Top Items:

Tea Party Hypocrisy? Some Lawmakers With Tea Party Ties Are on the Government Dole — Which Tea Partiers Are Getting Hundreds of Thousands of Government Dollars? — The Tea Party swept into the 112th Congress with promises of cutting government spending.
The Politico, Mediaite, Maggie's Notebook, Sky Dancing, Salon, National Review, The Impolitic and The Huffington Post

Tea Party group: ‘Cut it or shut it’ — A small but vocal group of Tea Party activists gathered outside the Capitol on Thursday to urge House Republican leaders to hold the line and push for deeper spending cuts in the federal budget. — Chanting, “Cut it or shut it” and “We want less,” …
Crooks and Liars, Cubachi, Fox News, Taylor Marsh, The Last Tradition, Liberty Pundits Blog, The Impolitic and The Hill

Odd Alliance: Business Lobby and Tea Party — The Tea Party does not have a presence in Indonesia, where the term evokes cups of orange pekoe and sweet cakes rather than angry citizens in “Don't Tread on Me” T-shirts. — But a Tea Party group in the United States, the Institute for Liberty …

The Tea Party Comes to D.C., in Small Numbers, On Message
The Politico and Hullabaloo

Tea Party activist to GOP: ‘Take off your lace panties,’ cut more from the budget
Blogcritics,* and Washington Post

Kennedy Pal Goes AWOL as Tea Party Cashes In: Margaret Carlson
Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Democrat chastized for saying ‘uterus’ on House floor — During last week's discussion about a bill that would prohibit governments from deducting union dues from a worker's paycheck, state Rep. Scott Randolph, D-Orlando, used his time during floor debate to argue that Republicans are against regulations …

NATO Warns Rebels Against Attacking Civilians — WASHINGTON — Members of the NATO alliance have sternly warned the rebels in Libya not to attack civilians as they push against the regime of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, according to senior military and government officials.
Firedoglake, Ross Douthat, Weekly Standard, Hot Air, The Gateway Pundit, Salon, Weasel Zippers,, Power Line, Pat Dollard, Aljazeera, The Unreligious Right,, The Jawa Report, Questions and Observations, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Eunomia, Outside the Beltway, Cold Fury and The Cable

NATO's now threatening to bomb Libya's rebels
protein wisdom

Rumors Fly in Tripoli as a Second Official Flees — BREGA, Libya — As rebel forces began a cautious regrouping after a panicked retreat, an atmosphere of paranoia descended on the Libyan capital of Tripoli following the defection of the country's foreign minister, Moussa Koussa.
Close Read, BBC, The Daily Dish, Firedoglake, FP Passport and Mudville Gazette

Woman charged with email threats — By Bill Glauber of the Journal Sentinel — Madison - A 26-year-old woman was charged Thursday with two felony counts and two misdemeanor counts for allegedly making email threats against Wisconsin lawmakers during the height of the battle over Gov. Scott Walker's budget-repair bill.

Shah: GOP budget would kill 70,000 children — As Congress struggles to negotiate a budget deal to keep the government running, the head of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) told lawmakers Wednesday that the GOP version of the budget bill would result in the deaths …

Judge Says Union Bargaining Bill Not In Effect — Sumi Amends Temporary Restraining Order — MADISON, Wis. — The contentious collective bargaining law that strips most public workers of nearly all collective bargaining rights and force them to contribute more to their pension and health plans …
Hot Air, Moe Lane, Cubachi, Another Black Conservative, Weasel Zippers, POWIP, Pajamas Media and Pundit Press

Feinstein: Let's “go in and arrest” Gaddafi — Jim Vicevich catches this suggestion from Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), usually considered one of the clearer Democratic thinkers on national security and the military in Congress. Air strikes haven't forced Moammar Gaddafi to flee Libya …
Hit & Run, Doug Ross and Theo Spark

Senator Dianne Feinstein: Missiles won't do it so ... it's time we arrest Gaddafi
Weasel Zippers

Libyan rebels number less than 1,000?
National Review, Pajamas Media, The Gateway Pundit and Washington Post

SHOCKING DISCOVERY: The Day After 9-11 Van Jones Led Rally Where They Cheered American Killers (Video) — Hero of the Left- — Kristinn Taylor and Andrea Shea King reported recently at Big Government on a long lost video of Van Jones leading a rally in Oakland, California the day after 9-11 where they cheered the American killers.

