Top Items:
The Note:
Mitt Romney Sends Leftover Pizza to Obama Chicago HQ — ABC's Emily Friedman (@abcemily) reports: After spending the day in Chicago fundraising, Mitt Romney sat down with small business owners at Gino's East, a pizza joint famous for their deep-dish pizza. — Not wanting any of the leftover slices …
New York Magazine
Tom Jensen / Public Policy Polling:
Electoral Consequences of the Rapture
Electoral Consequences of the Rapture
Weasel Zippers, Hot Air, Liberal Values and GOP 12
Stephanie Condon / CBS News:
Romney, Palin lead in new GOP poll, Herman Cain not far behind
Romney, Palin lead in new GOP poll, Herman Cain not far behind
Gallup, CBS News, ThinkProgress, FiveThirtyEight and Firedoglake
Romney to announce candidacy for president in New Hampshire
Romney to announce candidacy for president in New Hampshire
The Politico, Conservatives4Palin, Mediaite, The Note and Gallup
Michael O'Brien / The Hill:
DNC chairwoman doesn't drive American — The chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) appears to drive a foreign car, despite criticizing Republican presidential candidates for supposedly favoring foreign auto manufacturers. — Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) …
Weekly Standard, The Lonely Conservative, Weasel Zippers, Michelle Malkin, RedState and The Foundry

DNC chairwoman supports U.S. auto industry so much she owns a Japanese car
The Gateway Pundit, The Hill, Weasel Zippers and Nice Deb
John McCormack / Weekly Standard:
DNC Chair: Republicans Are Waging a ‘War on Women’
DNC Chair: Republicans Are Waging a ‘War on Women’
TPMDC, and AmSpecBlog

Palin's “Exploratory” Campaign: A Nationwide Bus Tour — DES MOINES, Iowa — In a move designed to propel her closer to a presidential run, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will set out on a bus tour of the country on Sunday, making stops at symbolic sites along the way.
SarahPAC, The Last Refuge, TBogg, Big Government, Washington Post, Top of the Ticket, No More Mister Nice Blog,, Hot Air, Wake up America, Guardian, Michelle Malkin, Conservatives4Palin, Politics, New York Magazine, TPMDC, Examiner, Yglesias, The Moderate Voice,, Gawker, Little Green Footballs, Salon, The Right Scoop, Roger Ailes, Pajamas Media, GOP 12 and National Review

Sarah Palin to tour East Coast, New Hampshire — Sarah Palin is launching a nationwide bus tour starting Sunday in Washington, a Palin source has confirmed to POLITICO. — The first stop will be at the annual Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally. Palin will then travel up the East Coast …
CNN, The Note, and Althouse
Dan Balz / Washington Post:
Sarah Palin readies bus tour amid 2012 speculation
Sarah Palin readies bus tour amid 2012 speculation
The Last Refuge, Scared Monkeys, The Raw Story, USA Today and Pundit Press

Disaster aid under new scrutiny — While much of Joplin, Mo., is still under rubble from a devastating tornado, conservatives in Congress are starting to argue for a tougher approach to disaster aid, demanding that any funding be offset by cutting federal money elsewhere.

Patriot Act clears House, Senate
Ballot Box, The Note and CNN
Julian Sanchez / Cato @ Liberty:
Manufactured Panic over Patriot Act
Manufactured Panic over Patriot Act
Weigel, Emptywheel and Salon
Corey Boles / Washington Wire:
Sen. Rand Paul Delays Renewal of Patriot Act Provisions
Sen. Rand Paul Delays Renewal of Patriot Act Provisions
Hit & Run, Outside the Beltway and Left Coast Rebel
Sam Stein / The Huffington Post:
Rand Paul's Controversial Gun Records Amendment May Get Patriot Act Vote After All
Rand Paul's Controversial Gun Records Amendment May Get Patriot Act Vote After All
Roll Call, Danger Room, The Politico, Emptywheel and Hot Air

The Dreamer Goes Down For The Count — I had never thought there were many similarities between the pleasure-loving Charles II of England and the more upright Barack Obama until this week. Listening to his speeches on the Middle East at the State Department, US-Israel relations …
American Prospect, Eunomia, Mondoweiss, Transterrestrial Musings, Wake up America, FrumForum and Commentary Magazine

Invoking Hitler, Allen West Accuses Obama Of ‘Conscious, Nefarious, And Malicious Intent’ To Destroy Israel
The Daily Pulp and Alan Colmes' Liberaland
Jennifer Rubin / Washington Post:
In Britain Obama repeats his error on Israel
In Britain Obama repeats his error on Israel
The White House and Moe Lane
Doug Saunders / Globe and Mail:
On Israel, Harper stands alone at G8 summit
On Israel, Harper stands alone at G8 summit
Politics, Weasel Zippers, Jihad Watch and The Daily Dish
The Hill:
GOP forces Senate pro-forma session, blocking Warren recess appointment — GOP opposition is preventing the Senate from completely adjourning for the Memorial Day recess. — GOP opposition is preventing the Senate from completely adjourning for the Memorial Day recess.
naked capitalism,*, Pajamas Media and The Lonely Conservative

