Top Items:
Will Paul Ryan Propose a Giant Tax Hike To Make Tax Cuts For the Rich Affordable? — Based on Carl Hulse's reporting from yesterday it's clear that Rep Paul Ryan (R-WI) intends to go through with his plan to replace Medicare with vouchers to buy private health insurance, and then cut spending on the vouchers.
Washington Post, Firedoglake, Marginal Revolution, New York Times, Guardian, The New Republic and Weigel
GOP Aim: Cut $4 Trillion — Budget Plan Would Transform Medicare, Reset Budget Debate; Democrats Balk — Republicans will present this week a 2012 budget proposal that would cut more than $4 trillion from federal spending projected over the next decade and transform the Medicare health program …
USA Today, Wonk Room, AmSpecBlog, FrumForum, Washington Monthly, New York Times, Power Line, GayPatriot, Taylor Marsh, PERRspectives, The Atlantic Online, Free exchange, Washington Post, No More Mister Nice Blog, Daily Kos, The Reality-Based Community, The Politico, Balloon Juice, ThinkProgress, USW Blog and National Review
Paul Krugman:
Privatizing Medicare — So they're really going to propose it. — More when we have some details. But two key points: — 1. Privatizing and voucherizing Medicare does nothing whatsoever to control costs. We've seen that from the sorry history of Medicare Advantage.
Washington Monthly, The Incidental Economist, The New Republic and AMERICAblog News
House GOP's ‘Radical’ Plan For Medicare, Medicaid
Hullabaloo, Daily Kos, Talking Points Memo and CANNONFIRE
Jonathan Allen / The Politico:
Rep. Paul Ryan's Medicaid gamble
Rep. Paul Ryan's Medicaid gamble
Hit & Run and Opinion L.A.
Mike Lillis / The Hill:
Dems ‘likely’ to offer budget alternative to Rep. Ryan's plan
Dems ‘likely’ to offer budget alternative to Rep. Ryan's plan
Josh Marshall / Talking Points Memo:
Bring on the Bamboozlement — As House Republicans cue …
Bring on the Bamboozlement — As House Republicans cue …
First Read /
First Thoughts: He's in — In email and video to supporters …
First Thoughts: He's in — In email and video to supporters …
The New Republic, Washington Post, Pat Dollard, Taegan Goddard's …, Ben Smith's Blog and Fox News
Stephanie Condon / CBS News:
KSM to be tried by military commission at Gitmo; Holder set to make announcement today — Attorney General Eric Holder today will announce that self-proclaimed Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammad will be tried in a military commission, CBS News has learned.
Charlie Savage / New York Times:
In Reversal, 9/11 Plotter to Be Tried by Military Panel — WASHINGTON — In a major reversal, the Obama administration has decided to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed for his role in the attacks of Sept. 11 before a military commission at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and not in a civilian courtroom.
Washington Monthly, Power Line, Emptywheel,, Althouse, TalkLeft, No More Mister Nice Blog, Outside the Beltway and Balloon Juice
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed / Fox News:
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Accused 9/11 Co-Conspirators to Face Military Trial
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Accused 9/11 Co-Conspirators to Face Military Trial
Chris Good / The Atlantic Online:
A Hamstrung Eric Holder Blasts Critics of Civilian Trials
A Hamstrung Eric Holder Blasts Critics of Civilian Trials
Hot Air and Flopping Aces
Obama administration retreats (again) on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed civilian trial; Holder blames Congress
Jane Mayer / News Desk:
The K.S.M. Trial Decision
The K.S.M. Trial Decision
The Huffington Post, Emptywheel, The Hill and Daily Kos
Russell Berman / The Hill:
Boehner digs in on spending cuts, saying $33B is ‘not enough’ — Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Monday that a spending accord with the Senate and White House must contain more than the $33 billion in immediate cuts Democrats have said the two sides already agreed upon.
