Top Items:
statebud04 — Hiding senators held in contempt; layoff notices go out today — By Patrick Marley and Jason Stein of the Journal Sentinel — Madison — Pressure ratcheted up on absent Senate Democrats on Thursday, as they were found in contempt by GOP senators and Gov. Scott Walker …
Wisconsin Recall Efforts Off to Strong Start — The Wisconsin GOP is already losing in the court of public opinion; will they also lose at the polls? (photo: markonf1re) — The Wisconsin recall effort is only a day old, but it's going strong. The state Democratic Party has launched …
The New Republic, WisPolitics Budget Blog and Balloon Juice
Wisconsin Protesters Ordered Out of Capitol After Gov. Scott Walker Threatens Layoffs
Wisconsin Protesters Ordered Out of Capitol After Gov. Scott Walker Threatens Layoffs
David Ariosto / CNN:
Wisconsin Senate votes to detain absentee Democrats
Wisconsin Senate votes to detain absentee Democrats
The Volokh Conspiracy, RedState and AOL News
Russell Berman / The Hill:
As spending talks begin, Democrats tell GOP, we have already met you half way
As spending talks begin, Democrats tell GOP, we have already met you half way
The Politico
Wisconsin Senate orders Democrats'arrest
Cubachi, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Big Government, The Lonely Conservative and FrumForum
State says damage to marble at Capitol could hit $7.5 million — Madison - State officials said Thursday that damage to the marble inside and out the State Capitol would cost an estimated $7.5 million. — Cari Anne Renlund, chief legal counsel for the state Department of Administration …
Hot Air, Firedoglake,, The Lonely Conservative and Right Wing News
James Lindgren / National Review:
A New Strategy for Wisconsin — On February 17, the 14 Democratic members of the Wisconsin senate fled across the state line to the Best Western Clock Tower Resort in Rockford, Ill., the city in which I grew up. They were denying Republicans a three-fifths quorum on a bill that would restrict public unions in Wisconsin.
The Volokh Conspiracy
Jim Lindgren / The Volokh Conspiracy:
Wisconsin Senate Does Not Need a 3/5ths Quorum to Pass Much of the Budget Bill
Wisconsin Senate Does Not Need a 3/5ths Quorum to Pass Much of the Budget Bill
protein wisdom
Judge Roger Vinson issues stay of own ruling — U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson ruled Thursday that implementation of the health law can proceed — but he gave the Obama administration just seven days to file an appeal. — Vinson issued a stay of his own Jan. 31 ruling that declared …
Kevin Sack / New York Times:
Judge Stays Own Ruling Against Health Care Law
Judge Stays Own Ruling Against Health Care Law
Politics Daily and Washington Monthly
Sharyl Attkisson / CBS News:
Agent: I was ordered to let U.S. guns into Mexico — ATF agent says “Fast and Furious” program let guns “walk” into hands of Mexican drug cartels with aim of tracking and breaking a big case — WASHINGTON - Federal agent John Dodson says what he was asked to do was beyond belief.
Right Wing News, The Lonely Conservative and Clayton Cramer's Blog
Brady McCombs / Arizona Daily Star:
Records show agents fired beanbags in fatal border gunfight
Records show agents fired beanbags in fatal border gunfight
National Review, Don Surber, Weasel Zippers, 24Ahead, Pajamas Media and The Gateway Pundit
Josh Marshall / Talking Points Memo:
Rasmussen: Walker Flailing — Rasmussen is out with a new poll that is frankly just devastating for Gov. Walker. Just devastating. We'll have a full write up momentarily. (Update: Here's our write-up.) But the thing that stuck out to me was the age distribution.
No More Mister Nice Blog
Army Court-Martial Defense Specialist / The Law Office …:
PFC Manning Forced to Strip Naked — Last night, PFC Manning was inexplicably stripped of all clothing by the Quantico Brig. He remained in his cell, naked, for the next seven hours. At 5:00 a.m., the Brig sounded the wake-up call for the detainees. At this point, PFC Manning was forced to stand naked at the front of his cell.
Firedoglake, New York Times, Runnin' Scared, Emptywheel, Salon and Opinio Juris
Fewer Are Angry at Government, But Discontent Remains High — Republicans, Tea Party Supporters More Mellow — The public remains deeply frustrated with the federal government, but fewer Americans say they are angry at government than did so last fall. Overall, the percentage saying …
GOP Aims to Tame Benefits Programs — Boehner Promises Entitlement Review — WASHINGTON—House Speaker John Boehner said Thursday that he's determined to offer a budget this spring that curbs Social Security and Medicare, despite the political risks, and that Republicans will try to persuade voters that sacrifices are needed.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland
Corey Boles / Wall Street Journal:
House Votes to Repeal 1099 Provision
Sam Arora's disgraceful wavering on marriage equality in Maryland — Around 9:00 a.m. Thursday, Maryland House Del. Sam Arora (D-Montgomery County) — who raised a ton of cash from the gay community and progressives based on his stance on marriage equality and who is a co-sponsor …
AMERICAblog Gay, The Washington Note, Baltimore Sun and ECHIDNE of the snakes
Christopher Hayes / The Nation:
Why Washington Doesn't Care About Jobs — This article appeared in the March 21, 2011 edition of The Nation. — Recommended by — Remember when everyone agreed that what the American people wanted from Washington was, in John Boehner's words, a “relentless focus on creating jobs”?
