Top Items:

VIDEO: Paul Ryan Booed At Town Hall For Defending Tax Breaks For The Wealthy — ThinkProgress filed this report from a town hall meeting in Milton, WI. — Earlier this week, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) embarked on a series of town halls across his southern Wisconsin congressional district.
TPMDC, The Gateway Pundit, Wonk Room, Sky Dancing, Indecision Forever, Hullabaloo and Raw Replay

Poll shows Americans oppose entitlement cuts to deal with debt problem — Despite growing concerns about the country's long-term fiscal problems and an intensifying debate in Washington about how to deal with them, Americans strongly oppose some of the major remedies under consideration …
Capital Gains and Games blogs, The Huffington Post, Charleston Gazette, AMERICAblog News, Hot Air, Firedoglake, Guardian, The Raw Story, Outside the Beltway, Washington Monthly, Poll Watch Daily, The New Republic, Daily Kos, ThinkProgress, Maggie's Farm, Harry's Place, National Review, Little Green Footballs, FrumForum, Connecting.the.Dots and McClatchy Washington Bureau

Entitlement-hating Paul Ryan collected Social Security benefits until he was 18 — I guess it's only when social programs help other people that they're bad, because I haven't seen Paul Ryan acknowledging how Social Security benefits helped him and his family in trying times: … Continued below...
Weasel Zippers, The Raw Story, Nice Deb and No More Mister Nice Blog

Dems needn't negotiate — Shudders went through the Beltway on Monday on the news that Standard & Poor's had lowered its outlook for U.S. debt because of its “fears” that the Democrats and Republicans wouldn't be able to come together to eliminate the deficit.
The Politico and Hullabaloo

IGNORING ‘THE AMERICAN PEOPLE’.... Following up on an earlier item …
WBUR, Eschaton and Little Green Footballs

BELTWAY CONFIDENTIAL — Liberals attack Paul Ryan …
Conservatives4Palin, National Review and POWIP

Budget Deal Forcing More Taxes, Spending Cuts Circulates in U.S. Congress

Pawlenty to release budget plan
National Review, FrumForum and AmSpecBlog

Wonkette Editor Comments on Reprehensible Birthday Greeting to Trig Palin — Political humor website Wonkette has long been trending toward nihilistic snark for snark's sake, but Jack Stuef's column “honoring” Trig Palin's birthday is about the most irredeemably vile, unfunny thing I've ever seen.
Discussion:, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Pajamas Media, Big Journalism and Riehl World View

Boycotting Wonkette [UPDATE: Probation] — UPDATE: Wonkette editor Ken Layne looped me in on an e-mail to AdWeek, in which he wrote that Steuf has been admonished. … Behold the new media. On Monday evening, Wonkette's Jack Steuf posted a “children's treasury of Trig [Palin] crap” …
The Jawa Report and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

Sarah Palin's Version Of Trig's Birth May Be More Troubling Than The Hoax — This past week, the draft of an academic paper that focuses on the 2008 birth of Sarah Palin's son, Trig Paxson Van Palin, and the various theories that surround his birth, was made public prior to publication through …
Ben Smith's Blog and FrumForum

Wonkette Makes Fun of Trig Palin, Calls Him “Retarded” — The Wonkette brand of Myspace satire strikes again. Calling him the “greatest prop in history,” Wonkette proceeds to make fun of the little boy on his birthday because that's what good writers who know about politics do.
Discussion:, and Riehl World View

Trumped — The GOP establishment's futile battle against Donald Trump. — During the 2008 election cycle, Mitt Romney was often accused of treating politics more like a consumer-focused business than an exercise in leadership. “My view is, we ought to double Guantanamo,” he said …
TPMCafe, No More Mister Nice Blog and

Trump Most Visible Among Possible GOP Contenders
Wall Street Journal, Hot Air, Poll Watch Daily, The Atlantic Online, Washington Wire, Ballot Box and Indecision Forever

How to Beat Trump — This post by Ed Kilgore about Donald Trump seems to me very astute.
No More Mister Nice Blog

4/20: Campaign 2012: Obama's Re-election Chances
Hot Air and The Political Carnival

