Top Items:
Game over: The chance for democracy in Egypt is lost — While much of American media has termed the events unfolding in Egypt today as “clashes between pro-government and opposition groups,” this is not in fact what's happening on the street. The so-called “pro-government” …
Firedoglake, McClatchy Washington Bureau, Sky Dancing, The Huffington Post, Jay Bookman, TigerHawk, normblog, The Other McCain, CNN, Eunomia, Guardian, Democracy Now, The Mahablog, The Daily Dish, No More Mister Nice Blog, POWIP, Jay Currie, naked capitalism, Informed Comment, Arutz Sheva and The Moderate Voice
Why Obama has to get Egypt right — Revolutions usually start with enthusiasm and end in tears. In the case of the Middle East, the tears could be avoided if President Obama stands firmly by the values that got him elected. Although American power and influence in the world have declined …
BlogPost, Sky Dancing, Right Turn, The Huffington Post, National Review, Democracy Now, Questions and Observations, POWIP, Weasel Zippers, Elder of Ziyon, Left Coast Rebel, RubinReports, Los Angeles Times, Commentary, Mondoweiss, Israel Matzav, The Gateway Pundit, Ben Smith's Blog, Taylor Marsh, My Right Word, New York Times and Wall Street Journal, more at Mediagazer »
New York Times:
Gangs Hunt Journalists and Rights Workers — CAIRO — Security forces and gangs chanting in favor of the Egyptian government hunted down journalists at their offices and in the hotels where many had taken refuge on Thursday in a widespread and overt campaign of intimidation aimed at suppressing reports from the capital.
Guardian, The Daily Dish, CNN, EA WorldView, The Jawa Report, The Atlantic Online, The Agonist, The Moderate Voice, FrumForum and Poynter
Mubarak Defies a Humiliated America, Emulating Netanyahu — It should be remembered that Egypt's elite of multi-millionaires has benefited enormously from its set of corrupt bargains with the US and Israel and from the maintenance of a martial law regime that deflects labor demands and pesky human rights critiques.
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Booman Tribune, The Washington Note and Guardian
Street Battle Over the Arab Future — CAIRO — The future of the Arab world, perched between revolt and the contempt of a crumbling order, was fought for in the streets of downtown Cairo on Wednesday. — Tens of thousands of protesters who have reimagined the very notion of citizenship …
The Atlantic Online, Washington Post, Guardian,, Prairie Weather and Marbury
Sudden Split Recasts U.S. Foreign Policy
JustOneMinute, Wall Street Journal, The Maddow Blog, Open Left, Mondoweiss, American Power, BBC, The Caucus and The Hill
Egypt news day 10: Army steps in; journalists arrested and more live updates
Egypt news day 10: Army steps in; journalists arrested and more live updates
Politics Daily and The Hill
U.S. seeks change, not asking Mubarak to go now
U.S. seeks change, not asking Mubarak to go now
Discussion:, Left Coast Rebel and Caffeinated Thoughts
Marc Lynch:
Egypt Endgame — The Obama administration has been trying …
Egypt Endgame — The Obama administration has been trying …
The Daily Dish, The Plum Line, Taylor Marsh,, Reuters, The New Republic and The Atlantic Online
Egypt's prime minister apologizes; military steps in between sides
Egypt's prime minister apologizes; military steps in between sides
Boston Globe, Big Peace, Babylon & Beyond, AOL News, Foreign Policy, This Just In and FrumForum
Nicholas D. Kristof / New York Times:
Watching Thugs With Razors and Clubs at Tahrir Sq.
Watching Thugs With Razors and Clubs at Tahrir Sq.
BBC, The Moderate Voice, Epicenter, Los Angeles Times, Time, Feministe and PostPartisan
Alex Seitz-Wald / ThinkProgress:
McCain Calls Middle East Pro-Democracy Movement A ‘Virus’
McCain Calls Middle East Pro-Democracy Movement A ‘Virus’
Time, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Fox News, Raw Story and Dispatch
Laura Rozen / The Politico:
U.S. Egypt envoy recalled, as Clinton calls violence “shocking”
U.S. Egypt envoy recalled, as Clinton calls violence “shocking”
Foreign Policy, The Atlantic Online, Political Punch and Right Turn
White Political Ralliers Call for Lynching of Black Justice (Sorry MSM, No Tea in this Blend) — I recently took a two-day trip down to Palm Springs to attend an event called “Uncloaking the Kochs” hosted by Common Cause. Accompanied by my dear friend, former assembly candidate Alvaro Day …
Jeff G. / protein wisdom:
What should we do with the Constitutionalists?
What should we do with the Constitutionalists?
The Jawa Report
The Note:
Sarah Palin Turns Down Coveted Keynote Speaking Slot At CPAC Conference — ABC News' Michael Falcone: — UPDATED: After skipping the popular Conservative Political Action Conference for the past three years, Sarah Palin has once again turned down the invitation of CPAC officials to address the conference this year.
