Top Items:

Another Runaway General: Army Deploys Psy-Ops on U.S. Senators — The U.S. Army illegally ordered a team of soldiers specializing in “psychological operations” to manipulate visiting American senators into providing more troops and funding for the war, Rolling Stone has learned …
Mark Joyella / Mediaite:
Could Get Ugly: Rolling Stone Says Army Deployed ‘PsyOps’ To Influence Senators
Could Get Ugly: Rolling Stone Says Army Deployed ‘PsyOps’ To Influence Senators
The Politico and The Huffington Post

Video: CWA union thug strikes young female FreedomWorks activist; Updated — This is Tabitha Hale, a young conservative activist/original Tea Party organizer/blogger who works for Washington, D.C.-based FreedomWorks. I know her from her great grass-roots work with Smart Girl Politics when the Tea Party movement was just emerging.
The Daily Caller, Liberty Pundits Blog, RedState, Examiner, Common Sense Political Thought, Boston Globe,,, Fire Andrea Mitchell!, theblogprof, Hot Air, Doug Ross, Mofo Politics, Big Journalism, NewsReal Blog, Human Events, The Sundries Shack, The Gateway Pundit, Cold Fury, Moe Lane,, AmSpecBlog, POWIP, Red White Blue News, Weasel Zippers, The Other McCain, Wall Street Journal, JammieWearingFool, American Power, Sister Toldjah, protein wisdom, No Runny Eggs, The Daley Gator, Pajamas Media, Da Techguy's Blog, Instapundit and New Hampshire Journal

Union Thuggery Descends On FreedomWorks — Today, union thugs descended on the FreedomWorks office. It was the middle of the day, and there was some excitement outside as all the buses pulled up and people started to fill the courtyard. We decided to go out and show our support for freedom.
Wonkette, Salon, TBogg, Right Wing News, Fire Andrea Mitchell!, Scared Monkeys, Moe Lane, A Chequer-Board of Nights …, and Pajamas Media
Kyle Cheney / Boston Herald:
Capuano ‘bloody’ comment becomes flashpoint in union flap
Capuano ‘bloody’ comment becomes flashpoint in union flap
Right Wing News, Maggie's Notebook, Weasel Zippers, AmSpecBlog, theblogprof and The Gateway Pundit

Lobbyists: White House sends meetings off-site to hide them — Caught between their boss's anti-lobbyist rhetoric and the reality of governing, President Barack Obama's aides often steer meetings with lobbyists to a complex just off the White House grounds - and several of the lobbyists involved …
Aurelius / Pundit Press:
Go Figure: Obama White House Can't Spell “Libya”
Go Figure: Obama White House Can't Spell “Libya”
No More Mister Nice Blog, JammieWearingFool, Outside the Beltway and Weasel Zippers
Lubbock man arrested: weapon of mass destruction charge — LUBBOCK, TX (KCBD) - FBI agents arrested a Lubbock man on charges of Attempted Use of a Weapon of Mass Destruction. The full text of an official statement is copied below. — WASHINGTON - Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari, 20 …
The Gateway Pundit
Associated Press:
Saudi man charged with plotting terrorist attack — WASHINGTON — The FBI has arrested a 20-year-old Saudi student in Texas suspected of planning a terrorist attack using explosive chemicals. The FBI says his possible targets included the Dallas home of former President George W. Bush.
The Moderate Voice, Maggie's Notebook, National Review and FrumForum

Tripoli: a city in the shadow of death — Gunfire in the suburbs - and fear, hunger and rumour in the capital Thousands race for last tickets out of a city sinking into anarchy — Robert Fisk, with the first dispatch from Libya's war-torn capital, reports

Gaddafi blames unrest on al-Qaeda
The Daily Dish, New York Magazine and Guardian
Lauraklairmont / CNN:
Poll suggests challenging re-election for Hatch — Washington (CNN) - A new poll suggests that Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah could have a tough road ahead of him as he makes a bid next year for a seventh term in office. — A survey by indicates that 31 percent …
Cubachi and Liberty Pundits Blog
Michael O'Brien / The Hill:
Pawlenty looks to take lead in boosting Wisconsin governor
Pawlenty looks to take lead in boosting Wisconsin governor
The Note, The Politico, Power Line, Ben Smith's Blog and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion
Alexander Bolton / The Hill:
Liberals to stage Tea Party-like revolts against GOP spending cuts — Democratic strategists believe their Tea Party moment has arrived. — Working with labor unions and liberal groups, they are using the Presidents Day congressional recess to organize a public backlash against billions of dollars in cuts to federal programs.
The Politico, Fox Nation, Weasel Zippers, protein wisdom, Prairie Weather, Wake up America and POWIP