The Politico, The Hill, Cubachi, Fox News, The Lonely Conservative, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Liberty Pundits Blog and FrumForum
Public Would Blame Both Sides if Government Shuts Down — Tea Party Reps Say Stand on Principle Even If It Means a Shutdown — With an April 8 deadline approaching for a possible shutdown of the federal government, the public remains divided over whether congressional Republicans …
The Atlantic Online, The Hill, Outside the Beltway and CNN
Top Republicans: There Is No Budget Deal
Firedoglake, Washington Monthly, Roll Call and Outside the Beltway
Michael O'Brien / The Hill:
Clinton: Shutdown would hurt GOP but might not be ‘traumatic’ for economy
Clinton: Shutdown would hurt GOP but might not be ‘traumatic’ for economy
Don Surber, The Politico, Hot Air, Pat Dollard, Connecting.the.Dots, The Moderate Voice and FrumForum
Michael O'Brien / The Hill:
Obama invites leaders to budget talks
Obama invites leaders to budget talks
The Politico and FrumForum
John T. Bennett / The Hill:
The Hill Poll: Likely voters are wary of Libyan mission cost
The Hill Poll: Likely voters are wary of Libyan mission cost
Firedoglake and Outside the Beltway
Adam Liptak / New York Times:
Supreme Court Allows Tax Credit for Religious Tuition — WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday effectively upheld an Arizona program that aids religious schools, saying in a 5-to-4 decision that the plaintiffs had no standing to challenge it. — The program itself is novel and complicated …
The Political Carnival, Booman Tribune and Balloon Juice
MONEY TALKS — Eight of the current Supreme Court Justices are known for their zeal in questioning lawyers. That tendency was on display last week during the oral argument over the constitutionality of an Arizona law known as the Citizens Clean Elections Act, a law that attempts …
Taegan Goddard's … and Law Blog
No degree, little experience pay off big — Just in his mid-20s, Brian Deschane has no college degree, very little management experience and two drunken-driving convictions. — Yet he has landed an $81,500-per-year job in Gov. Scott Walker's administration overseeing environmental …
Wonkette, The Raw Story, Daily Kos and Jesus' General
Critics' review unexpectedly supports scientific consensus on global warming — A UC Berkeley team's preliminary findings in a review of temperature data confirm global warming studies. — A team of UC Berkeley physicists and statisticians that set out to challenge the scientific consensus …
Hit & Run, The Political Carnival, Watts Up With That? and Little Green Footballs
Campaign to recall Wirch says it has enough signatures — The head of the campaign to recall Sen. Robert Wirch (D-Pleasant Prairie) says the group has gathered enough signatures to force a recall election. — Dan Hunt, chairman of Taxpayers to Recall Robert Wirch, says his organization has …
The Hill, TPMDC, Pajamas Media and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion
John Phillips: Why Hillary Clinton must run in 2012 — If Hillary Clinton's primary voters and President Obama had their relationship status listed on their Facebook pages, it would change from “Married” to “It's complicated.” — To be fair, Hillary voters never fell in love with Obama, they just fell in line.
CNN, Don Surber, The Radio Patriot, Proof Positive, Wizbang and Sipsey Street Irregulars
Obama launches reelection campaign with e-mail, web video — The president pledges to focus on his job, but will pick up the tempo of campaigning this month with several fundraisers. The campaign is hoping to raise a record $1 billion. — President Obama speaking in March (Jewel Samad / AFP/Getty Images))
William A. Jacobson / Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion:
L.A. Times Announces Obama's New Campaign Website -
L.A. Times Announces Obama's New Campaign Website -
Weasel Zippers, The Democratic Daily, Patterico's Pontifications and The Gateway Pundit
Michael Scherer / Swampland:
Four Hidden Messages In Obama's 2012 Reelection Launch — If you haven't yet seen it, here is the video that President Obama is using to launch his 2012 campaign. — Notice anything? Here's what I saw: — 1. The new slogan—"It begins with us"—is not a statement of fact.
The New Republic and Ben Smith's Blog
Mark Steyn / National Review:
Re: Lindsey Graham and the First Amendment — Andrew, ever since I ran into a spot of bother in Canada, I've found myself giving speeches in defense of freedom of expression in Toronto, London, Copenhagen, etc. I did not think it would be necessary quite so soon to take the same stand …
Hit & Run, Hot Air, Diana West, Riehl World View, theblogprof, RedState, Cold Fury, Althouse, The Other McCain and The Lonely Conservative
Alexander Bolton / The Hill:
41 senators vow to oppose Planned Parenthood rider — Forty-one senators have pledged to filibuster any bipartisan spending bill that includes an amendment to strip federal funding from Planned Parenthood, threatening an impasse with House conservatives. — The group, led by Sen. Barbara Boxer …
Hot Air, Outside the Beltway, Pajamas Media, Blue Collar Philosophy and FrumForum
No fried food: Health Dept. workers cringe at new rules restricting foods, fragrances, decorations — No overbearing perfume. No obscene pictures. And definitely no French fries for work lunches. — That's the new edict for employees of the same city Health Department that brought …
The Jawa Report, Weasel Zippers, Pajamas Media and Sweetness & Light
The truth about GE's tax bill — Did GE pay U.S. income taxes in 2010? The company known for minimizing its tax bill made a muddled situation worse responding to a New York Times report suggesting it might get a refund. GE now says it has a small tax liability for 2010.
ProPublica, The Atlantic Online, Felix Salmon, Hot Air, Outside the Beltway and Washington Post, more at Mediagazer »
Andrew Goldman / New York Times:
Katie Couric Has a Few Regrets — When you started hosting the “CBS Evening News” in 2006, there was a lot of talk about mold-breaking. Now the show looks very much like the other network broadcasts. — In retrospect I would have given people what they were used to, a traditional newscast.
Media Decoder, The Wire, Associated Press,, PopWatch, The 6th Floor, Taylor Marsh, Poynter and Inside TV, more at Mediagazer »
Money pours into Wis. court race — A conservative judge's campaign for re-election to the Wisconsin Supreme Court has become the next front in a growing multi-state Republican effort to limit the power of organized labor. — The once-obscure judicial race, which will be decided in a Tuesday election …
Jay Bookman, Daily Kos, Alan Colmes' Liberaland and The Note