Top Items:

Mubarak Steps Down, Ceding Power to Military — CAIRO — President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt turned over all power to the military and left the Egyptian capital for his resort home in Sharm el-Sheik, Vice President Omar Suleiman announced on state television on Friday.
The Moderate Voice, A plain blog about politics, TPM LiveWire, CBS News, Associated Press, Pennsylvania Ave., The Informer, ABCNEWS, Brookings Institute, Guardian, The Caucus, Michelle Malkin, Power Line, Israpundit, JustOneMinute, Prairie Weather, Washington Monthly, SENATUS, skippy the bush kangaroo, Daily Kos, Gothamist, CANNONFIRE,, The Reality-Based Community, News Hounds, Tablet Magazine, The Politico and Nicholas D. Kristof, more at Mediagazer »
Jake Tapper / Political Punch:
After Thursday Speech, White House Pushed Mubarak: You Must Satisfy the Demonstrators In the Street — Sources tell ABC News that after Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak spoke last night, handing over powers to his vice president but not stepping down, the White House and Obama administration …

Mubarak resigns; army to suspend parliament — Update at 1:57 p.m. ET: Essam El Erian, spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood party, which was banned by Mubarak, hails what he calls Egypt's “historic moment of victory.” He tells Al-Jazeera Tv that Egyptians brought about a …

Egypt's Mubarak resigns as leader — Mr Mubarak has ruled Egypt for 30 years — Hosni Mubarak has decided to step down as president of Egypt. — In an announcement on state TV, Vice-President Omar Suleiman said Mr Mubarak had handed power to the military.
Sydney Morning Herald, TalkLeft, Boing Boing, Wonkette,, Gothamist and Pharyngula

Mubarak resigns; hands power to Egyptian military — CAIRO - President Hosni Mubarak resigned Friday and handed power to the Egyptian military, setting off wild celebrations among protesters across the country who had demanded his ouster for the last 18 days.
Cairo erupts in joy as Mubarak finally quits — • Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak has resigned — • Vice-president announces the army council holds power — • Cheers and fireworks as protests turn to celebrations — • Read a summary of today's events
The Daily Dish, Crooks and Liars, AMERICAblog News, The Moderate Voice and Towleroad News #gay

Army and presidency at odds - says former intelligence official
Outside the Beltway, The Daily Dish and The New Republic
Egypt's military leadership
Egypt's military leadership
Online NewsHour, EA WorldView, ProPublica and New York Times
Hosni Mubarak resigns as president
Hosni Mubarak resigns as president
The Huffington Post, Taylor Marsh, Guardian, The Agonist, The Awl, Outside the Beltway and AMERICAblog News
Fred Kaplan / Slate:
No one, perhaps not even officers of the Egyptian armed forces …
No one, perhaps not even officers of the Egyptian armed forces …
The Daily Dish
Michael O'Brien / The Hill:
Utah Sen. Mike Lee says he won't back Orrin Hatch in GOP Senate primary — Sen. Mike Lee (R) said Friday that he wouldn't endorse fellow Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch (R) for reelection in the 2012 GOP Senate primary. — Lee, a freshman senator allied with the conservative Tea Party movement …
CNN, Cubachi, Outside the Beltway, HotAirPundit and FrumForum

Meet Olympia Snowe's New Hard Rocking Tea Party Challenger — Maine moderate Olympia Snowe, whose Senate seat has long been considered vulnerable in a Republican primary, has a new Tea Party challenger: Andrew Ian Dodge. — The state coordinator for the Tea Party Patriots in Maine …
Shane D'Aprile / Ballot Box:
Sen. Orrin Hatch tells conservatives he regrets his vote for the bailout
Steve Peoples / Roll Call:
Tea Party Express Names Snowe as Its Next Moderate Republican Target
Tea Party Express Names Snowe as Its Next Moderate Republican Target
The Moderate Voice, Washington Monthly and Daily Kos
Kevinliptak / CNN:
Pawlenty: Obama appeasing Muslim Brotherhood — Washington (CNN) - Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, an all-but-declared candidate for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, accused the Obama administration Friday of “appeasing” the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt as the country navigates …
Yglesias and Ben Smith's Blog
Michael O'Brien / The Hill:
Pawlenty dismisses ‘birthers’ — Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R) explicitly distanced himself from “birthers” during a highly anticipated speech before conservatives on Friday. — After one lawmaker made a “birther” joke, alluding to suspicions that President Obama wasn't born in the United States …
Weasel Zippers
Massimo Calabresi / Time:
U.S. Preparing Aid Package For Egypt Opposition
U.S. Preparing Aid Package For Egypt Opposition
Voice of America, Blogs and Stories, Pajamas Media, Firedoglake and FrumForum

