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Congressional Sources: White House Reviewing Terms of Spending Deal — The likelihood of a war-time federal government shutdown—the first in American history—diminished dramatically on Friday night as all parties began reviewing, with the goal of approving, a broad array of cuts …
AmSpecBlog, Datechguy's Blog, The Mahablog, The Politico, Guardian, CNN, Talking Points Memo,, The Raw Story, Hot Air, Washington Monthly, Rep_Michele_Bachmann's blog, Hotline On Call, AMERICAblog News, Weigel, The Moderate Voice, Taylor Marsh, Pajamas Media, The Caucus, The Other McCain, The Democratic Daily, National Review, Marginal Revolution, Christianity Today and The Note

Government shutdown averted, White House and Republicans reach deal — After a long day of trading offers, the White House and House Republicans reached agreement Friday night on a budget framework that would cap 2011 appropriations near or below $1.050 trillion while cutting domestic …
CNN, Left Coast Rebel, Questions and Observations, Guardian,, MyDD, The Other McCain, Outside the Beltway, Another Black Conservative, DCist, Capital Gains and Games blogs, The Monkey Cage, Scared Monkeys, Alan Colmes' Liberaland,, Hot Air and

Rep. Allen West will vote no on budget deal — Rep. Allen West is against the bipartisan budget deal struck by Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and the Obama administration. — West told The Hill that $39 billion in cuts is insufficient. Asked whether he was pleased with the agreement on policy riders …
Cubachi and Liberty Pundits Blog

Who Won the Shutdown Showdown? It Wasn't Even Close — While Republicans wanted to cut more spending in Saturday's early morning compromise to keep the government open, they think they got the better of the deal. — Here's why: HR1 was originally to seek spending cuts …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland and Fox Nation

The Aftermath — I have to rescind my assessment last night that John Boehner got nothing out of the late negotiations on the 2011 budget. Apparently, he won the restoration of a ban on the District of Columbia spending its own money to help poor women obtain abortions.
TPMDC, Zandar Versus The Stupid, Washington Post and Eschaton

Congressional leaders close to agreement on budget deal, aides say — Gallery: Government shutdown 2011: Democrats and Republicans have so far failed to reach an agreement on the 2011 federal budget, increasing the likelihood of the first government shutdown in more than 15 years.
Firedoglake, Weigel, Christian Science Monitor, Oliver Willis, JustOneMinute, Cafe Hayek, Balloon Juice, Wall Street Journal, Speaker, Ballot Box, AMERICAblog News, The Lonely Conservative, The Atlantic Online, Online NewsHour, ABCNEWS, Wonk Room,, The Hill, Guardian, New York Times and White Blog

Budget fight shows Washington still broken — Gallery: Government shutdown 2011: Congressional leaders agreed late Friday to a compromise that will keep the federal government funded for the remainder of the fiscal year. — As the midnight Friday deadline loomed for a possible government shutdown …
ThinkProgress, Bloomberg, Right Wing News, Daily Kos and American Power

Boehner Wins Big — President Obama's 2011 budget called for a spending increase of $40 billion. Tonight, he touted a bipartisan agreement on “the largest annual spending cut in our history” — some $38.5 billion [emphasis added]. All told, he got $78.5 billion less than he originally requested.

It's A Deal: Dems, Republicans Strike Spending Deal To Avoid Government Shutdown
Los Angeles Times, The Impolitic, ECHIDNE of the snakes, Suburban Guerrilla and Shakesville

The Budget Skirmish Ends. The War Begins
Wall Street Journal and The Sundries Shack

Deal falls short of GOP cut pledge; ‘As good as we could get,’ Boehner says
American Times, and The Blaze

Deal curbs D.C. abortions, includes other social issues
Bloomberg, The Caucus, Wonk Room, New York Times, Runnin' Scared and TalkLeft

Minutes to shutdown, Congress strikes budget deal
Michelle Malkin, Washington Times and Hot Air

Report: Tentative Deal on Budget Being Reviewed by White House (UPDATE: Deal Reached)
The Huffington Post and Suburban Guerrilla

Congress Strikes a Budget Deal to Avert Shutdown, Cutting $38.5B
Questions and Observations, Fox Nation, The Jawa Report and The Gateway Pundit

Last-minute budget deal staves off government shutdown
The Hill,, Ballot Box and National Review

Conservatives Urge Boehner to Cut a Budget Deal and Move On
Lynn Sweet, Outside the Beltway, Booman Tribune, The Democratic Daily, The Daily Dish, Calculated Risk and The Politico

Congress, White House reach deal to avoid government shutdown, cite ‘historic’ spending cuts
White Blog, The Moderate Voice, Bangor Daily News, Tennessee Guerilla Women and The Politico

Debt Jumped $54.1 Billion in 8 Days Preceding Obama-Boehner Deal to Cut $38.5 Billion for Rest of Year
Weasel Zippers and Outside the Beltway

KEY FACTS: Bipartisan Agreement on Spending Cuts to Support American Job Creation

Democrats make pitch for contributions to make Boehner ‘cry’
The Hill and Weasel Zippers

Sidney Lumet, Director of American Film Classics, Dies at 86 — Sidney Lumet, a director who preferred the streets of New York to the back lots of Hollywood and whose stories of conscience — “12 Angry Men,” “Serpico,” “Dog Day Afternoon,” “The Verdict,” “Network” — became modern American film classics …
Runnin' Scared,, Gawker and Gothamist

Soldiers and Protesters Clash in Cairo — CAIRO (AP) — Demonstrators burned cars and barricaded themselves with barbed wire inside a central Cairo square demanding the resignation of the military's head after troops violently dispersed an overnight protest killing one and injuring 71.
Questions and Observations and

Kyl Walks Back Planned Parenthood Claim: It ‘Was Not Intended To Be A Factual Statement’ — As ThinkProgress reported earlier today, Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) defended Republicans' willingness to shut down the government over funding for Planned Parenthood by falsely claiming that abortion is …
The Huffington Post, Washington Monthly, Blogcritics, Crooks and Liars, ECHIDNE of the snakes, The Raw Story, Daily Kos and CBS News

The Success Of Hostage-Taking Highlights The Importance of Elections — Details on the appropriations deal are still hard to come by, but you don't need the details to know that substantial short-term cuts in domestic discretionary spending will hurt the poor while harming macroeconomic performance.
Washington Monthly

US to fund $20m remake of Sesame Street for Pakistan — The show will be set in a Pakistan village and be mostly in Urdu — The United States is funding a Pakistani remake of the popular TV children's show Sesame Street. — In a new effort to win hearts and minds in Pakistan, USAID …

Ending America as We Know It — Hey, it's the weekend, and everyone's singing the same maddeningly catchy refrain! Rebecca Black's “Friday”? Nah, that was last week's moronic singalong. This week's is even perkier! “Paul Ryan proposes to end Medicare as we know it,” sings former Clinton chief of staff John Podesta.
That Mr. G Guy's Blog and Questions and Observations

Muslims offended by Trinny & Susannah — Channel 10 apologizes for ads showing British fashion advisors in immodest clothing against backdrop of al-Aqsa Mosque — Eran Baron — Channel 10 apologized for the incident on Wednesday evening and promised to change the ads immediately.
Weasel Zippers and Jihad Watch