Top Items:

FACT CHECK: How Obama's Libya claims fit the facts — WASHINGTON (AP) — There may be less than meets the eye to President Barack Obama's statements Monday night that NATO is taking over from the U.S. in Libya and that U.S. action is limited to defending people under attack there by Moammar Gadhafi's forces.

Sarah Palin Exaggerates Cost of Libya Intervention By 700% — Last night on Fox News, Greta van Susteren hosted former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) to discuss what Palin termed the “squirmish” in Libya. True to form, the former governor was reckless with basic facts and casually septupled the cost of U.S. intervention.
Little Green Footballs, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, The Atlantic Online and Prairie Weather

You've Come a Long Way, Baby — President Obama's unapologetic, freedom-agenda-embracing, not-shrinking-from-the-use-of- force speech. — I knew pretty early on during tonight's speech that President Obama had rejoined—or joined—the historical American foreign policy mainstream.

Remarks by the President in Address to the Nation on Libya
Daniel W. Drezner, Ross Douthat, Mother Jones, The Moderate Voice, Outside the Beltway, Democracy in America, TalkLeft, Washington Examiner, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, The Nation, Guardian, Wizbang, New York Times, The Atlantic Online, The Enterprise Blog, National Review, The Daily Dish, FP Passport, Washington Post, Hit & Run, The Duck of Minerva, Close Read, The Huffington Post, Scared Monkeys, Lawfare, Betsy's Page, Althouse, The Caucus,, Shakesville, The Jawa Report, Washington Monthly, Fausta's Blog, The Hill, CNN, GayPatriot, Pajamas Media, Power Line, SWJ Blog, Taylor Marsh, The Washington Note, FREEDOM EDEN, The Maddow Blog and The Democratic Daily

Obama, Libya and the GOP
GOP 12, Ben Smith's Blog and BackyardConservative

In Obama's speech, echoes of JFK
Nice Deb and Weasel Zippers

On a Senate Call, a Glimpse of Marching Orders — Um, Senators, ever heard of the mute button? — Moments before a conference call with reporters was scheduled to get underway on Tuesday morning, apparently unaware that many of the reporters were already on the line, Charles Schumer of New York …
The Atlantic Online, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Taegan Goddard's …, Pajamas Media and

Dems adopt divide and conquer strategy on spending cuts — Democrats are deploying a divide-and-conquer strategy in their negotiations with House Republicans over spending cuts. — After being put back on their heels earlier in the budget message battle, Senate Democrats are now trying …
Discussion: and Prairie Weather

Part of the Budget Fight: Picking a Bad Guy
Washington Monthly, The Caucus and The Atlantic Online

CRUISE SHIP CONFESSION: Top Fox News Executive Admits Lying On-Air About Obama — In newly uncovered audio, a Fox News executive boasts that he lied repeatedly during the closing days of the 2008 presidential campaign when he speculated on-air “about whether Barack Obama really advocated socialism.”
The Raw Story, Washington Monthly, Washington Post, Big Journalism, National Review, The Gateway Pundit, Mother Jones and The Agonist

Obama a Socialist? Fox News Exec Said So, but Didn't Believe It
The Right Sphere, Salon, The Daily Beast, and Poynter

Bill Maher at the Winspear on Sunday night: 'Your new theater isn't gonna be clean for long' — I've seen Kathy Griffin perform live, and Joan Rivers and Lisa Lampanelli and Chris Rock — and they are all hilarious and edgy and daring comics who say outrageous things and go places that scare …
The Wire, Shakesville, blogs, Maggie's Notebook, Oliver Willis and Conservatives4Palin

Report: Bill Maher doubles down — calls Sarah Palin a ‘c**t’
That's What She Said and Weasel Zippers much overtime would the drones at Media Matters rack up?
The New Editor

Calling BULLS**T on Rolling Stone — Seldom do I waste time with rebutting articles, and especially not from publications like Rolling Stone. Today, numerous people sent links to the latest Rolling Stone tripe. The story is titled “THE KILL TEAM, THE FULL STORY.” It should be titled: “BULLS**T, from Rolling Stone.”
The Jawa Report, Hot Air,, Fausta's Blog and Da Techguy's Blog

The hypocrisy of the American left — Self-righteousness is a dangerous vice. It breeds arrogance and moral blind spots for those who come to believe they are superior to those who share different worldviews. — Televangelists have fallen prey to this feeling of superiority …
The New Republic

Take Two: Donald Trump Releases Official Birth Certificate — ABC News Michael Falcone reports: — Donald Trump learned the hard way this week that if you're going to call on the president to release his official birth certificate, you'd better do the same.
The Politico, The Wire and ABCNEWS

Trump fails to produce birth certificate
CNN, News Hounds, Weigel, Mediaite,, Indecision Forever, AOL News, Wonkette, Outside the Beltway, No More Mister Nice Blog, Sky Dancing, ThinkProgress, The Political Carnival, The Smoking Gun, The Wire, The Moderate Voice, Firedoglake, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Pundit Press, The Huffington Post, Liberal Values, Weasel Zippers, Iowa Independent, Gawker and AMERICAblog News

