Top Items:

On Health Care, Justice Will Prevail — THE lawsuits challenging the individual mandate in the health care law, including one in which a federal district judge last week called the law unconstitutional, will ultimately be resolved by the Supreme Court, and pundits are already making bets on how the justices will vote.

What They Mean by ‘Civility’ — The New York Times raises no objection to murderous, racist rhetoric at a Common Cause rally. — (Best of the tube tonight: We'll discuss Common Cause's smear campaign on “America's Nightly Scoreboard” with David Asman. Fox Business, 7 p.m. ET tonight, with a repeat showing at midnight ET.)
Discussion:, JustOneMinute, Betsy's Page, Doug Ross, SCOTUSblog, Don Surber, Jay Currie, TigerHawk, Shot in the Dark and The Daily Caller

Olbermann Said to Be Going to Current TV — Keith Olbermann, the former top-rated host on the news channel MSNBC, will announce his next television home on Tuesday, and people on Monday familiarwith his plans pointed to a possible deal with the public affairs channel Current TV.
Firedoglake, GigaOM, blogs, Taylor Marsh, Crooks and Liars, The Daily Caller, Hot Air, Salon, Scared Monkeys, Comments from Left Field, Big Journalism, Runnin' Scared, Pajamas Media, Raw Story, AOL News, Felix Salmon, TVNewser, Moonbattery,, Brilliant at Breakfast, Gawker, Wonkette, The Hill, Weasel Zippers, Gothamist, Mediaite, PopEater, Michelle Malkin, YID With LID, The Gateway Pundit, AMERICAblog News, Booman Tribune, Shot in the Dark, Don Surber and Daily Kos, more at Mediagazer »

Keith Olbermann's New Gig, Revealed: “Chief News Officer, Current Media” — Less than three weeks after his high-visibility departure from MSNBC, Keith Olbermann has revealed his next step. Fittingly, Olbermann scooped his own news conference with a tweet: “Greetings from Keith Olbermann, Chief News Officer of Current Media!
The Jawa Report and Mock, Paper, Scissors

Lugar to Tea Party: “Get real.” — WASHINGTON, DC (WANE) - He's an institution in Washington, DC. Over the years, few senators have garnered more respect on Capitol Hill than Indiana's Richard Lugar . He's been a fixture in the Senate since 1977; seemingly unbeatable at the ballot box.
The Politico, Hotline On Call and Evansville Courier & Press

Ditching unwritten rules for Senate freshmen, Paul does it his way — Rand Paul has broken with tradition by eschewing the unwritten rules for freshman senators: Keep a low profile, learn the chamber's arcane procedures and cozy up to senior colleagues. — Unlike ex-Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton …
protein wisdom, The Hill, Barefoot and Progressive and Wonkette

Lugar tells Tea Party to ‘get real’
The Fix, Weasel Zippers and Ballot Box

A new Dem threat to health care law — A handful of moderate Senate Democrats are looking for ways to roll back the highly contentious individual mandate — the pillar of President Barack Obama's health care law — a sign that red-state senators are prepared to assert their independence ahead of the 2012 elections.
Firedoglake, Washington Monthly, The Note, Guardian, Mock, Paper, Scissors, Wake up America, Hot Air and The Huffington Post

GOP hedges on health care funds
Daily Kos, Outside the Beltway and Washington Post

Fix or repeal? Obama's health-care trap
protein wisdom, National Review and The New Republic

Parrying the Big Cuts
Hit & Run, The Politico, Off the Charts Blog and The New Republic

Comic treatment for health plan — MIT econ whiz's hip idea to explain overhaul — The MIT economics whiz who crafted President Obama's national health-care overhaul now plans to explain the complex and controversial plan to the masses — in one long comic book.
Michelle Malkin, Indecision Forever, protein wisdom, Weasel Zippers, Economix, JammieWearingFool,, Swampland and Pajamas Media

CNN Poll: Republicans want winner over ideology in 2012 — Washington (CNN) - Given the choice between a candidate who agrees with them on the issues or a candidate who can defeat President Barack Obama in 2012, a new national poll indicates Republicans overwhelming want a winner.
Hot Air, GOP 12 and The Politico