Poll: Obama at 46 percent to Romney's 45
The Politico, Weasel Zippers and HotAirPundit

Obama's Young Mother Abroad — The photograph showed the son, but my eye gravitated toward the mother. That first glimpse was surprising — the stout, pale-skinned woman in sturdy sandals, standing squarely a half-step ahead of the lithe, darker-skinned figure to her left.
The Atlantic Online, Don Surber, Indecision Forever, The Daily What, The Political Carnival, Wonkette, The Awl, Swampland, Oliver Willis, The Reaction, Althouse and The Page

‘Restrepo’ Director and a Photographer Killed in Libya — BENGHAZI, Libya — Tim Hetherington, the conflict photographer who was a director and producer of the film “Restrepo,” was killed in the besieged city of Misurata on Wednesday, and three photographers working beside him were wounded …

iPhone keeps record of everywhere you go — Privacy fears raised as researchers reveal file on iPhone that stores location coordinates and timestamps of owner's movements — Security researchers have discovered that Apple's iPhone keeps track of where you go - and saves every detail …

Got an iPhone or 3G iPad? Apple is recording your moves
The Politico, New York Times, Washington Post and ReadWriteWeb, more at Techmeme »

Apple is Logging and Storing All Your iPhone's Location Data
Pajamas Media, Gothamist and Vox Popoli

University of Iowa Professor Tells College Republicans to “F” Off — A University of Iowa professor felt the need to reply to a blast email by the College Republicans on Monday morning. Ellen Lewin, a professor of Anthropology and Gender, Women's & Sexuality Studies in the Department of Gender …
National Review, The Gateway Pundit and Weasel Zippers

The Right Bailing The Left Out On Spending — I wrote about this earlier in the specific context of Grover Norquist, but Elise Foley's account of the Obama administration's rapidly unraveling deficit reduction initiative is another illustration of the fact that at the moment the right is big government's best friend:

Bachmann Says Obama's Certificate ‘Settles’ Birther Issue — For the first time, Rep. Michele Bachmann - who is actively considering a run for the White House in 2012 — has said that the birth certificate President Obama has released to the public puts an end to the “birther” issue.
TPMDC, Washington Monthly,*, Mediaite, News Hounds,, 24Ahead, Outside the Beltway, Wonkette and National Review

The $4 trillion gap: Obama vs. Ryan, an apples-to-apples budget comparison — OK, let's try and actually compare the new Obama budget plan — “The Framework for Shared Prosperity and Shared Fiscal Responsibility” — with Rep. Paul Ryan's “Path to Prosperity.”
The Sundries Shack, National Review, The Daily Dish and*

The Death of Roe v. Wade — Supporters and opponents of abortion seem to agree: It's no longer the law of the land. — Supporters and opponents of abortion agree on nothing. One side says this is a conversation about fertilized eggs; the other says it's about fetuses.
Shakesville, Law Blog, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Crooks and Liars, Guardian, National Review and

Otter Signs Order Banning Health Care Reform — Order Prohibits State From Receiving Federal Funds — BOISE, Idaho — Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter signed an executive order on Wednesday that prohibits receiving federal funding for or otherwise implementing the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
Weasel Zippers and The Gateway Pundit

Obama administration officials tried to keep S&P rating at ‘stable’ — The Obama administration privately urged Standard & Poor's in recent weeks not to lower its outlook on the United States — a suggestion the ratings agency ignored Monday, two people familiar with the matter said.

Big Brothers: Thought Control at Koch — On the eve of the November midterm elections, Koch Industries sent an urgent letter to most of its 50,000 employees advising them on whom to vote for and warning them about the dire consequences to their families, their jobs and their country should they choose to vote otherwise.
Firedoglake, ThinkProgress, Ben Smith's Blog, Wonkette and Washington Monthly

Obama Panel to Curb Medicare Finds Foes in Both Parties — WASHINGTON — Democrats and Republicans are joining to oppose one of the most important features of President Obama's new deficit reduction plan, a powerful independent board that could make sweeping cuts in the growth of Medicare spending.
The New Republic, Liberal Values, National Review, Paul Krugman, Wonk Room, Modeled Behavior, Yglesias, Opinion L.A., Washington Monthly and Taylor Marsh