Mark Zuckerberg's new challenge: Eating only what he kills (and yes, we do mean literally...) — Last year Mark Zuckerberg set out to learn Chinese. Now he's determined to get in touch with his food. If the goats, lobsters and chickens of Silicon Valley aren't trembling, they should be.
Gawker, Runnin' Scared, Althouse, Gothamist, Vox Popoli and Alan Colmes' Liberaland, more at Techmeme »

$500 Million Obama Administration Program Will Help Kids ‘Sit Still’ in Kindergarten — ( - Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told on Wednesday that the administration's new $500 million early learning initiative is designed to deal with children …
Discussion:, The Lonely Conservative and Don Surber
Steven Greenhouse / New York Times:
Judge Voids Wisconsin Law Curbing Unions — Ruling that Republicans in the State Senate had violated the state's open meetings law, a judge in Wisconsin dealt a blow to them and to Gov. Scott Walker on Thursday by granting a permanent injunction that voided a law curbing collective bargaining rights for many state and local employees.
Pete Kasperowicz / The Hill:
House defeats effort to scale down Afghan war in close 204-215 vote — The House on Thursday narrowly shot down an amendment to scale back military operations in Afghanistan. — In a close 204-215 vote, the House rejected a bipartisan amendment from Reps. James McGovern (D-Mass.) …
Daily Kos, Booman Tribune and FrumForum

Pakistan shuts down U.S. ‘intelligence fusion’ cells — Pakistan also tells the U.S. to cut back its troops in the country, in a move amid deepening mistrust after the U.S. raid to kill Osama bin Laden and a CIA contractor's shooting of two Pakistani men. Joints Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen heads to Pakistan for talks.
TalkLeft and TheAustralian
Greg Miller / Washington Post:
CIA to search bin Laden compound
CIA to search bin Laden compound
Guardian, Reuters, and Battleland

Allen West Suggests Anti-War Congressmen Should ‘Get Shot At A Few Times’ — In the wake of the killing of Osama Bin Laden, the House came closer than it ever has to voting for an end to the war in Afghanistan today when a bipartisan amendment that would have required President Obama …
Discussion:, Weasel Zippers and The Daily Pulp
The Note:
John Edwards Meets Privately with Bunny Mellon, Potential Witness in Cover Up Case — ABC's James Hill reports: John Edwards, while facing looming criminal indictment, spent the afternoon in Upperville, Virginia, visiting one of the key players in the alleged scheme to cover-up his affair.
CNN and Ben Smith's Blog
Jon Walker / Firedoglake:
Vermont's Road to Single Payer: HHS Waivers Required; You Can Help … Today Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin signed a truly historic law that will put Vermont on the path towards being the first state in America with a progressive and unified health care system.
Consumer Reports News, delawareonline and Truthdig
Matthew Yglesias / Yglesias:
The Growth And Success Of Post-Jewish Zionism — Tanya Somanader has a post about a curious op-ed from Joe Walsh (R-IL) in which he castigates “most American Jews” for our insufficiently hawkish views on Israel. And over the weekend Dan Webster (R-FL) offered a plausible rebuttal …
The Daily Caller, Israel Matzav, ThinkProgress, PERRspectives and Capital J | JTA
The Atlantic Online:
The Greatest Achievement of the Settlers — The settlers of the West Bank have accomplished a great many things: They have built entire towns on previously-barren hilltops; they have created a network of schools, religious institutions and cultural centers that rival their counterparts in Israel proper.
The Daily Dish, Pajamas Media and THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS

Goodwin Liu Withdraws … Like This Story … - The Real Reason the GOP Blocked Goodwin Liu's Nomination: He's Too Young- Authorities Have Four Months To Make Loughner Mentally Fit for Trial. How Will They Do It? - Having a Real Hangover Is More Fun Than Watching The Hangover 2- Pop-Up Video Is Making a Comeback.

Clinton walks back debt remarks — Though many in his party have been furiously warning about the dire consequences of failing to raise the debt ceiling, former President Bill Clinton isn't so sure. — “If we defaulted on the debt once for a few days, it might not be calamitous,” …
United States Senator …, Firedoglake, Hullabaloo and Raw Replay
U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis:
Gross Domestic Product, First Quarter 2011 (second estimate); Corporate Profits, First Quarter 2011 (preliminary estimate) — Real gross domestic product — the output of goods and services produced by labor and property located in the United States — increased at an annual rate of 1.8 percent …
Washington Post, Daily Kos, Clusterstock and FrumForum