Booman Tribune, Open Congress, Mother Jones and Balloon Juice
Gunning for Eliot — Eliot Spitzer's resurrection — from the disgraced gov ernor better known as Cli ent 9 to CNN talk-show host — has the political class buzzing about him running for mayor in 2013. Wilder still, one of his former targets is talking about running against him.
The Wire, alicublog, The Big Picture, JammieWearingFool and New York Magazine
Sununu: I'll Work Against Huntsman — HAMPTON FALLS, N.H. — Former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu is no fan of former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman and intends to work against him in the Granite State's Republican presidential primary if he decides to launch a bid for the White House this cycle.
GOP 12
Firefighters denied access to Capitol during emergency call — By Patrick Marley of the Journal Sentinel — Madison — Security is so restrictive at the state Capitol that firefighters were denied access to the building during an emergency call Tuesday, one of the firefighters said Thursday.
The Political Carnival, TPMDC and Daily Kos
Demonstrators suddenly enter Capitol — By Jason Stein of the Journal Sentinel — Madison — A group of perhaps one hundred protesters has entered the previously restricted and quiet Capitol and is now chanting, “Our house, our house.” — David Noyce of Madison said that he entered …
The Gateway Pundit and Althouse
Eric Hananoki / Media Matters for America:
Huckabee Attacks Natalie Portman For Glamorizing “Out Of Wedlock Births” — In a radio appearance on Monday, Mike Huckabee attacked actress Natalie Portman for having a child “out of wedlock.” Huckabee said that it's “troubling” to see people like “Natalie Portman or some other Hollywood starlet …
The Other McCain,, Balloon Juice and New York Magazine
Anti-Muslim Protestor Throws Crosses At Feet Of Man Praying By White House (VIDEO) — A group of anti-Sharia protestors who planned to counter-protest the planned pro-Sharia rally by the radical provocateur Anjem Choudary in front of the White House on Thursday found themselves without an opponent to debate.
Atlas Shrugs, Talking Points Memo, Hullabaloo, Wonkette and Salon
Blogger From Koch's Law Firm Defends Koch, Doesn't Disclose Ties — Fighting back against public scrutiny, Koch Industries is relying on a small army of conservative bloggers, reporters, and lobbyists. Chief among them is John Hinderaker, a blogger at the “Powerline Blog.”
Power Line, AlterNet and Fire Andrea Mitchell!
Matt Damon: Not a fan of Obama — Watch the full interview with Matt Damon and the cast of “The Adjustment Bureau” tonight. “Piers Morgan Tonight” airs weeknights on CNN/US at 9 p.m. ET and on CNN International at 1200 GMT/1300 CET/2000 HKT. — (CNN) — When CNN's Piers Morgan asked actor Matt Damon …
The Daily Caller and The New Republic
Tom Jensen / Public Policy Polling:
Obama weaker than 2008 but still solid in Wisconsin — Wisconsin is one state where Barack Obama definitely seems to be weaker than he was in 2008, but he would still win it comfortably if he had to stand for election today if not quite by the lofty margin he did last time around.
GOP 12
Aharding / CNN:
Last WWI vet likely not to have Capitol Rotunda honor — Washington (CNN) - The last living U.S. World War I veteran, who passed away this week, will receive an honors burial at Arlington National Ceremony, but he likely will not be honored in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda as many had hoped.
The Political Carnival
Scott / Power Line:
Uncloudy day on the budget front — John's post on Secretary LaHood's testimony before the Senate Budget Committee reminded me of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's testimony to the same committee on February 17 regarding the president's budget. The president's plan accumulates $13 trillion …
Andrew Restuccia / The Hill:
Senate Democrat sponsors GOP bill to block EPA climate rules — Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), a vocal critic of the Environmental Protection Agency, has signed on as a co-sponsor of Republican legislation to permanently block the agency's climate rules. — The addition of Manchin …
The Lonely Conservative, Zandar Versus The Stupid and Riehl World View
To Surly, With Love: Are Teachers Overpaid? — Public school teachers are at the forefront of protests against state budget cuts and restrictions on collective bargaining rights in Wisconsin, New Jersey, Ohio, and elsewhere. — Teachers have a lot to lose.
MarketWatch, The Gateway Pundit, Hot Air and Instapundit