Top Items:

Why Trump Soars — Very few people have the luxury of being freely obnoxious. Most people have to watch what they say for fear of offending their bosses and colleagues. Others resist saying anything that might make them unpopular. — But, in every society, there are a few rare souls …

Economic anxiety threatens Obama in 2012, but in poll he edges GOP rivals — Deepening economic pessimism has pushed down President Obama's approval rating to a near record low, but he holds an early advantage over prospective 2012 rivals in part because of widespread dissatisfaction …

Climate Denialism Promoter Fred Hiatt Hits American Conservatives For Embrace of Climate Denialism — The earth's climate is shifting. Most generally, the planet is getting warmer. And while many factors contribute to the earth's climate, the key factor in the warming trend is human industrial activity.

Huckabee up in Iowa, Romney otherwise
GOP 12, Ben Smith's Blog and Ballot Box

Race to the Bottom: Obama, GOP Unpopular
Weasel Zippers, Sky Dancing, Washington Post and GOP 12

TRENDING: Poll shows GOP not happy with its prez candidates
Hot Air, Washington Post, The Political Carnival and Daily Kos

Barack Obama Chides Local Reporter For His Interruptive And Combative Interview — President Barack Obama conducted interviews with a number of reporters yesterday at the White House, talking up his administration's efforts to reduce the budget deficit. One lucky reporter to get the plum assignment …
The Blaze, Babalú Blog, Balloon Juice and Weasel Zippers

Is Obama Messing With Texas? — President Obama's political advisers often talk about how population shifts in the country could create new electoral battlegrounds, pointing specifically to Arizona, Georgia and Texas. — There are several signs that aides to the president have Texas on their minds.
bizjournals, RedState and HotAirPundit

Obama: Failure to reduce debt will hurt economy — ANNANDALE, Virginia (AP) — President Barack Obama on Tuesday promoted his plan to scale back spending without slashing aid to education, energy and science, acknowledging to a town hall crowd that mounting deficits could inflict “serious damage” on the country.
Fox Nation and The Daily Caller

Obama revives immigration reform — In the face of mounting political pressure, President Obama will focus on the issue at a White House meeting Tuesday. — President Obama is reviving the issue of immigration reform in the face of mounting political pressure as he readies his bid for reelection.
The Caucus, JammieWearingFool, The Political Carnival, Weasel Zippers and National Review

News 8 goes one-on-one with President Obama
Fox News, and Pajamas Media

Obama to make Easter Prayer Breakfast an annual event
Associated Press, Ben Smith's Blog, protein wisdom,, CNN and The Lonely Conservative

Obama the media critic: Say something mean, get on TV
Weasel Zippers, The Gateway Pundit and Shakesville

Gov. Jindal will sign ‘birther’ bill if it reaches his desk — BATON ROUGE — Gov. Bobby Jindal would sign a bill requiring presidential candidates to provide a copy of their birth certificate to qualify for the Louisiana ballot if it reaches his desk, a spokesman said Monday.
FOX 10 News, This Just In, Talking Points Memo, First Draft, TPMDC and Little Green Footballs

Jan Brewer vetoes birther bill, guns bill
TPMDC, Associated Press and Outside the Beltway

Why Gov. Brewer Vetoed Arizona's ‘Birther’ Bill: ‘It Serves No Purpose’ | On the Record
Washington Wire and Ballot Box

Today's (Needless) Hysteria: the S&P Panic — I agree with Clive Crook's puzzlement about the S&P downgrade “bombshell” today: … And I like James K. Galbraith's derisive guffaw, as reported by Dave Lindorff: … I know that markets run on fear, greed, instinct, and panic as much as on logic.
New York Times, Paul Krugman, Brad DeLong's Grasping Reality …, The Daily Dish, Balloon Juice, Truthdig and CEPR

An ‘Oh Please!’ Moment: Is S&P Running Interference for the Right to Help Crush Social Security and Medicare? — by: — Today'sbreathless anxiety-inducing headline was that Standard & Poors, the rating agency, has issued a “negative outlook” warning on US sovereign debt, claiming that the US …
The Atlantic Online, New Deal 2.0, naked capitalism, Crooked Timber, Prairie Weather and Suburban Guerrilla

