Top Items:

The Politics of Evasion — If you were a visitor from Mars, watching tonight's State of the Union address and Paul Ryan's Republican response, you would have no reason to think that the looming insolvency of our entitlement system lies at the heart of the economic challenges facing the United States over the next two decades.
Washington Monthly, TalkLeft, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Daily Dish, National Review, Connecting.the.Dots and FrumForum

Rep. Weiner: ‘I just needed a drink’ after GOP response — One Democratic congressman says he was ready to hit the bottle after hearing the Republican response to President Obama's State of the Union Tuesday night. — Rep. Anthony Weiner (N.Y.), who is known for his outspokenness …
Weasel Zippers, Althouse and FrumForum

Michele Bachmann's turn — Rep. Michele Bachmann may fall into that media-savvy cadre of politicians who, as the saying goes, has never met a camera she didn't like, but Tuesday night many Americans got the impression she was talking into the wrong camera. — Bachmann delivered …
CNN, The Caucus, Media Matters for America, Politics Daily, Mediaite, TPMDC, AOL News, Balloon Juice and FrumForum

Remarks of Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI) - As Prepared for Delivery — Good evening. I'm Congressman Paul Ryan from Janesville, Wisconsin - and Chairman here at the House Budget Committee. — President Obama just addressed a Congressional chamber filled with many new faces.
The Note, Paul Krugman, Right Turn, Guardian, Achenblog, No More Mister Nice Blog, Taylor Marsh,, The Gateway Pundit, Firedoglake, The Impolitic, Daily Kos, Nice Deb, Pundit Press and Hot Air

The Ryan Response — ... was as bad as you might expect. Lots of breast-beating about deficits; you'd never know that no leading Republican, Ryan very much included, has offered a serious proposal to cut the deficit. Some cooked statistics about federal spending. And then there was this curious assertion:
Crooks and Liars, Wonk Room, The Huffington Post, Prairie Weather and Guardian

The Note: Obama's Speech Puts GOP In A Corner — President Obama put Republicans in something of a box last night. He oozed optimism, telling Americans in the last moments of his speech that, “From the earliest days of our founding, America has been the story of ordinary people who dare to dream.
Discussion: and

Poll: High Marks for Obama's State of the Union Speech — An overwhelming majority of Americans approved of President Obama's overall message in his State of the Union on Tuesday night, according to a CBS News Poll of speech watchers. — According to the poll, which was conducted online …
Booman Tribune, Firedoglake, Washington Monthly, Newsweek, The Huffington Post, Outside the Beltway, New York Times, PostPartisan, Mediaite, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Pajamas Media, Guardian, The Political Carnival, The Daily Caller, The New Republic, Crooks and Liars, News Hounds, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, The Other McCain, Nice Deb, Daily Kos, Fire Andrea Mitchell!,, The Page, Ballot Box, FrumForum, JammieWearingFool and AOL News, more at Mediagazer »

CNN Poll: More than half of speech watchers have very positive reaction — Washington (CNN) - A majority of Americans who watched President Obama's State of the Union address said they had a very positive reaction to his speech, according to a poll of people who viewed Tuesday night's address.

Obama wins SOTU insta-polls - Sabato unveils ‘Pendulum Swing’ - Toner: Republicans must raise half-billion - Iowa GOP leader touts Newt - Romney dines with Christie - Florida Dems circle Rivera seat — THE REVIEWS ARE IN - SNAP POLL FROM CBS: “An overwhelming majority of Americans approved …
Taegan Goddard's …

A Content Analysis of Barack Obama's 2011 State of the Union Address
Ben Smith's Blog, Swampland and Hot Air

First thoughts on President Obama's State of the Union Speech
The New Republic and Guardian

Bachmann calls for full repeal of ‘Obamacare’ — Washington (CNN) — Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minnesota, responded to President Obama's State of the Union speech on Tuesday night from the Tea Party Express headquarters. Here is a transcript of Bachmann's speech. — Bachmann: Good evening.
Guardian, The Informer, AMERICAblog Elections, Swampland, Crooks and Liars, The Gateway Pundit and The Moderate Voice

Axelrod mocks Tea Party response: ‘Am I looking at the right camera?’
CNN and Weasel Zippers

The Bachmann Speech
Right Pundits, RedState, FrumForum and Hot Air

Chris Matthews Yells At Tea Partier: Why Is ‘Balloon-Head’ …
Big Journalism, and Lez Get Real