Paul Ryan's Limited Imagination — Everyone knows that Ron Paul has some crank notions about monetary economics, but Paul Ryan's own crankitude on this score is badly underrated. Will Wilkinson, for example, flags this alarming quote from Ryan's participation in a recent committee hearing with Ben Bernanke:
A plain blog about politics, Examiner, Modeled Behavior and Grasping Reality …
Ben Smith / Ben Smith's Blog:
Thune jabs Palin, '12ers — John Thune, playing coy, took a little shot at his potential rivals in his remarks at CPAC just now: — I've never had a book signing. — I've been to Iowa plenty of times, but it's usually on the way to South Dakota. — And the closest I've come …
CNN and Outside the Beltway
Kevinliptak / CNN:
Thune ‘coming to final stages’ of 2012 decision
Thune ‘coming to final stages’ of 2012 decision
The Note, Ballot Box, The Politico, PERRspectives and Hotline On Call

ThinkProgress, SEIU and Others Targeted by US Chamber of Commerce for Smears — The next time you hear some lofty conservative twaddle about our freedoms, please point them to this Think Progress post and ask for an explanation. Ask them why they think they're threatened by government …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, The ChamberPost, kgosztola's myFDL diary and
Glenn Greenwald / Salon:
The leaked campaign to attack WikiLeaks and its supporters
The leaked campaign to attack WikiLeaks and its supporters
Firedoglake, Disruptors, ThinkProgress, The Firewall, Climate Progress, Yglesias and Obsidian Wings
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
WHAT HATH FLORIDA WROUGHT?.... Atrios joked the other day that Floridians “elected Lex Luthor as their governor.” That's a good line, in large part because it's hard not to wonder if Florida's new chief executive is some sort of super-villain. … Scott's plan is certainly unique.
Discussion: and Democratic Strategist

Mitch Daniels Suggests Re-Examination of End-of-Life Care — Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, who is considering a run for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, veered from his party's orthodoxy on end-of-life care Friday, suggesting the nation cannot afford to provide every treatment …
The New Republic and Hit & Run
George Zornick / ThinkProgress:
Former Bush-Cheney National Spokesman Thinks Muslims Are Incapable Of Democracy: ‘This Is The Middle East’ — This morning on Fox News, anchor Martha MacCallum hosted a panel of three experts that was very hostile towards the idea of backing the protesters in Egypt.
The Huffington Post, Need to Know and Shakesville

Administration Plan Provides Path Forward for Reforming America's Housing Finance Market — The Obama Administration delivered a report to Congress that provides a path forward for reforming America's housing finance market. The Administration's plan will wind down Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac …
New York Times, Politics Daily, Ezra Klein, Cato @ Liberty, Associated Press, and DealBook
Daniel Indiviglio / The Atlantic Online:
Obama Housing Policy Plan Stronger Than Anticipated
Obama Housing Policy Plan Stronger Than Anticipated
EconLog, AmSpecBlog and Online NewsHour

Multiculturalism has failed, says French president — PARIS (AFP) - French President Nicolas Sarkozy declared Thursday that multiculturalism had failed, joining a growing number of world leaders or ex-leaders who have condemned it. — “My answer is clearly yes, it is a failure,” …
Cubachi, theblogprof, Hot Air, The Jawa Report, Power Line, Liberty Pundits Blog, Weasel Zippers, Wizbang and Pajamas Media

Oprah wants ‘respect’ for Obama — Oprah Winfrey (left) and Barack Obama attend a campaign event in Dec. 2007. AP Photo — Oprah called on President Obama's critics on Friday to “show some level of respect.” — “I feel that everybody has a learning curve, and I feel that the reason …
Michelle Malkin, Left Coast Rebel, Babalú Blog, UrbanGrounds and Weasel Zippers
Josiah Ryan / The Hill:
Republicans turn Congress into ‘clogged toilet,’ says Democratic lawmaker — One of the Democrats' fieriest voices on Capitol Hill accused the Republicans of turning Congress into a “clogged toilet.” — Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) said Friday that House Republicans were blocking …

From freedom agenda to freedom doctrine — Today, everyone and his cousin supports the “freedom agenda.” Of course, yesterday it was just George W. Bush, Tony Blair and a band of neocons with unusual hypnotic powers who dared challenge the received wisdom of Arab exceptionalism …
The Huffington Post,, Eunomia, Washington Monthly, Neptunus Lex, protein wisdom and Don Surber
Investor's Business Daily:
What Egyptians Really Want — Islamofascism: Romantics in Western media expect “democracy” to flower from the anti-Mubarak rioting in Cairo. But polling shows Egyptians actually seek strict Islamic rule. — According to a major survey conducted last year by the Pew Research Center …
Eunomia, The Daily Dish and The Jawa Report