Donald Trump: Reagan Was A Con Man Who Couldn't ‘Deliver The Goods’ — Today, real estate mogul Donald Trump proudly declares that Ronald Reagan is the President he admires most. Here's Trump on the April 14 edition of Hannity: … Watch it: — But in his bestselling book, Art of the Deal …
Ben Smith's Blog and Washington Post

NY's GOP delegation not sold on Trump
Discussion:, FrumForum and Prairie Weather

DCCC LAUNCHES LATEST DRIVE FOR 25 CAMPAIGN — The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) today announced it is launching a paid advertising and grassroots campaign to hold 25 vulnerable House Republicans accountable for choosing to end Medicare rather than end taxpayer giveaways …
Washington Monthly, Ben Smith's Blog, TPMDC and Oliver Willis

DCCC hitting 25 House Republicans with radio ads over Ryan budget

Secret memos expose link between oil firms and invasion of Iraq — Plans to exploit Iraq's oil reserves were discussed by government ministers and the world's largest oil companies the year before Britain took a leading role in invading Iraq, government documents show.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland and Truthdig

Thought the financial crisis was bad? Wait till the debt ceiling caves in. — Timothy Geithner does not want the market to smell his fear. “I want to make one thing perfectly clear,” he said Sunday. “Congress will raise the debt ceiling.” But if there was truly so little doubt …
Balloon Juice

“How much more black could this be? And the answer is none. None more black.” — Having been forced by the EPA to ship her signature little black dress (seen here and here and here) to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory where it will be processed and incinerated, Ann Coulter announces …
Rising Hegemon

VIDEO: New Hampshire Tea Party Activists Don't See Harm From State Same-Sex Marriage Law — ThinkProgress filed this report from Concord, New Hampshire. — During a recent trip to Concord, New Hampshire, to cover a Tax Day Tea Party sponsored by Americans for Prosperity …
Pam's House Blend, The Gavel, The Raw Story and Towleroad News #gay

REVEALED: Boehner's High-Priced Lawyer Is Charging the American Taxpayer $520 Per Hour — ThinkProgress has obtained a copy of the contract House Republicans signed with Paul Clement, a former Solicitor General who earns $5 million a year, to defend the unconstitutional Defense of Marriage Act.
Washington Monthly, The Huffington Post, Little Green Footballs and The BLT

Durbin warns Gang of Six deficit plan could produce Social Security cuts — Lawmakers shouldn't be so quick to rule out changes or cuts to Social Security, a top Senate Democrat participating in bipartisan Gang of Six talks says in a new interview. — Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) …
Firedoglake, Booman Tribune and FrumForum

Poll: Best way to fight deficits: Raise taxes on the rich — WASHINGTON — Alarmed by rising national debt and increasingly downbeat about their country's course, Americans are clear about how they want to attack the government's runway budget deficits: raise taxes on the wealthy and keep hands off of Medicare and Medicaid.
Outside the Beltway, The Raw Story and Wonkette

Big U.S. Firms Shift Hiring Abroad — Work Forces Shrink at Home, Sharpening Debate on Economic Impact of Globalization — U.S. multinational corporations, the big brand-name companies that employ a fifth of all American workers, have been hiring abroad while cutting back at home …
ThinkProgress, The Foundry, Global Public Square and The Impolitic

Trump: I'll Release My Tax Returns When Obama Releases His Birth Certificate — Donald Trump has promised to disclose the details of his finances if he decides to run for president, but not necessarily his tax returns. In our interview yesterday, he laid out a new condition for their release.
Arizona Republic, The Note, TPMDC and GOP 12

Classic kids games like kickball deemed unsafe by state in effort to increase summer camp regulation — State bureaucrats have created a list of ‘risky activities’ for kids at summer camp. The list includes freeze tag, Wiffle Ball and kickball, among other games and activities.
Weasel Zippers and JammieWearingFool