Bachmann back to Iowa in March
GOP 12, Des Moines Register and The Plum Line

BUDGET AND ECONOMIC OUTLOOK: FISCAL YEARS 2011 THROUGH 2021 — Text-only. — The United States faces daunting economic and budgetary challenges. The economy has struggled to recover from the recent recession, which was triggered by a large decline in house prices and a financial crisis …
The Atlantic Online, National Review, The Note, Director's Blog and protein wisdom

FACT CHECK: Obama and his imbalanced ledger — WASHINGTON - The ledger did not appear to be adding up Tuesday night when President Barack Obama urged more spending on one hand and a spending freeze on the other. — Obama spoke ambitiously of putting money into roads, research, education …
Sweetness & Light, blogs, Hot Air and Weasel Zippers

CBO: Deficit widened to $1.5 trillion this year
The Politico, The Gateway Pundit and Scared Monkeys

Why does the GOP hide its agenda?
The Politico, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, TPMDC and Daily Kos

EXCLUSIVE: Obama to Declare ‘The Rules Have Changed’ — Full text of speech draft obtained by National Journal — President Obama speaks to both houses of Congress during his first State of the Union address at the U.S. Capitol on January 27, 2010. — Insisting bipartisanship …
Patterico's Pontifications, Althouse, Climate Progress, Questions and Observations, The Gateway Pundit, Mediaite, Lez Get Real, Wonk Room, Firedoglake, Derek Wallbank, Daniel W. Drezner, Michelle Malkin, Salon, The BRAD BLOG, FrumForum, Blue Virginia, Taylor Marsh and Outside the Beltway, more at Mediagazer »

Where was Obama the centrist in his State of the Union?
National Review, CNN, The Politico, Althouse, The Daily Caller, GayPatriot, Power Line, Right Wing News, American Power and The New Republic

Good News From the Middle East (Really) — IT has lately become the accepted wisdom that the Middle East peace process is dead, finished, kaput. This belief has been reinforced by Al Jazeera's release this week of some 1,600 documents that are said to describe the inside workings of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations in 2008.
Ben Smith's Blog

The Palestinian cause has been betrayed. But no more
Just Journalism, Robin Shepherd Online and Harry's Place

Fact Checking Rep. Bachmann's “Tea Party Response” To The State Of The Union — Insisting that she was not upstaging the official GOP response to President Obama's State of the Union, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) offered a combative and highly misleading speech of her own following the president's address.
Washington Monthly

Game-changer! Arizona to pass 2012 eligibility law — Obama will have to produce birth certificate to run again — It could be a game-changer. — A plan in Arizona to require presidential candidates to prove their eligibility to occupy the Oval Office is approaching critical mass, even though it has just been introduced.
Discussion:, Weasel Zippers and Vox Popoli

Rep. Broun to Obama: ‘You believe in socialism’ — GOP Rep. Paul Broun (Ga.) rebuked President Obama using perhaps the sharpest language among his Republican colleagues following the State of the Union address Tuesday night. — Broun took to Twitter during the address, accusing the president of believing in socialism.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, ThinkProgress, Outside the Beltway, Weasel Zippers, TPMDC, FrumForum and Daily Kos

Dear commenters, Steve Doocy is reading — One of the themes of the Esquire profile of Roger Ailes, with which Ailes cooperated, is that Ailes reads ever word written about him. — You might think that was an exaggeration. But apparently he does, or someone over on Sixth Avenue does.
Swampland, Esquire and Balloon Juice, more at Mediagazer »

Gov. Rick Scott stalls new voter-approved redistricting standards — TALLAHASSEE — Two voter-approved constitutional amendments requiring the Legislature to draw political districts along nonpartisan standards could be jeopardized by one of Gov. Rick Scott's first acts.
Ben Smith's Blog, Naked Politics and AMERICAblog News

Get A Better Metaphor — A reader writes: … The problem here is imagining that war analogies map onto public discourse. In a war, the object is to kill the people on the other side. So bringing a knife to a bazooka fight isn't very effective. But in politics, the object is to persuade …
Balloon Juice

Egypt president's son, family flee to Britain — CAIRO: Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak's son, who is considered as his successor, has fled to Britain along with his family, a US-based Arabic website reported. — The plane with Gamal Mubarak, his wife and daughter on board left …
Guardian, The Agonist, Informed Comment, The Moderate Voice, The Atlantic Online and Israel Matzav