Weigel, Commentary, Taegan Goddard's …, Cubachi, GOP 12, Conservatives4Palin, The Daily Caller, Outside the Beltway, TPMDC, Ben Smith's Blog, Rumproast and FrumForum
Michael O'Brien / The Hill:
Palin skipping CPAC
President Carter named in $5 million lawsuit over his “Palestine” book — More than four years after its publication, five disgruntled readers have filed a class-action lawsuit against President Jimmy Carter and his publisher, Simon & Schuster, alleging that his 2006 book “Palestine Peace Not Apartheid” …
NewsReal Blog, TBogg, No Sheeples Here, National Review, Raw Story, Yglesias and Commentary
Charlotte charred by FLOTUS roast reference — Charlotte residents were ecstatic to hear this week that their city was selected to host the Democratic convention. But there was one line in the e-mail announcement from First Lady Michelle Obama that made locals say, “Huh?”
CNN, The Daily Caller, Althouse and JammieWearingFool
GOP loses ‘forcible rape’ language — House Republicans plan to sidestep a charged debate over the distinction between “forcible rape” and “rape” by altering the language of a bill banning taxpayer subsidies for abortions. — The provision in question, written as an exemption from the ban …
CNN, Little Green Footballs, Runnin' Scared, National Review, Washington Monthly, Balloon Juice, Outside the Beltway, Hullabaloo and Gawker
Jonathan Allen / The Politico:
‘Forcible Rape’ Language to Change, Manchin's Maiden Speech/EPA Limitation, Thune's Choice, Issa Creates K Street Jobs, 3 Questions with Chris Gibson, Trivia — BREAKING: ‘FORCIBLE RAPE’ PROVISION TO CHANGE — House Republicans plan to sidestep a potentially contentious fight over the definition …
Evan McMorris-Santoro / TPMDC:
Report: Republicans Give Up On Redefining Rape
Report: Republicans Give Up On Redefining Rape
Raw Story, The Majority Report …, Mother Jones, PostPartisan, Shakesville, Mediaite and FrumForum
Muslims Attack Two Christian Families in Egypt, 11 Killed — (AINA) — News of a massacre of two Christian Coptic families by Islamists just emerged from Upper Egypt with the return of the Internet connections after a week of Internet blackout by the Egyptian regime.
Weasel Zippers and Atlas Shrugs
Ben Geman / The Hill:
Judge holds Interior in contempt over drilling ban — A Louisiana federal judge on Wednesday held the Interior Department in contempt for re-imposing a deepwater oil-drilling ban last year after the judge had struck down an earlier version of the moratorium.
protein wisdom
Stephen Power / Wall Street Journal:
Administration's Drill Ban Draws Blast From Judge
Administration's Drill Ban Draws Blast From Judge
Michelle Malkin
Dan Gilgoff / CNN:
TRENDING: Obama delivers major speech on personal faith — President Barack Obama gave an unusually personal speech about his religious faith on Thursday, saying that “it is the biblical injunction to serve the least of these that keeps me going and keeps me from being overwhelmed,” in address to a prayer breakfast in Washington.
Politics Daily and beliefnet
Jennifer Epstein / The Politico:
National Prayer Breakfast closes with tribute to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords
National Prayer Breakfast closes with tribute to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords
GOP scales back budget cut goals — Updating their budget estimates, House Republicans conceded Thursday that their best hope is to cut current appropriations by $32 billion for the remainder of this fiscal year, once new spending for defense and other security needs are added to the equation.
Crashing the party: Republican strategist turned gay rights activist ponders a White House run — ON ROUTE 202, N.H. — The candidate can't find his lane. The road is a crunchy carpet of snow. The candidate drifts too far to the right. The rumble strip rattles his car. The candidate drifts too far to the left.
The Atlantic Online, The Informer, Outside the Beltway, and Towleroad News #gay
Arizona Republic:
Arizona to secede (without OFFICIALLY doing so) — Members of the state Legislature, including Arizona's de facto governor, Senate President Russell Pearce, have introduced a bill that essentially would have Arizona secede from the union without having to do so officially. — Really.
Outside the Beltway, Alternate Brain and Daily Kos
Roger L Simon / Pajamas Media:
(UPDATE: Arrested, then Released) Cairo Exclusive: Interview with ‘Sandmonkey’ — (UPDATE: The Guardian is reporting that Sandmonkey has been arrested, a contact reports that he was subsequently released. His blog is currently down. Look for updates at The Tatler.)
Israel Matzav, Global Voices in English, The Blaze, The Jawa Report, The Other McCain, Big Peace, National Review and Fausta's Blog
City Room:
Mayor Curses the Beast, and It Didn't Even Bite Him — Showing that he can hold a grudge as well as the next politician, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg hurled a mild vulgarity at Staten Island Chuck, the groundhog who bit him two years ago, at the conclusion of Wednesday's otherwise uneventful Groundhog Day ceremony.
Ben Smith's Blog, Weasel Zippers, Runnin' Scared and New York Times