Andy Stern: ‘It may not end beautifully in Wisconsin.’ — Last year, Andy Stern retired as the president of SEIU, the service employees union that he'd built into a 2.2 million member heavyweight. During his tenure, Stern was known — and sometimes reviled — for his efforts to reform organized labor …
Rasmussen Reports:
67% Disapprove of Legislators Fleeing Wisconsin to Avoid Vote — Half of America's voters favor public sector unions for government workers, but they strongly oppose the tactic by Wisconsin state senators to flee their state to prevent a vote that would limit the rights of such unions.
Pajamas Media, The Gateway Pundit and JSOnline
Wall Street Journal:
U.S. Pushes Mortgage Deal — Obama Proposal Seeks Multibillion-Dollar Settlement of Loan-Servicing Cases — The Obama administration is trying to push through a settlement over mortgage-servicing breakdowns that could force America's largest banks to pay for reductions in loan principal worth billions of dollars.
Felix Salmon, naked capitalism, Mish's Global Economic …, Emptywheel, Sweetness & Light,, The Page and Calculated Risk

How Chris Christie Did His Homework — Like a stand-up comedian working out-of-the-way clubs, Chris Christie travels the townships and boroughs of New Jersey, places like Hackettstown and Raritan and Scotch Plains, sharpening his riffs about the state's public employees …
The Atlantic Online and The Page
Lydia Saad / Gallup:
Neither Party Has Edge on Federal Budget Dealings — Americans favor compromise over budget shutdown by 2-to-1 margin — PRINCETON, NJ — Americans are closely divided over whether the Republicans in Congress (42%) or President Obama and the Democrats (39%) are doing the better job …
The Moderate Voice, CNN, The Hill and Top of the Ticket
Susan Page / USA Today:
Poll: Slash spending but avoid shutdown
Poll: Slash spending but avoid shutdown
Washington Monthly, Swampland, New York Times, The Hill and Washington Post

McCain's Shift Makes Him Senate's Most Conservative — Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., along with seven of his colleagues, voted most often on the conservative side. — The politician who once best exemplified the idea of a “maverick” independent has shifted so far to the right that he is now tied …
Indecision Forever, Hot Air, The Caucus and New York Magazine
Associated Press:
Wis. Assembly agrees to deal ending debate — MADISON, Wis. — Republicans and Democrats in the Wisconsin Assembly have agreed to a deal that will limit further debate on a bill taking away collective bargaining rights for public workers and lead to a vote on the measure later Thursday.
Firedoglake, Politics Daily, The Hill, Right Turn, JSOnline and Wonk Room

Video of US Ambassador Jon Huntsman at “Jasmine Revolution” protests in Beijing hits the Chinese interwebs — On Monday, we expressed skepticism at reports suggesting US ambassador Jon Huntsman was present at the Jasmine non-Revolution in Beijing. — But Holy Angel Moroni!
Ben Smith's Blog, The Atlantic Online,, China Real Time Report, AOL News and Politics
Kasie Hunt / The Politico:
Spotted, Huntsman flees China rally
Spotted, Huntsman flees China rally
Outside the Beltway and FrumForum
Teddy Schleifer / The Daily Princetonian:
Daniels '71: Into the spotlight — After Mitch Daniels '71 was arrested, indicted and convicted on charges of drug use as an undergraduate in May 1970, he said that he thought his aspiring political career was doomed. “Any goal I might have had for competing for public office were shot,” …
Ben Smith's Blog, CNN and The Politico
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll — February 2011 — In the wake of the health reform repeal vote in the U.S. House and the ongoing legal challenges over the individual mandate, nearly half the country either believes that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) …
The Atlantic Online, Kaiser Health News and Swampland

Obama's mystery links to Gadhafi uncovered — Prez fails to call for dictator's removal despite reports of attacks on citizens — JERUSALEM - As pressure mounts on the White House to intervene to stop Moammar Gadhafi's bloody crackdown in Libya, many commentators have been wondering …
Maggie's Notebook, No More Mister Nice Blog, Weasel Zippers, The Gateway Pundit and Fox Nation