That's the ticket: GOP loves look of VP field
No More Mister Nice Blog

Mandatory Arabic Classes Coming To Mansfield — MANSFIELD (CBSDFW.COM) - Some Students at Mansfield ISD schools could soon be learning Arabic as a required language. The school district wants students at select schools to take Arabic language and culture classes as part of a federally funded grant.
Michelle Malkin, Moonbattery, Weasel Zippers, Pajamas Media, Don Surber, Atlas Shrugs and Liberty Pundits Blog

'I Didn't Raise Taxes Once' — Refreshing the President's memory. — Bill O'Reilly's Fox interview with President Obama on Sunday was fascinating, and not merely because Mr. Obama made clear he's an ardent fan of these pages. What really caught our attention was the President's claim that “I didn't raise taxes once.
Discussion: Truth …, TaxProf Blog, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, ThinkProgress and Prairie Weather

First Look: Meryl Streep As Mrs. Thatcher — Pathé UK has released the first shot of Meryl Streep as British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Streep is in the 2nd week of filming The Iron Lady here in London. It's the first feature from director Phyllida since she directed Streep in Mamma Mia.
Big Hollywood, AmSpecBlog and The Gateway Pundit

Michael Moore vs Movie Accounting: Sues Weinsteins For More 9/11 Movie Profits After Already Pocketing $19.8 Million; Yes Or No - “He Redefines The Term Greedy”? — UPDATED: At least multi-millionaire Michael Moore didn't have the chutzpah to sue Harvey and Bob Weinstein in a court in New York City where they're based.
Discussion: and Pajamas Media

Michael Moore Sues Weinsteins Over ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’ (Updated)
Weasel Zippers and The Other McCain

Rehberg blasts Obama, wolf ruling — U.S. Rep. Denny Rehberg R-Mont., speaking to the Legislature Monday, attacked the policies of the Obama administration, defended states' rights and said a federal judge in Montana belongs on the Endangered Species Act for his ruling on wolves.
The Politico, Ballot Box, PERRspectives, Talking Points Memo, TPMDC and AMERICAblog News

GOP Rep. Rehberg: Federal Judges Should Be ‘On The Endangered Species List’
Washington Monthly, Washington Post and Montana Standard

Glenn Beck is walking toward a cliff—or running, or skipping. The question is, will Fox News go flying over the edge with him, or give him a push? — For years, Beck has pitched various conspiracy theories with a rather predictable thrust: the left is out to take over and/or destroy the United States.
Commentary, Crooks and Liars, NewsReal Blog, The Reaction, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Daily Caller and Mother Jones

WikiLeaks: Israel's secret hotline to the man tipped to replace Mubarak — The new vice-president of Egypt, Omar Suleiman, is a long-standing favourite of Israel's who spoke daily to the Tel Aviv government via a secret “hotline” to Cairo, leaked documents disclose.
Salon, Crooks and Liars, Firedoglake, Aljazeera, The Jawa Report, Suburban Guerrilla and The Nation

Rep. Posey Can't Say If He Takes Govt. Health Care Because He Doesn't ‘Know’ If He's ‘A Federal Employee’ — Over the past few months, congressional Republicans have endured much criticism for privately accepting government-sponsored health insurance as they publicly railed against health care reform.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland and Daily Kos

Wadhams drops bid for re-election as Colorado GOP chairman — Dick Wadhams on Monday unexpectedly dropped his bid for re-election as chair of the Colorado Republican Party, warning GOP leaders that their chances in 2012 could be “severely undermined” by a strategy aimed solely at uniting conservatives.
Washington Monthly and TPMDC

For jobs Gibbs lacks, the list goes on — Robert Gibbs has held many jobs in his accomplished political career: White House spokesman, presidential confidant, campaign strategist and more. He even ran a Democratic 527 group during the 2004 campaign. — But there are also quite …

On Evolution, Biology Teachers Stray — Teaching creationism in public schools has consistently been ruled unconstitutional in federal courts, but according to a national survey of more than 900 public high school biology teachers, it continues to flourish in the nation's classrooms.
Little Green Footballs, The Volokh Conspiracy and Joanne Jacobs

Inside the Secret Service — When President Obama and two-thirds of the world's leaders gather in New York City, it is up to the U.S. Secret Service to keep them all safe. Granted unprecedented access, our author tells the story of how the agency pulls off the most complicated security event of the year …

Social Scientist Sees Bias Within — SAN ANTONIO — Some of the world's pre-eminent experts on bias discovered an unexpected form of it at their annual meeting. — Discrimination is always high on the agenda at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology's conference …