Shock: HuffPo Front Page Star Led Anti-American Rally - Day After 9-11!
Discussion: blogs, Big Hollywood and Nice Deb

Japan's Nuclear Rescuers: ‘Inevitable Some of Them May Die Within Weeks’ — March 14: A Red Cross rescue worker, in red, is scanned for signs of radiation upon returning from Fukushima to his hospital in Nagahama, Shiga Prefecture. — Workers at the disaster-stricken Fukushima nuclear plant …
Hot Air

Clinton To Congress: Obama Would Ignore Your War Resolutions — Update: Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA), who asked Clinton about the War Powers Act during a classified briefing, said Clinton and the administration are sidestepping the measure's provisions giving Congress the ability to put a 60-day time limit on any military action.

Jim Messina, Obama's Enforcer — In March 2009 the Campaign for America's Future, a top progressive group in Washington, launched a campaign called “Dog The (Blue) Dogs” to pressure conservative Blue Dog Democrats to support President Obama's budget. When he heard about the effort …
Booman Tribune, AMERICAblog News and

Poll: Young voters increasingly happy with Obama — President Obama's job-approval rating among young people has gone up, even as his overall approval rating has hit an all-time low in certain surveys. — A new poll of 18- to 29-year-olds by Harvard University's Institute of Politics …
The Moderate Voice and The only adult in the room

Rep. Gohmert: Libya Goal Is To “Deplete The Military” So Obama Can Call Up Private Army — 5 hours and 13 minutes ago — Matt Finkelstein — Last night on the House floor, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) offered a bizarre new theory about President Obama's decision to intervene in the Libyan crisis.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, TPMDC, Booman Tribune, Indecision Forever, Wonkette, Washington Monthly and Talking Points Memo

GOP says 5,000 non-citizens voting in Colorado a ‘wake-up call’ for states — Republicans on the House Administration Committee want to shore up voter registration rules in the wake of a Colorado study that found as many as 5,000 non-citizens in the state took part in last year's election.
Michelle Malkin and Doug Ross

Obama up in Florida — It doesn't look like Florida will be losing its status as one of the most competitive states in the country at the Presidential level next year- voters in the state are almost evenly divided on Barack Obama's job performance and although he leads all six of the Republicans …
Orlando Sentinel

Rand Paul Mocks Newt Gingrich: ‘He Has More War Positions Than He Has Wives’ — Potential GOP presidential contender Newt Gingrich has been in hot water lately after ThinkProgress caught him flipping his position on the Libyan war rapidly over the span of just a few weeks …
Firedoglake, TPMDC, The Raw Story and Taylor Marsh

Kathleen Sebelius: Health care in U.S. like ‘a developing country’ — Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius says patient outcomes in the United States are like those in “a developing country” - and that they'll stay that way if the health care reform law is repealed.
Weasel Zippers and Say Anything

Banks Fight Mortgage Principal Reduction — At the end of a day-long negotiation session over the foreclosure paperwork mess at the Department of Justice, Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller and Associate Attorney General Thomas Perrelli came out for a brief chat with reporters. — They essentially said nothing.
Firedoglake, Reuters and

The unbeatable Republican? — Massachusetts is a deeply Democratic state, one in which barely more than 15 percent of the seats in the state Legislature are held by Republicans and fewer than 15 percent of all registered voters belong to the GOP. So it's hardly surprising that national Democrats …
Hot Air, Pundit Press and National Review

The Declining Price Elasticity of Gas — From Alexander Hart at TNR's nifty new “The Study” blog: … To be precise, it doesn't say people won't buy less gas even if prices rise, it says that the impact on driving will be relatively small. And since households are income constrained …
Outside the Beltway, The New Republic and Eschaton

An Arizona Senate Race Waits to See if Giffords Emerges to Run — TUCSON — Representative Gabrielle Giffords is still in the hospital, but some of her most ardent backers are so enamored of the idea of her running for the Senate that they describe the inevitable campaign commercials …
The Daily Dish, USA Today, The Agitator, Moe Lane, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, The Lonely Conservative and FrumForum