea Party Express co-founder Sal Russo on the topic of Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and her controversial re-imagining of history …
Big Journalism, Lez Get Real and TPMDC

CNN justifies airing Bachmann speech: “Tea Party has become major force in American politics” — CNN, which is taking some criticism from both sides for agreeing to air Michele Bachmann's response to Obama's speech tonight, sends over a statement justifying the move:
Weigel, The Hill, DownWithTyranny!, Politics Daily, Washington Monthly, Daily Kos, USA Today, Talking Points Memo and GOP 12

Tea party to Bachmann: You don't speak for the tea party
DownWithTyranny!, CNN and

‘Unusual’ Bachmann Rebuttal Could Scramble GOP Message on Obama Address
ThinkProgress, Pajamas Media, The Blotter, Lisa Graas and Weigel

Michele Bachmann's Tea Party State Of The Union Response Will …
Discussion:,, Washington Post and TPMDC

Bachmann: Founding fathers ‘worked tirelessly’ to end slavery
Firedoglake, The Wire and SFGate

Why No One Will Watch the State of the Union — If President Obama's planned “call to unity” and pledge to work on centrist initiatives in his second State of the Union speech don't have you itching to tune in Tuesday night, don't feel too bad. Not many of your fellow citizens will watch …
Opinion L.A., Liberty Pundits Blog, Blue Crab Boulevard and Don Surber

CNN Poll: More than half of speech watchers have very positive reaction — Washington (CNN) - A majority of Americans who watched President Obama's State of the Union address said they had a very positive reaction to his speech, a slight rise from last year's speech, according to a poll of people who viewed Tuesday night's address.

GOP to hit Obama hard on economy — New York (CNNMoney) - Rep. Paul Ryan, the Republican Party's resident budget wonk, is expected to take the Obama administration to task Tuesday night for its handling of the economy and budget. — Ryan, a 40-year-old Wisconsin native …
The Politico and ABCNEWS

Excerpts of Obama's State of the Union Address — Here are excerpts of President Barack Obama's State of the Union address, scheduled to begin at 9 p.m. ET: — THE WHITE HOUSE — Office of the Press Secretary — FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — Excerpts from President Obama's State of the Union Address
AmSpecBlog, Commentary and Pajamas Media

Excerpts from Chairman Paul Ryan's Republican Address to the Nation
Betsy's Page, Hot Air, The Hill, Hit & Run, White Blog and FREEDOM EDEN

Obama to speak of ‘Sputnik moment’ in State of the Union
CNN, This Just In and FrumForum

Sexy News Anchors Distract Male Viewers — New research finds when a female news anchor's sexual attractiveness is played up, male viewers retain less information. — SHARE AND ENJOY: — Scholars, critics and viewers have noted that some TV newscasts can be momentarily mistaken for Victoria's Secret specials.
JammieWearingFool, Shakesville, Runnin' Scared, Hot Air, Mediaite, Poynter, The Daily Caller and The Wire, more at Mediagazer »

Scalia Slaps Down GOP's Tentherism — Yesterday, conservative Justice Antonin Scalia spoke to a gathering of mostly-Republican lawmakers about separation of powers under the Constitution. During that gathering, Scalia was asked to embrace one of the Tea Party's pet constitutional theories …
Minneapolis Star Tribune

Oops! Republican Asks Scalia About Constitutionality Of Earmarks — The latest in a recent string Constitution gaffes might make Republicans think twice about their earmark moratorium. — On Monday, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) hosted a seminar for (mostly Republican) House members on the Constitution.
Crooks and Liars, The Mahablog, The Political Carnival and ThinkProgress

Statement by Ambassador Susan E. Rice, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, on Richard Falk — U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations — I am appalled by the recent personal blog written by Richard Falk, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on …
Ben Smith's Blog, YID With LID, Hot Air and The Investigative Project …

Not The U.N.'s Most Helpful Employee
Weasel Zippers, AOL News and The Washington Note

3 Reported Dead as Egyptians Protest to End Mubarak's Rule — CAIRO — Thousands of people calling for the end of the 30-year rule of President Hosni Mubarak clashed with riot police officers here in the capital and in other Egyptian cities on Tuesday, on a day of some of the most serious civil unrest in recent memory.
Eunomia, FP Passport,, Hot Air, Guardian, National Review, BBC, The Atlantic Online, Time, News Desk, The Lede, Boing Boing, Tablet Magazine, The Awl and Pajamas Media, more at Techmeme »

The State of the Union Drinking Game, 2011 Edition — If you're anything like us, you spent Sunday only half-watching the NFL conference championship games, attending to them out of some shapeless feeling of duty and the ever-present impulse to call Jay Cutler a pansy.
The Politico, FrumForum, Political Humor, Salon, The Daily Beast, FT Alphaville and AOL News, more at Mediagazer »

Setting Stage for Clash of Ideals Over Government's Role — WASHINGTON — At a moment when the momentum in Washington is driving toward slashing budgets and shrinking government, President Obama argued on Tuesday evening that the politics of austerity, mindlessly applied …

Ex-Detainee Gets Life Sentence in Embassy Blasts — Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, the first former detainee at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, to be tried in the civilian court system, was sentenced to life in prison on Tuesday for his role in the 1998 bombings of two United States Embassies in East Africa.

Bachmann's Response to State of the Union — As prepared for delivery: — Good evening, my name is Congresswoman Michele Bachmann from Minnesota's 6th District. — Two years ago, when Barack Obama became our President, unemployment was 7.8 percent and our national debt stood at what seemed …
Pam's House Blend

Rep. Loretta Sanchez sparks outrage from fellow Democrats with proposal to boot Giffords from Armed Services Committee — Behind closed doors, California Democratic Rep. Loretta Sanchez has proposed removing Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords from the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) …
Moe Lane, Weasel Zippers and Left Coast Rebel

Remarks of Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI) - As Prepared for Delivery — Good evening. I'm Congressman Paul Ryan from Janesville, Wisconsin - and Chairman here at the House Budget Committee. — President Obama just addressed a Congressional chamber filled with many new faces.
Paul Krugman, The Gateway Pundit and Hot Air