Top Items:

Trump Will ‘Probably’ Run as Independent If He Doesn't Win GOP Nomination — Donald Trump will “probably” run as an independent candidate for U.S. President in 2012 if he does not receive the Republican party's nomination, he told the Wall Street Journal in a video interview on Monday.
CNN, The Hill, GOP 12, Taegan Goddard's …, The Reality-Based Community and HotAirPundit

“Best Wishes, Donald Trump”: A Future President's Letter to Vanity Fair — The Donald has inveighed (in Sharpie!) against our intrepid blogger. We found his comments so delightful, we had to share. — It was with great delight and a sense of kinship that we at Vanity Fair read Donald Trump's letter …

Michele Bachmann takes on heckler in Iowa — IOWA CITY, Iowa — Michele Bachmann said again Monday that the American intervention in Libya was a mistake — but this time she had to talk over a heckler who shouted vulgarities at her. — Jenny Watkins, 22, shouted at Bachmann …

Ron Paul antes up on abortion — Ron Paul on Monday created some distance between himself and his fellow libertarians on abortion, telling a gathering of social conservatives in Iowa that protecting the unborn is integral to his philosophy. — Speaking for the Iowa Family Leader's …
Top of the Ticket and Little Green Footballs

D.C. Mayor Vince Gray arrested on Capitol Hill — Washington, D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray and other top city officials were arrested on Capitol Hill Monday during a protest of the budget deal House Republicans cut with President Barack Obama. — A crowd of about 200 to 300 gathered near …
TBD All News, The Caucus, Weasel Zippers and InvestmentWatch

Gray, D.C. Council members arrested in protest — Updated, 6:22 p.m.: Mayor Vincent Gray, D.C. Council Chairman Kwame Brown (D) and council members Yvette M. Alexander (D-Ward 7), Tommy Wells (D-Ward 6), Muriel Bowser (D-Ward 4) and Michael A. Brown (I-At Large) have been arrested by U.S. Capitol Police officers.
Firedoglake, MyDD and The Raw Story

Japan rates nuclear crisis at highest severity level — TOKYO — Japanese authorities raised Tuesday their rating of the severity of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear crisis to the highest level on an international scale, equal to that of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.
The Agonist and AMERICAblog News

Statement & Account of Ramona Kitzinger, Waukesha Board of Canvassers member since 2004: — (Waukesha County Democratic Party)On Tuesday night, I received a voice message from someone in the office of Clerk Kathy Nickolaus informing me of a Wednesday canvass meeting, which I returned …

Democrat on Waukesha County vote panel speaks out — By Laurel Walker of the Journal Sentinel — Waukesha - The Democrat on the Waukesha County Board of Canvassers who was widely quoted as endorsing Waukesha County's official ballot count that flipped the Supreme Court winner last week has more to say.

Obama to draw sharp contrast with GOP over deficit — In a speech Wednesday, the president is expected to call for higher taxes on wealthier Americans, as opposed to Republican plans to slash Medicare and Medicaid. — Reporting from Washington — President Obama will call for shrinking …
Left Coast Rebel, Suburban Guerrilla and Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Gas Prices Climbing Toward $5 Per Gallon — CHICAGO (CBS) - At one time, $5 per gallon gas seemed like a farfetched idea, but that is no longer the case. — As CBS 2's Roseanne Tellez reports, as of Monday, the average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline in the Chicago area is $4.11 …
theblogprof,, Power Line, Scared Monkeys, The Politico and The Lonely Conservative

Trump: Obama Is to Blame For High Oil Prices
The Brody File, The Gateway Pundit, Washington Wire and Pajamas Media

Our Structural Disadvantage — The intertubes are clogged with the choral wailing of frustrated liberals. Digby provides a good example, but the same is available pretty much anywhere else you'd think to look. … This is exactly right. But what's strange is that it almost seems to come as a surprise to people.
Outside the Beltway, Zandar Versus The Stupid and odd time signatures

Where Hippie Punching Gets You
The TrogloPundit, Eschaton and Shakesville

President Open to Deal on Debt Cap — White House officials have opened the door to a deal with Republicans that would allow the U.S. to increase its ability to borrow, potentially easing worries in financial markets that the country might default on its debt.
Washington Monthly, TalkLeft, Washington Post, The New Republic, FiveThirtyEight, Keith Hennessey, The Page and Daily Kos

Democrat in Missouri to Oppose Health Care Law — KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Missouri's Democratic attorney general broke with his party on Monday and urged a federal judge to invalidate the central provision of the new health care law. — The filing of the court brief by Attorney General Chris Koster …
Moe Lane, Scared Monkeys, Hotline On Call, Weasel Zippers, Don Surber, Pajamas Media and The Volokh Conspiracy

Chris Matthews: Paul Ryan's Medicare Plan Will ‘Kill Half the People Who Watch My Show’ — MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Monday spent much of show scaring viewers about Congressman Paul Ryan's (R-Wisc.) recently released budget proposal. — So apoplectic was the “Hardball” …
Weasel Zippers

The Moderate Voice and Booman Tribune

Blaska Blogs the smoking gun of the teachers union's illegal sick-out — Only a fool would think that the sick out that closed down Madison schools for five days in February was anything but an illegal, union-coordinated, illegal strike. — But there are a lot of fools in Madison, aren't there?
Chicago Boyz

Pakistan Tells U.S. to Halt Drones — Pakistan has privately demanded the Central Intelligence Agency suspend drone strikes against militants on its territory, one of the U.S.'s most effective weapons against al Qaeda and Taliban leaders, officials said. — Pakistan has also asked the U.S …

Chicago school bans homemade lunches, the latest in national food fight — Students who attend Chicago's Little Village Academy public school get nothing but nutritional tough love during their lunch period each day. The students can either eat the cafeteria food—or go hungry.

Koran Burned in Iran (video) — Two anonymous young men in Iran, one Iranian and one Afghan, have burned a Koran in protest. This seven-and-a-half minute long video shows the two men, their faces obscured, holding the Muslim holy book and reading prepared statements.
Israel Matzav, The TrogloPundit, The Jawa Report and Moonbattery

Chevy Recalls Cruze After A Steering Wheel Falls Off … Imagine turning your car's steering wheel, or giving it a gentle tug, and having it break away from the steering column. Now you're speeding along holding the suddenly useless wheel. — It sounds like a vision from a cartoon, or every driver's nightmare.
The Lonely Conservative, Don Surber, Pajamas Media and InvestmentWatch

Barack Obama faces problem on left, not right — I don't think Barack Obama will have a hard time defeating his Republican opponent in 2012, barring a financial meltdown or a major foreign crisis. It's a Democratic opponent he should worry about. — Obama continues to anger progressives …
Guardian and Betsy's Page

Six-month spending bill unveiled: What's cut and what's not — House and Senate appropriators revealed details of the 2011 spending-cut deal early Tuesday morning, missing a self-imposed midnight deadline. — In dueling press releases, House Republicans emphasized the magnitude of cuts …
AMERICAblog News

Leading California Democratic strategist Kam Kuwata dies at 57 — This post has been corrected. See the note at the bottom for details. — Kam Kuwata, one of California's leading Democratic political strategists and a droll wit whose lively quotes and keen analyses enlivened many campaigns …
Ben Smith's Blog, The Informer and Hotline On Call

Jonathan Alter out at Newsweek — The final member of the “Newsweek Six” has left the building. — Jonathan Alter, the only remaining member of the gang of television-loving newsweekly scribes so dubbed by Slate's Jack Shafer, is no longer with the publication.
New York Magazine, more at Mediagazer »