Top Items:
CBS News:
CBS News' Lara Logan Assaulted During Egypt Protests — CBS News Chief Foreign Correspondent Separated From Her Crew And Brutally Assaulted on Day Mubarak Stepped Down — On Friday February 11, the day Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak stepped down, CBS correspondent Lara Logan was covering …
Michelle Malkin, The Moderate Voice, National Review, theblogprof, AOL News, The Gateway Pundit, Weasel Zippers, Little Green Footballs, Outside the Beltway, Gothamist, Mediaite, Patterico's Pontifications, Towleroad News #gay, FishbowlDC, Politics Daily, Reliable Source, Runnin' Scared, The Daily Caller, PopEater, Truthdig, Sister Toldjah, New York Magazine, HotAirPundit, JammieWearingFool and Opinion L.A., more at Mediagazer »
Allahpundit / Hot Air:
Horrendous: CBS reporter brutally sexually assaulted during Cairo protests
Horrendous: CBS reporter brutally sexually assaulted during Cairo protests
New York Times, The Jawa Report, and Mediaite

South Dakota Moves To Legalize Killing Abortion Providers — A bill under consideration in the Mount Rushmore State would make preventing harm to a fetus a “justifiable homicide” in many cases. — Post Comment — A law under consideration in South Dakota would expand the definition of …
Mother Jones, The Atlantic Online, Democracy in America, ThinkProgress, ECHIDNE of the snakes,, Patterico's Pontifications,, Runnin' Scared, Hullabaloo,, Wonkette,, Daily Kos, Sky Dancing, Confederate Yankee, alicublog, No More Mister Nice Blog, Pharyngula, Salon, Washington Monthly, Feministe, Little Green Footballs, New York Magazine, Mock, Paper, Scissors, The Mahablog and Balloon Juice
Greg Sargent / The Plum Line:
South Dakota legislator defends bill to make killing to defend fetuses a “justifiable homicide” — An incendiary story by Mother Jones making the rounds on the Web reports that a law being considered in South Dakota would expand the definition of “justifiable homicide” to apply to killings intended to prevent harm to unborn children.
Tom Jensen / Public Policy Polling:
Romney and the Birthers — Birtherism is alive and well within the GOP ranks, and their 2012 nominee preferences tell a story about the difficulty Mitt Romney faces in trying to appeal to an electorate that's a whole lot further out there than he is. — Birthers make a majority among …

51% of GOP voters: Obama foreign — In a shocking finding, more than half of GOP primary voters believe President Barack Obama was not born in the United States, according to a new poll. — Fifty-one percent of 400 Republican primary voters surveyed nationwide by Public Policy Polling …
New York Magazine, Runnin' Scared, The Brody File and Gawker
Greg Sargent / The Plum Line:
Birthers love Sarah Palin far more than any other 2012 GOP hopeful — The new poll from the Dem firm Public Policy Polling finds that a majority of likely GOP primary voters falsely believe Obama wasn't born in the United States. But this breakdown of their attitudes towards Sarah Palin is of particular interest:
The Daily Dish, A plain blog about politics, The Fix, Outside the Beltway, Salon, and Ben Smith's Blog

Boehner: If Jobs Are Lost As A Result Of GOP Spending Cuts ‘So Be It’ — If House Republicans succeed in cutting tens of billions of dollars in discretionary spending over the next six months, some of the most immediate victims will be federal employees, many of whose jobs will be slashed as their agencies pare back.

Boehner: ‘So Be It’ If Federal Workers Are Laid Off — House Speaker John Boehner expressed little sympathy Tuesday for federal workers who lose their jobs as the result of Republican budget cutting. — “In the last two years, under President Obama, the federal government has added 200,000 …
Hot Air, Front Row Washington and Maggie's Notebook
Eugene Robinson / Washington Post:
The GOP loves freedom, but not for Egypt
The GOP loves freedom, but not for Egypt
Discussion: blogs, Right Turn and Mondoweiss
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
QUOTE OF THE DAY.... As of this morning, the official Republican line …
QUOTE OF THE DAY.... As of this morning, the official Republican line …
TPMDC and A plain blog about politics
Kevinliptak / CNN:
Boehner: If some federal workers lose jobs because of GOP cuts, ‘so be it’
Boehner: If some federal workers lose jobs because of GOP cuts, ‘so be it’
Cubachi, Hot Air, The Hill, USA Today, Weasel Zippers, Washington Post and Liberty Pundits Blog
‘I lied about WMD to topple Saddam’ — • Man codenamed Curveball ‘invented’ tales of bioweapons — • Iraqi told lies to try to bring down Saddam Hussein regime — • Fabrications used by US as justification for invasion — Read the full story of how the US was duped
Alexander Bolton / The Hill:
Chances up for federal shutdown — The chances of a government shutdown are on the rise. — With less than three weeks to strike a deal before government funding for the year is scheduled to expire, Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill are moving in opposite directions.
ThinkProgress, The Note, The Politico, Washington Monthly, Hot Air, Don Surber, The New Republic and Fox News
The Hill:
Obama threatens to veto House GOP spending measure — The Obama administration on Tuesday threatened to veto the House GOP's measure funding the federal government. — In a statement of administration policy, the Office of Management and Budget said cuts included in the Republican continuing resolution …
The Politico and The Page
Devin Dwyer / ABCNEWS:
Obama's Media Machine: State Run Media 2.0? — White House Hones Online Messaging Operation Ahead of 2012 Campaign — As the 2012 presidential campaign kicks into gear, President Obama's White House media operation is demonstrating an unprecedented ability to broadcast its message through social media …
Mediaite, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Outside the Beltway and Pajamas Media
Steve Benen / Washington Monthly:
THE PROSPECTS OF A ‘GRAND BARGAIN’.... Rumors occasionally …
THE PROSPECTS OF A ‘GRAND BARGAIN’.... Rumors occasionally …
New York Review of Books, Mother Jones, Eschaton and The New Republic