Scott incredibly unpopular — You could say Rick Scott's honeymoon is over...but that would suggest he had one in the first place. A December PPP poll shortly before Scott took office found that only 33% of Florida voters had a favorable opinion of their new Governor to 43% who viewed him negatively.
Washington Monthly, Left Coast Rebel, Orlando Sentinel and Oliver Willis

Howard Dean: Democrats Should Be ‘Quietly Rooting’ for Shutdown — Speaking at the National Journal Insiders Conference on March 29, former Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said that a government shutdown would be bad for the country but good for Democrats.
TPMDC and AmSpecBlog

Japan ‘has lost race’ to halt meltdown — Fukushima meltdown fears rise after radioactive core melts through vessel - but ‘no danger of Chernobyl-style catastrophe’ — • In pictures: Fukushima nuclear emergency - week three — • Interactive: Japan earthquake: Ian Sample on efforts to contain the nuclear accident
Climate Progress

Why I called Bradley Manning's treatment ‘stupid’ — The US should uphold the highest standards towards its citizens, including the WikiLeaks accused. I stand by what I said — Earlier this month, I was asked by an MIT graduate student why the United States government was “torturing” …
Emptywheel and FP Passport

What's Wrong With Tonight's ‘Frontline’ on ‘The Private Life of Bradley Manning’
Runnin' Scared, Emptywheel and The Nation

State stops collecting union dues, starts charging more for health care — By Jason Stein and Patrick Marley of the Journal Sentinel — Madison - Gov. Scott Walker's administration is no longer collecting dues on behalf of state unions and as of Sunday began charging employees …

Cash for Clunkers 2: The Return of Government Motors — Ready for another cash for clunkers program? It looks like General Motors is attempting to replace it's own consumer incentives with tax payer money. The car company, bailed out of bankruptcy in 2009 by the American tax payer …
Right Wing News, The Enterprise Blog and Pajamas Media

Conservative Think Tank Seeks Michigan Profs' Emails About Wisconsin Union Battle ... And Maddow — A free enterprise think tank in Michigan — backed by some of the biggest names in national conservative donor circles — has made a broad public records request to at least three in-state universities …
Mother Jones, The Raw Story, AlterNet, Veracity Stew and The Maddow Blog

Gingrich fears ‘atheist country ... dominated by radical Islamists’ — Newt Gingrich at Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas. — Hours after declaring Sunday that he expects to be running for president within a month, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said he's worried the United States could be …

3-Month Nightmare Emerges in Rape Inquiry — CLEVELAND, Tex. — A year ago, the 11-year-old girl who the police say was the victim of repeated gang rapes in this East Texas town was an outgoing honor roll student, brimming with enthusiasm, who went on hikes and planted trees with a youth group here.
Shakesville, blogs, ECHIDNE of the snakes, Colorlines, The Other McCain, Runnin' Scared,, The Wire and Gawker

Breaking News: Facebook Shuts Down Third Intifada Group — Despite previous statements saying they would monitor but not remove the controversial Facebook group calling for a Third Intifada, Facebook administrators shut down the group early Tuesday morning in response to enormous pressure from pro-Israel activists.
Israpundit, The Blaze, Pajamas Media, Atlas Shrugs and Maggie's Farm

Carter not in Cuba to free contractor — Former President Jimmy Carter isn't in Cuba to negotiate for the release of jailed U.S. contractor Alan Gross, though he is hoping that his visit will help to thaw U.S.-Cuban relations, he said Tuesday. — Carter told reporters as he toured a convent …

Matt Weiner's Talks For ‘Mad Men’ Mega Deal Could Collapse Over Cost-Shaving — Negotiations between Mad Men creator/executive producer Matt Weiner and AMC and Lionsgate Television seemed close enough to expect the cable network's signature show to lock a fifth season in time for AMC's April upfront meetings with advertisers.
ArtsBeat, PopEater, Mediaite, Show Tracker, Guardian, Company Town, Gawker and Jezebel

Dick Durbin holds Muslim rights hearings — He said it wasn't a response to Republican Rep. Peter King's hearings this month on post-9/11 Islamic radicalization and terrorism — but it sure felt like it. — Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin's hearing Tuesday on anti-Muslim bigotry …
CNN and Weasel Zippers

Left, Right And Time — I suffer, it seems, from an affliction that bedevils many. I now find myself largely opposed to most Republicans and in favor of a Democratic president as an even tempered pragmatist. But I have not reimagined myself as a leftist. Others have, of course, but I wince a little every time.
Balloon Juice

Cain's Audience — Herman Cain is doing an excellent job of both indulging the conservative id and pressing liberals' buttons in a manner that allows him to maximize his media coverage. … White conservatives really like it when black conservatives draw parallels with ideological …
The Atlantic Online and TPMDC

Levin takes on Ron Paul supporters: ‘I promise you his followers are the biggest a-holes of them all’ — There's no doubt that 2008 Republican presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul of Texas has some dedicated followers, and they're especially ambitious in using the Internet to spread their message.
Discussion: Blog

Cain added to list of GOP White House hopefuls at New Orleans event — Washington (CNN) - Add Herman Cain to the list of probable GOP presidential candidates who will head to New Orleans in June to speak at the 2011 Republican Leadership Conference. — The group announced Tuesday that Cain …
GOP 12