Top Items:

Egypt protests: America's secret backing for rebel leaders behind uprising — The American government secretly backed leading figures behind the Egyptian uprising who have been planning “regime change” for the past three years, The Daily Telegraph has learned. — Protesters and army on the streets of Cairo

Obama's handling Egypt pretty well — After President Obama spoke last night about the situation in Egypt, my Twitter feed and inbox filled up with angry denunciations, with lots of people complaining bitterly that he had endorsed Mubarak's grim struggle to hold on to power …
The Atlantic Online and The Daily Dish

Egypt Protests Continue as Military Stands By — CAIRO — Egypt was engulfed in a fifth day of protests on Saturday but an attempt by President Hosni Mubarak to salvage his 30-year rule by firing his cabinet and calling out the army appeared to backfire as troops and demonstrators fraternized …
The Daily Dish, CNN, Weasel Zippers, Washington Post, The Lede, Online NewsHour and The Jawa Report

Five Things to Understand About the Egyptian Riots — It takes some hubris to write about events unfolding as fast as the protests in Egypt, especially when it's clear that nobody saw this coming. Mubarak is preparing to address the nation, and it's unclear what will follow.
Daily Kos, The Mahablog, Crooks and Liars and Rortybomb

JOHN KING, USA — Unrest in Egypt — THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. — JOHN KING, HOST: Thanks Wolf and good evening everyone. Tonight Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak tries to quiet a political crisis, but his defiant tone leaves …

Egypt protests draw mixed reaction in region — Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (CNN) — Saudi Arabia slammed protesters in Egypt as “infiltrators” who seek to destabilize their country Saturday while an Iranian official called on Egypt to “abide by the rightful demands of the nation” and avoid violent reactions.
BBC and Associated Press

Cairo falls into near-anarchy; army warns it will treat protesters as criminals — CAIRO - Egyptians across this capital city expressed grave disappointment that President Hosni Mubarak was still their president on Saturday but, in protests spreading across Cairo, shouted their hope that he won't be for much longer.
Mish's Global Economic … and Prairie Weather

President Obama on the Situation in Egypt: “All Governments Must Maintain Power through Consent, Not Coercion” — From an overnight memo from his National Security Advisor, to a Presidential Daily Briefing that was 40 minutes in length and focused entirely on Egypt, and on through the day …
New York Times, Blue Virginia, The Agonist, The Daily Dish and The Lede

Egypt's Military Is Seen as Pivotal in Next Step — Even as armored military vehicles deployed around important Egyptian government institutions on Friday for the first time in decades, it remained difficult to predict what role the armed forces might play in either quelling the disturbances …

Al Jazeera Covers Protests Despite Hurdles
Crooks and Liars, Suburban Guerrilla, The Daily Beast, The Atlantic Online and Poynter

The U.S. needs to break with Mubarak now
ThinkProgress, Guardian, Right Wing Nut House, Booman Tribune, New York Times, The Plum Line and Ben Smith's Blog

Egypt protests show George W. Bush was right about freedom in the Arab world
TPMCafe, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, The Gateway Pundit, Firedoglake, Wonk Room, Commentary, Instapundit and Elliott Abrams

America Must Stand With Her Ally Egypt
The Other McCain and Hot Air

‘Whose Bright Idea Was It to Send Joe Biden Out to Talk About Egypt?’
Weekly Standard, Don Surber, Hot Air and Opinionator

GOP Conference chairman: America must stand with Egypt
No More Mister Nice Blog, Latest Media Releases …, Alan Colmes' Liberaland and The Politico

Transcript: President Obama's Remarks on Egypt
Discussion: Blog, Political Language, Reuters and L.A. Times Tech Blog, more at Techmeme »

Obama Cautions Embattled Ally Against Violence
JustOneMinute, News Desk, Outside the Beltway, Washington Post, Guardian, Big Peace, Patterico's Pontifications and Sky Dancing

The pragmatic fantasy — Today the Egyptian regime faces …
Power Line, NY Daily News, Wall Street Journal, Pajamas Media and Commentary

Israel Fears Regime Change in Egypt
Salon, and The Daily Beast

Why Would an American President Tout Mubarak's Regime?
Outside the Beltway

Time to Rethink U.S.-Egyptian Relations
Yglesias, The Politico and Associated Press

Tightening the screws on Mubarak
The Politico, Ben Smith's Blog and FrumForum

Right takes refuge in Constitution — The federal lawsuits against last year's health care overhaul were greeted with eye-rolling and snickers from many conventional legal scholars. — Nobody's laughing now. — A federal judge in Virginia ruled late last year that a key underpinning …
Althouse and Right Wing News

Obama ‘willing’ to golf with Boehner — President Obama is willing to play golf with House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) to help improve their relationship, a top White House adviser said Saturday. — Outgoing White House senior adviser David Axelrod said that the chances are “good” …

Inquiry Is Missing Bottom Line — There was something almost comical about the way the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission released its report on Thursday morning. — About a week ago, reporters were told they would get a sneak preview of the report the morning of its release. The location was undisclosed.
The Huffington Post, The Big Picture, naked capitalism and Prairie Weather

Not worth the paper they're printed on — This week's release of the Palestine Papers by Al Jazeera television might well be a classic example of “burying the lede.” While the revelations sparked revulsion among Palestinians about how much their leadership conceded in talks with Israel …
Salon, Babylon & Beyond, The Huffington Post, Mondoweiss and Suburban Guerrilla

The Wal-Mart Decade — I've been putting some material together for textbook revision, and found myself looking at European versus US productivity performance over the past couple of decades. I sort of knew the facts here, but this recent paper by Bart van Ark (pdf) seemed …

Dennis Kucinich Settles Olive Pit Case — Not sure if this qualifies as a Friday news dump, but we now know more than I, for one, ever expected to about what went on in Dennis Kucinich's mouth. In announcing today he was settling the lawsuit he launched against the operators …

Kucinich settles lawsuit against cafeteria
Plain Dealer, Scared Monkeys, Politics Daily, TPMDC, Outside the Beltway and CNN