The Cee Lo Green Budget
The Daily Dish, The New Republic, The Daily Caller and Outside the Beltway
Fawn Johnson /
White House Proposes $556 Billion Highway Bill
White House Proposes $556 Billion Highway Bill
Moe Lane
Ezra Klein:
How penicillin fooled us — Perhaps it's the mark of a good book that after you read it, you begin seeing evidence for its thesis in lots of different areas. Since reading Tyler Cowen's “The Great Stagnation,” I've been seeing a lot of support for a claim that I'd initially resisted …
Mother Jones and Marginal Revolution
David Brooks / New York Times:
The Experience Economy — Tyler Cowen's e-book, “The Great Stagnation …
The Experience Economy — Tyler Cowen's e-book, “The Great Stagnation …
Paul Krugman, Daily Kos and EconLog
Rachel Maddow /
Closed captioning of: Prosecutors gear up to charge Edwards in criminal case — >> for two years a federal grand jury has been in fact investigating john edwards and whether he break campaign finance laws to try to cover up an affair with rielle hunter. now the investigation reached a decisive point.
AOL News, Wonkette, Hot Air, Ben Smith's Blog, TPMMuckraker, Sister Toldjah, JammieWearingFool and FrumForum

Trump's Flip-Flop on Abortion — Donald Trump leaves the stage after speaking at the 2011 CPAC conference. — Donald Trump is describing himself as pro-life as he courts Republican support for a potential presidential bid - a complete reversal of his position on abortion during a previous flirtation with a White House run.
NY Daily News and The New Republic
Lbentzterp / CNN:
Trump reveals stance on social issues
Trump reveals stance on social issues
Cubachi, The Politico, Wonkette, Riehl World View and FrumForum
Nate Silver / FiveThirtyEight:
Should Republicans Fret Over Their Presidential Field? — Republican insiders, reports the Washington Post's plugged-in Jennifer Rubin, are worried about the quality of their slate of presidential candidates for 2012. Indeed, it has become the conventional wisdom to assert that the Republican field is a fairly weak one.
NPR STATEMENT ON THE PRESIDENT'S FY 2012 BUDGET — Public broadcasting received a vote of confidence today from the Obama Administration. The President's FY 2012 budget submission to Congress included $451 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) for the two year advance appropriation …
Weasel Zippers, The Gateway Pundit and National Review
Byron York / Washington Examiner:
BELTWAY CONFIDENTIAL — NPR thanks Obama for budget ‘vote of confidence’
BELTWAY CONFIDENTIAL — NPR thanks Obama for budget ‘vote of confidence’
Don Surber and No Runny Eggs

KS GOP Rep. Connie O'Brien Says She Can Tell Who Is ‘Illegal’ Because They Have ‘The Olive Complexion’ — One week ago, the Kansas House Federal and State Committee held a hearing about in-state tuition being granted to the children of undocumented immigrants, which has been the policy in the state since 2004.
Kansas City Star, Topeka Capital-Journal, Outside the Beltway and The Maddow Blog
Digby / Hullabaloo:
Village onthe rocks: CW shift? — Village on the rocks — Oh my God. I think hell froze over int he Village. Talking to Elijah Cummings about all this slashing of discretionary spending in the President's budget, Andrea Mitchell wondered why he would want to hit the poor but not even touch entitleme —
The Plum Line, Paul Krugman and Eschaton
The Politico:
Liberals launch anti-Darrell Issa crusade — Democrats are understandably obsessed with Darrell Issa — he's built himself up as a one-man investigative machine aimed straight at the Obama presidency. — But a handful of liberal political operatives in California — including …
The Sundries Shack, New York Magazine and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion
John / Power Line:
More Racism on the Left — On Friday, AlterNet—you know, the organization that “confront[s] the failures of corporate media, as well as the vitriol and disinformation of right wing media, especially ‘hate talk’ media”—published a vile attack on conservative businessman Herman Cain, who was the last speaker at CPAC:
Big Journalism, Right Wing News, The Gateway Pundit, Hot Air, Weasel Zippers, UrbanGrounds and Pajamas Media

Common Cause Asks Court About Thomas Speech — WASHINGTON — Discrepancies in reports about an appearance by Justice Clarence Thomas at a political retreat for wealthy conservatives three years ago have prompted new questions to the Supreme Court from a group that advocates changing campaign finance laws.
Sky Dancing, Mock, Paper, Scissors, Washington Monthly, ThinkProgress, Wonkette, Balloon Juice and The BLT
Sasha Volokh / The Volokh Conspiracy:
Asteroid defense and libertarianism — I agree with Jonathan below that the Constitution (through the spending power) allows Congress to spend tax money to protect the Earth from an asteroid. — On the other hand — and at the risk of confirming Mark Kleiman in his belief that libertarians are loopy …
The Reality-Based Community, The American Scene, Yglesias and Grasping Reality …

Michele Bachmann swipes at Michelle Obama — Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann ripped Michelle Obama on Tuesday, speculating that the first lady might one day run for office, and accusing her of trying to implement a “nanny state” based on her newest push to get mothers to breastfeed their children …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland and Weasel Zippers

The Base and Bloggers — One of the most important facts about present-day American politics is that poor people have essentially no political “voice” in Washington. They do, however, vote. And they're also human beings with moral worth and interests who count.
Firedoglake, The Caucus and Grasping Reality …